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  1. Blood Angels tanks useless in the 6th? (34 replies)
  2. Is Close Combat Viable This Edition? (17 replies)
  3. Storm Trooper Orders, AM vs. MT? (2 replies)
  4. Archon loadout fun time! (10 replies)
  5. Plasma Paskstar (8 replies)
  6. Ok trying to expand on my Nurgle army. (3 replies)
  7. The Old Guard is dead Astra Militarum Tactics - Part Two HQ's & Orders (0 replies)
  8. Necron looking for Immortal and other tips (0 replies)
  9. Checkout my Astra Militarum Tactics - Part One HQ's & Orders video (0 replies)
  10. Librarian upgrade question??? (5 replies)
  11. Starting Necrons and Want Some Advice (20 replies)
  12. Carcharadons Conundrum (3 replies)
  13. How would you use Scabeiathrax in a game of Escalation (3 replies)
  14. Askin' for a wee bit of SW player asistance.. (3 replies)
  15. Tactics? Rearding Combat Squads and special weapons. (8 replies)
  16. Stronghold Assault Tactics for Farsight Enclaves (3 replies)
  17. Models like Lias Issodon (11 replies)
  18. Can Nurglings use gun turrets due to having BS 3? (12 replies)
  19. Never used Bikes before so I need some advice before I add them to my list? (12 replies)
  20. Makes me want to take two or three units of ratlings every game. (8 replies)
  21. [kill team 200] - help me pick one (2 replies)
  22. SM Escalation Lord of War- Fellblade? (4 replies)
  23. Adapting your old list to Escalation, Imperial Knights, Formations and more. (8 replies)
  24. The King is DEAD! - Playing against the Knight Titan Tactics (7 replies)
  25. Suggestions for a starter army. (32 replies)
  26. Chaplin vs. Librarian Comparisons? (4 replies)
  27. Legacies of Glory and you (11 replies)
  28. Chaos Reign or Fire, army concept (1 replies)
  29. scare your enemy off the table army, help needed. (7 replies)
  30. Blood Angels in Cities of Death Kill Team (9 replies)
  31. Slaanesh CSM Tactics (15 replies)
  32. Apoc decision (7 replies)
  33. Devastator Squad Layout? (14 replies)
  34. Knights vs Librarian's Force Weapon Instant Death (2 replies)
  35. Necrons vs imperial knights? (15 replies)
  36. Assault Marines - what to do? (5 replies)
  37. Hail to the King- Imperial Knight Tactics & Overview (1 replies)
  38. chaos/csm vs eldar wave serpants.... 2000pts (5 replies)
  39. 40K Battle Report and Tactics - Spikeybits Battlecast (0 replies)
  40. Starting a Pre-heresy army just got the Space Marine codex (3 replies)
  41. Space Marine Gunslingers (11 replies)
  42. Chainfist vs Seismic Hammer (8 replies)
  43. SW + SM + INQ drop pods + storm wing - Planetary assault force.... (6 replies)
  44. New Knights army. (30 replies)
  45. Holy Tools for use against the nefarious Xenos (Dark angels in need of help vs eldar) (5 replies)
  46. Getting Pressure to Start Eldar Again (33 replies)
  47. Straight eldar list... Let me know what you think? (12 replies)
  48. how to defeat draigo and friends with static IG and chaos allies. (10 replies)
  49. reserving forces, how much is too much? (1 replies)
  50. Which army/ies have the most deployment options? (7 replies)
  51. Improving on the Blood Angels (9 replies)
  52. Improving on the Space Wolves (2 replies)
  53. Imperial Guard love. (12 replies)
  54. local meta: What should I play? (6 replies)
  55. Tyranid Tactica (114 replies)
  56. Teach Me How to Inquisition (22 replies)
  57. Tyranids vs Necrons (Assault or Shooty?) (7 replies)
  58. Optimal size for a tactical squad (10 replies)
  59. New tactics for Warlocks : my questions need answers, or at least opinions (9 replies)
  60. Back Field Synapse - Warriors vs Zoanthropes (14 replies)
  61. I AM THE RED TERROR (and so can you!) (17 replies)
  62. Space Marine Flyer Article (1 replies)
  63. A Tyranid Heavy support choice? (19 replies)
  64. Dark Eldar Incubi? (13 replies)
  65. Has the new Tyranid Vanguard dataslate changed your opinion on Tyranid viability? (24 replies)
  66. To Kill a Daemon Prince (21 replies)
  67. dark eldar harlequin tactics (8 replies)
  68. Is a "traitor" inquisitor with "traitor" guard and chaos allies to cheesey? (13 replies)
  69. Command HQ or Expensive Veterans in Chimera? (2 replies)
  70. Why Tyranid Shrikes are better than Tyranid Warriors (11 replies)
  71. Finally Bought the Codex. The Positive view! (13 replies)
  72. Tyranid Tail Biomorphs - worth it? (13 replies)
  73. Weird Eldar/Dark Eldar list and a game against Blood Angels... (4 replies)
  74. Wall o'Fexes! (47 replies)
  75. "Jetseer" Whinging (12 replies)
  76. Best Fortifications? (5 replies)
  77. The Ultimate Tyranid's Comparison (17 replies)
  78. Tyranid Codex Video Review by ToyzntheHood (9 replies)
  79. Altar of War: Tyranids (0 replies)
  80. Nids vs Tau Tactics (9 replies)
  81. Interesting little tidbit, could be helpful to nids? (9 replies)
  82. the super [ed: anti] tyranid combo! (8 replies)
  83. How do we feel about "Crushing Claws" (and other biomorphs)? (26 replies)
  84. Know your Bs—Bug Bunker Basics (2 replies)
  85. Tyranid Fortifications... (5 replies)
  86. Tyranids Regeneration (6 replies)
  87. Bio-Artefacts (30 replies)
  88. Daboarders Nid Review and Tactics (241 replies)
  89. Thinking of Flying Ants (4 replies)
  90. Making the Best of the New Nids (61 replies)
  91. New to Tau (3 replies)
  92. Warp Spiders success stories??? (14 replies)
  93. Seven Days of Glory (10 replies)
  94. Question About Basilisks? (15 replies)
  95. Tau Force restructuring to O'Shova type list. (0 replies)
  96. Bringing the Flame with Stronghold Assault (5 replies)
  97. First games with Iyanden supplement... (1 replies)
  98. Eldar & what to wear to the war (4 replies)
  99. Horus hersey super competatvie (12 replies)
  100. Wall of Martys Imperial Defense Network Configuration (10 replies)
  101. Space Marine Close Combat Army Fire Support Question (6 replies)
  102. Warhammer 40k Army Rankings? (15 replies)
  103. Chapter Split/ 2,000 point game. (5 replies)
  104. IG Forge world HEAVY ARTILLERY Is it viable??? (7 replies)
  105. Flyers and true line of sight... (8 replies)
  106. lord of war hard counter (29 replies)
  107. Tesseract Vault: New Meta for Necrons? (1 replies)
  108. Necron threat on thursday... (7 replies)
  109. Deathwing question (7 replies)
  110. Psyker Battle Squad and The Doomstone (0 replies)
  111. Dire Avenger Exarch options (18 replies)
  112. Some CSM feedback (10 replies)
  113. Grav Centurions + Coteaz (6 replies)
  114. Tau: Getting more markerlights on the field (8 replies)
  115. Stealth Suits with Vespid Support. (0 replies)
  116. Wraithcannon or D-Scythe? (13 replies)
  117. BA Battle Brothers & Inq. Servo Skulls..... (3 replies)
  118. Land Raider Redeemer - Worth It? (16 replies)
  119. Competitive collection for a Tyranids army? (6 replies)
  120. Dark Angels - what next (8 replies)
  121. Will Stronghold Assault make Assault Centurions viable? (10 replies)
  122. Warhammer 40k Tactics: Dice Are A Hinderance (0 replies)
  123. dangerous terrain necrons (5 replies)
  124. HELP! What to buy. (9 replies)
  125. Dark Eldar allies for my Eldar (18 replies)
  126. Marines/Dark Angels with SoB (5 replies)
  127. white scars no bikes??? (6 replies)
  128. Inquisition Codex Quibbles (6 replies)
  129. Necrons: Popping tanks (10 replies)
  130. Defeating the Grey Knights (15 replies)
  131. How to upgrade your Daemon Heralds. (0 replies)
  132. Chaos Marine Tank Hunters (11 replies)
  133. 2v2 Tournament (0 replies)
  134. Non standard Marine Tactics. (9 replies)
  135. Best heavy weapon squad lode out for Gard Blob? (9 replies)
  136. Space Marines Tactica (34 replies)
  137. Eldar v. Tau (4 replies)
  138. Best Scout Heavy Weapon Option? (5 replies)
  139. Sword Brother in a Crusader Squad? (0 replies)
  140. New to Grey Knights (1 replies)
  141. Shooty Terminator question (9 replies)
  142. Anti-Air Options for Space Marines. (15 replies)
  143. Perfecting deployment. (2 replies)
  144. necor (2 replies)
  145. Frontline Gaming Tips, Tricks and Dirty Tactics! (14 replies)
  146. Eldar - rethinking tactics (7 replies)
  147. Tyranids vs Space Marines - 4,000 pts game. advice needed (5 replies)
  148. scout squad with a storm unit idea :) (2 replies)
  149. space marine and space wolf allies (2 replies)
  150. Custom HQ Marine Builds. (9 replies)
  151. Chaos Thunderhawk or Warhound Titan? (4 replies)
  152. How to use Huron Blackheart (7 replies)
  153. Pfftt..Defiler...WAIT WAT???!!!! (11 replies)
  154. Enough Harlequins For Ya'? (5 replies)
  155. Best way to use Apocalypse Tzeentch War Coven (3 replies)
  156. Best Sternguard Loadout? (21 replies)
  157. mobile marines ftw. (8 replies)
  158. Not Saying I Will, but If I WERE to Add IG to My Power Armor... (16 replies)
  159. New Grey Knight's Player. (2 replies)
  160. How To: Space Marine Scouts (12 replies)
  161. Terminator Heavy Flamer? (9 replies)
  162. Thoughts on the Hydra and Manicore (9 replies)
  163. eldar v space marines, dark angels and space wolves? (5 replies)
  164. Should I take Infiltrators? (10 replies)
  165. Tactics to beat the 4 riptide list (45 replies)
  166. Can Mech Marines Compete? (1 replies)
  167. Possible Cheeky Space Wolf Anti-Air Tactic.... (17 replies)
  168. Most Codices have an auto include unit. What is the Space Marine Auto include. (26 replies)
  169. A hoard of (chaos?) marines (13 replies)
  170. Basic squads for bolter drill? (3 replies)
  171. Lysander (5 replies)
  172. Scouts, How to use them? (11 replies)
  173. Which is more competitive Eldar Bike Armies or SM Bike Armies? (28 replies)
  174. Escalation League experiences and a certain race dominating the scene (0 replies)
  175. Grav Bikes VS Grav Centurions (29 replies)
  176. How do you Kit Out Your Stormraven? (13 replies)
  177. Imperial Guard Thud Guns (Quad Launcher) (6 replies)
  178. Blood Angel Sgt. Load Out Questions (7 replies)
  179. Blood Ravens, Chapter Tactics ? (13 replies)
  180. Black Templars and Land Raiders (5 replies)
  181. Centurion Load-Outs (98 replies)
  182. Defense of the Humble Land Speeder Typhoon (16 replies)
  183. Raven Guard Alpha Strike Build (9 replies)
  184. Allies for Orks? (4 replies)
  185. What to get next?... [Dark Angels] (3 replies)
  186. Grav weapons vs. Plasma Weapons: What's your take? (18 replies)
  187. Calgar + Honor Guard = BIG old beat stick! (11 replies)
  188. Making Sisters of Battle (somewhat more) Competitive (8 replies)
  189. What is the best AA for spacemarines (25 replies)
  190. Baal Predator Vs. Vindicator? (12 replies)
  191. Rough Rider Tactica [Imperial Guard] (23 replies)
  192. Tournament list advice (3 replies)
  193. custom characters and balance (10 replies)
  194. Tau Help needed (6 replies)
  195. Help VS Eldar! (4 replies)
  196. Chaos Daemons vs. Tau- Help (1 replies)
  197. Tackling Super Heavies? (20 replies)
  198. Quick! Nurgle Terminators: How to equip and why? (6 replies)
  199. The annoying NECRONS! (6 replies)
  200. Who can beat Death Company? (36 replies)
  201. VOTLW vs ICON of Vangance (12 replies)
  202. Chaos Lord on Tzeentch Disc (9 replies)
  203. Farsight Enclaves Why? (28 replies)
  204. Eldar AA (31 replies)
  205. Eldar questions (7 replies)
  206. The 2 Masters of Deception (2 replies)
  207. Space Marine Assualt Squad... The good, The bad & The ugly (17 replies)
  208. Guardian Weapon Platforms (4 replies)
  209. Did Eldar Shadow Specres just get real? (35 replies)
  210. Best Tau killing unit (3 replies)
  211. Eldar vs. Blood Angels, grudge continues, more horde action (0 replies)
  212. Daemons! Why run Mono armies. (12 replies)
  213. Revis blog (3 replies)
  214. Footslogging Nurgle CSM? (2 replies)
  215. Hardest army to play and win with (14 replies)
  216. Did the Blood Angels "horde" fare well against the Eldar? (6 replies)
  217. I hate wave serpents (36 replies)
  218. Space marine planet defense force. (5 replies)
  219. Prince Nuada's Tau Empire: Eldar Allies (11 replies)
  220. Suggestions for using Asurmen? (16 replies)
  221. Tactica Allied Chaos Daemons (2 replies)
  222. Eldar VS Farsight-Shadowsun Bomb (14 replies)
  223. Countering Deep Strike Battlesuits. (24 replies)
  224. Getting Sternguard to work? (18 replies)
  225. More Fun With Sabres (12 replies)
  226. 2 boxes of crisis suits, 1 box of fire warriors... 750pts... how to kit them out? (4 replies)
  227. Deathwing List (11 replies)
  228. Advice and tactics for csm mok and mon lists (2 replies)
  229. Anyone seen this? (7 replies)
  230. Darkstrider may be my new HQ choice. (2 replies)
  231. Our club's 50th Video Batrep - Salamanders/Mantis Warriors vs Eldar/Tau Fully Painted (1 replies)
  232. Eldar vs IG (13 replies)
  233. Fearless on csm worth the points? Or take veterans of the long war? (4 replies)
  234. Dark Angels Hunters (1 replies)
  235. Best Eldar Remnants of Glory upgrade? (8 replies)
  236. What codex are Admech best suited for? (9 replies)
  237. Death spinner question? (4 replies)
  238. Countering Eldar Wraithlord and Wraightguards (5 replies)
  239. Eldar Warlord traits vs. Tau Warlord traits? (19 replies)
  240. Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot - Opinions? (16 replies)
  241. Eldar Tactica (150 replies)
  242. Darkwynn on Tau (0 replies)
  243. Kill Team Explorator (0 replies)
  244. Eldar wave serpents are great! What now? (14 replies)
  245. Exarch Question (17 replies)
  246. Quit Exarchs: Iyanden is Biel-Tan (3 replies)
  247. Why Chosen? (18 replies)
  248. What is the best Broadside Configeration? (13 replies)
  249. To wraithifighter or not to wraithfighter. (19 replies)
  250. Eldar: 6 rangers or an aegis line and icarus cannon (23 replies)