View Full Version : Lysander

09-24-2013, 06:14 AM
I'd like to use Lysander in a competitive list. Is this possible? What should the army build be to support him?

09-24-2013, 06:31 AM
It's kind of hard to fail with Lyzander. He is one of the toughest, most dangerous special characters in the Codex: Space Marines. Since he is an Imperial Fist captain, your army (or detachment) would therefore be Imperial Fists or an Imperial Fists successor chapter. This means that your army would benefit from Imperial Fists Chapter Tactics (which are really good).

To build an army around Lyzander is fairly easy. First, you want a solid number of troop choices. I would say 2-3 Tactical squads with a mix of heavy bolters, flamers, melta guns, and maybe a grav gun. Then you want to give Lyzander some friends and add in an Assault Terminator Squad, equipped like him with Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields. Then you'll need some Devastator squads or Devastator Centurions -- to give your army some long range firepower and take advantage of the Imperial Fists Chapter Tactics which gives your Dev squads "tank hunter" USR. After you have that, you can think about adding some extra fluffy things, like a Stormtalon or a Librarian.

09-24-2013, 07:47 AM
Lysander is very good, though not quite as good as he used to be, since he's more expensive and can't TL Sternguard bolters. He's a beatstick. Not too complicated to use, really.

09-24-2013, 12:46 PM
Doesn't get fortify defenses anymore either. I am actually disappointed with how much got taken away and his points still went up. Although he was probably to cheap before.

09-24-2013, 06:57 PM
Great feedback, thank you. I know ghis isn't the army list forum but... Here's the two rough concepts I've come up with, taking your feedback into account. Note that I'd like to try Whirlwinds first before I switch to TFCs. Please comment and help me refine my concept. Both options are for 1500.

Option 1:
4 Lasbacks with Flamer Combat Squads
3 Whirlwinds (or 2 Thunderfires)

Option 2:
3 Full Rhino Tac Squads with Teleport Homers
Las Devs in a las ADL
2 Whirlwinds (or 1 Thunderfire)

09-24-2013, 11:13 PM
My army is something along the lines of:
Librarian, Terminator Armour, Storm Shield, Mastery Level 2
5 TH/SS Terminators
3x 10 Tactical Marines, 2x Heavy Bolter, 1 Missile Launcher, Flamer, Meltagun, Grav-Gun, Combi-Melta, Combi Flamer.
10 Assault Marines
3 Devastator Centurions, Lascannons/Missile Launchers
Contemptor, Plasma Cannon, Heavy Flamer
Contemptor Mortis, 2x Kheres-pattern Assault Cannon, Cyclone Missile Launcher.
I am contemplating dropping the Assault Marines for another Tactical Squad, but I like their manoeuvrability.
It's done pretty well in games.