View Full Version : space marine and space wolf allies

10-29-2013, 05:53 PM
With bike armies making a huge reappearance I was rethinking about busting out my bikes and having them see the light of day. At first I was heavly thinking about a space marine/ blood angel list. The more I looked at it the more the ideal simply doesn't really appeal to me. I feel like I am paying more to field assault marines as troops and I will be missing out on some marine options, not really worried about fnp and furious charge.

After some thought it hit me that white scars/ space wolves are actually a really good alliance. Also it's more inline with what I want to do. I always wanted wolves anyway and running white scars is not a bad ideal with them.

For starters I could run an Ic from white scars with a unit of thundercalf and make yhe whole unit be able to scout and infiltrate for a possible turn one attack. With wolf character x I could get a lot of possible attacks and tear through whole armies.

Also I always wanted to do a lot of wolves. Due to wanting my wolves as hounds I have 20 of them already. I just need cyberhounds.

The only issues I really see is trying to decide on who should be my primary. Grant it having 2 bike ic's attaching to wolves giving them scout, hit and run sounds rather good. Also taking tech marines on bikes may be a great ideal to be able to scout still with both armies.

10-30-2013, 03:06 AM
I'd go with Scars primary, since that way you can field two HQs from each 'dex if you want, and I can't really think of many Wolf units you'd really want multiples of anyway... two packs of Grey Hunters are plenty enough for mid-field Troops (or however you plan to use them... Drop Pods are rather useful too...) - only realy problem I see with that is that both Thunderwolf Cav and Fenrisian Wolves are Fast Attack, so you'd have to make a choice there...

10-30-2013, 06:12 AM
I'd go with Scars primary, since that way you can field two HQs from each 'dex if you want, and I can't really think of many Wolf units you'd really want multiples of anyway... two packs of Grey Hunters are plenty enough for mid-field Troops (or however you plan to use them... Drop Pods are rather useful too...) - only realy problem I see with that is that both Thunderwolf Cav and Fenrisian Wolves are Fast Attack, so you'd have to make a choice there...

No you can make Fenrisian wolves as troops, they just can't score if you do so. I always wanted to do a wolf horde army, but having no scoring units is an issue. However with the alliance I can add elements of horde to the army. Adding scout to the wolf horde also helps them to get across the board.

The blue print of what I am basically thinking is something like this.

Cap on bike
Multiple attack lord

I probably would need one techmarine on a bike or just take one wolf squad.