View Full Version : white scars no bikes???

11-19-2013, 02:59 PM
Well I am wondering if it is viable to play white scars without the bikes. After some thought I realized that taking a rhino in a white scars army is rather good, but I started to think how to get more bang for my buck.

First off if you take khan have to look to see if he still gives scout without taking a bike. Anyway you can start your whole army in the middle of the board. Most people have been using bikes for this purpose, but you can use 10 marines in a rhino.

Now starting mid field already puts you within rapid firing range. If you move 6" with your transport and 6" with your guys it puts you in the players deployment zone. What this does is allow you the ability to rapid fire the hell out of your opponent turn one. Even if you go second the remaining squads can press up and rapid fire away.

The beautiful part of being whire scars is you can use hit and run to break combat and rapid fire or over watch.

They key issue here is providing cover to your vehicles and upgrading them to not break down in terrain. Rapid fire weapons would be good as well as assault weapons using this strategy.

I would take tigiris for prescience or any upgrades that helps with acurate bolter fire.

This is akin to what deep strike assault does, but you can do it with your entire army.

11-19-2013, 08:44 PM
So, it's actually White Scars allied with Ultramarines then.

11-19-2013, 08:53 PM
If you choose to go that route. White Scar ICs joining Ultra Marine or Imerial fist would be nice.

Also doing salamanders that way would be cool with melta love.

11-19-2013, 09:49 PM
If you choose to go that route. White Scar ICs joining Ultra Marine or Imerial fist would be nice.

Also doing salamanders that way would be cool with melta love.

You would be looking to join allied Bike squads, then, I assume, because you cannot join units in Transports from an allied detachment.
Scouting Rhino Rush definitely does look to be a viable list for Space Marines, using either the White Scars with Khan, or the Ravenguard chapter. But I think that any Allied units are going to be foot or Bikes, not Mechanized. Still, it's not a bad idea to add in a squad of Iron Hands Dev Centurions with Grav Amps, and use a White Scars or Ravenguard IC to give them Scout. Add in the nice Iron Hands Chapter Master of ***-whumping on a Bike, who then Scouts forward with his Bike squad as Troops (and a primary IC attached) so as to give the foot units CC support, and it looks quite playable.

11-19-2013, 10:05 PM
I forgot about that, actually I didn't, but it is the same codex which threw me off. Anyway no joining in vehicles due to the whole battle brother rule.

It did occur to me that white scars can have 4 ics on bikes, khan, captain, libby, chaplain, master of the forge, or two tech marines in any combo. Anyway if they join ultramarines the unit will have scout and hit and run. I have to look if fleet would apply to the ic in case of ultramarines. If not the best one might be iron hands which would had been good for a mech army.

I like rhinos cause they block line of sight and cheap terrain. They work rather well with bikes. However I played deepstriking armies before and they work rather well. This scout manuvure should work well if you deploy right, if you are going second you can scout in a better position.

If anything vehicles are harder to kill, well lower armored vehicles are. I pulled out my mech guard and they did much better than I expected, helps that people run lack of anti vehicle.

11-20-2013, 03:22 AM
Reccius did a BatRep with just that idea: Raven Guard Rhino Rush - and goes on to show it works rather nicely...


11-20-2013, 06:35 AM
Hmm. Pretty much how I was thinking. He has a good point with strike. However running inquesition with servo skulls would he better. I am glad he went second which shows how strong the ideal is.