View Full Version : Archon loadout fun time!

04-16-2014, 04:39 PM
Hey all! I recently started playing Dark Eldar after playing Black Templars and Dark Angels for a good while. I'm trying to work out what a good loadout for my Archon would be and I'm liking this:

Shadowfield because duh.
Ghostplate Armour for backup.
Haywire Grenades in case I'm charged by a walker.
Combat Drugs because I like running Sliscus and a possible free Pain Token is just... Yes.
Phantasm Grenade Launcher for charging entrenched units.
Agoniser for MCs, Nurgle bikers etc.
Huskblade for insta-gibbing HQs.

I should contextualise by saying I mainly play friendly games so I'm not super-concerned about being uber competitive, just wanna see if this loadout is totally worthless or not :P I also play against Chaos a lot so I see a lot of Marines, Daemon Princes and TEQs. Also, I've tended so far to stick my Archon in a unit of Incubi in a Splinter Cannon Venom. Hard-hitting combat deathstar, yay! :D

Anyway, I'd be really interested in your thoughts about this Archon build!

04-17-2014, 12:16 AM
Why vanilla archon? If I were you, I'd go for the Baron or Vect.

04-17-2014, 01:22 AM
That Archon sounds like a serious beatstick, but must cost a load of points. I'd have thought you were better off keeping it cheaper and spending more points elsewhere.

04-17-2014, 02:41 AM
Yup, what he said. I normally go for bare bones haemonculus for 50 knicker. For the points you save you can get two venoms with 3 wracks each.

For larger games, I normally go Vect for the bonus to seize (going first is the most important thing when playing Dark Eldar). I use the baron if I'm playing a beast pack. He's a decent beat stick and is only double the point of a haemonculus.

Dave Mcturk
04-17-2014, 03:51 AM
i like the duke or baron just for the 'free' points stuff and flavour. the 'extra' wound on a base archon is very rarely useful.

a friend runs one but he always uses the court as a close assault group. :rolleyes:

04-17-2014, 03:52 AM
I'd totally run another HQ but I'm kinda limited by the models I have (only started DE a week and a bit ago!) :p

I do run Sliscus with my Archon and the Archon's loadout still makes him cheaper than the Duke in fairness. I was just wondering if my Archon build would be a decent combat character to hold the front line (with his Incubi, of course) while my warriors and trueborn shred stuff from their Raiders :D

A Vect conversion is definitely on my to-do list though! And I'll probably pick up a Haemonculus after I get Lelith (I know she's not the best but I love her fluff)

Dave Mcturk
04-17-2014, 03:58 AM
"...after I get Lelith (I know she's not the best but I love her fluff)"


04-17-2014, 04:44 AM
I'd totally run another HQ but I'm kinda limited by the models I have (only started DE a week and a bit ago!) :p

It sounds to me as if you're loading up on upgrades in order to reach some pre-established points target (1500, or whatever you play). If that's the only way that you can get a game then it's understandable, but it's not generally a good idea. Adding upgrades on everything soon gets expensive and generally you're better off keeping most units cheap and having more of them. So, if you're limited by your models, then the best thing to do if you can is play smaller sized games until you can get more models. This will also give you a chance to experiment with what units suit your play style.

04-17-2014, 06:31 AM
Gee, it seems most Dark Eldar forces are being run by a bunch of low Commorragh folk, with no intention to dirty their hands... Sad.

So is your archon uber-loaded with wargear? Certainly.
Are there HQ's with a better Use/Point value? Sure.
Would it be wise to change your über-archon for some regular boring HQ to maximise your list potential? Well yes...
But wouldn't it kick ***, to play an uber-archon instead of some douchebag? Hell yeah!

Sure, the other people on the internet will keep on telling you, that you should spend less points on your HQ and if you just think about effectiveness, they are right. Dark Eldar are a glass hammer army, but I think it's cooler to have a big glass hammer, then many small ones.
Dark Eldar society is build on survival of the fittest and the strongest/most cunning rule from the top. I like to present that fact, by playing an uber-archon. I guess it is a choice what kind of gamer you want to be.


04-17-2014, 04:51 PM
"...after I get Lelith (I know she's not the best but I love her fluff)"


Giggity ;)

And that's good advice, Ben and Crazy! Think I'll try a few games with and without the uber Archon and measure his potential/muck about with different unit combos etc.

I just reckon, at the end of the day, I love the image of an arrogant Archon, imperiously striding out of his Venom to challenge enemy commanders for personal glory (besides, if he's "killed," the Haemonculi will just resurrect him later, for a price) :p

But yeah, shall experiment a little more and try a cheaper Archon in smaller games but use the Uber-Archon too for fluff reasons!

Thanks for the advice, folks!

04-25-2014, 04:57 AM
Drop the ghostplate. If that shadow field drops you're dead, ghostplate isn't going to save you.

Swap the agoniser for a venom blade. Against MCs you're better off going for instant death with the huskblade, and against tough single-wound models just wounding on a 2+ all the time is generally more reliable and very cheap. Sure he won't be quite as good against, say, a Wraithknight, but as Dark Eldar you have poison and S8 AP2 everywhere.

Ought as well take a soul trap. Just in case. ;)