View Full Version : Dark Angels - what next

Samuel Rose
11-27-2013, 01:47 PM
Hi Guys I have a Dark angels Ravenwing Army and I want more firepower. I need to be able to take out Ultra smurfs and a Land Raider Godhammer. Any suggestions???

I Have:
Sammael in Land Speeder
Ravenwing command squad (champion, apothecary and banner bearer)

Ravenwing attack squad:
6 Bikes (1 flamer, 1 plasma gun, vet sergeant)
Attack bike with Multi Melta
Land Speeder with typhoon missile launcher and custom lascannon (My friends dont let me take the lascannon)

Ravenwing attack squad:
3 Bikes (vet sergeant with plasma pistol and thunder hammer)

That is all I have. What should I get next???

11-27-2013, 03:17 PM
More Bikes! I am putting together a Ravenwing right now also. The approach I am taking is focusing on plasmas and some flamers in the attack squads, while giving multi meltas to attack bikes and speeders to serves as my anti tank. If every squad is maxed out and you put 4-5 squads on the table, you should have plenty of anti tank weapons, plenty of plasma, and then the bikes with the banner of devastation for plenty of bolter fire. I think your on track, just need to copy and paste your troop choice a couple times.

11-27-2013, 04:13 PM
More Bikes. Swap all of the Special Weapons in the Bikes out for Meltaguns so you can deal with armor easily. Take a Ravenwing Command Squad with the Banner of Devastation for anti-infantry (and the squad has the twin-linked Plasma Talons for shooting at 2+ save models).

11-27-2013, 06:36 PM
Land Raiders fear Armour Bane. That usually means Meltaguns or Multimeltas (Attack Bikes, anyone?), but could also mean a Leman Russ Vanquisher. Guard can also provide a HUGE volume of firepower than any unit should fear.

11-27-2013, 06:51 PM
Bikes and more bikes. I'd also look into making sure all of your sergeants have a power weapon of some kind.

11-28-2013, 02:08 AM
Fill out the command squad with the 2 extra ones that were added in the faq. Definitely fill out that second attack squadron. Land speeders and attack bikes should have multi meltas for sure. Lascannon??? I have a ravenwing army as well and I wouldnt let me play with a lascannon on a speeder either. Multimeltas and their own speed make it pointless and actually better than a lascannon anyways but also avoids issues with your opponents. Technically the Nephilim fighters are flown by ravenwing pilots so I would throw a pair of those in too. Depending on the size of the games you play or even if you just wanna have a few extra models for swapping in and out I would get the 3 other HQs on bikes too. Chaplain, Librarian and techmarine. Consider the heavier speeders too since a darkshroud can keep a couple squads safer as they get across the table or the vengeance to add a little extra punch. If your opponents typically play marines/csm and you need to take out smurfs and LRs then i agree with making all your special weapons meltas. The command squad and/or a small Knights squad will have the plasma you need anyways. Land speeders can always be given anti infantry weapons in addition to the multi meltas they should all have. And yes make sure u give sgts either power fists or p weapons and melta bombs. Remove the plasma pistol from the sgt with the t hammer. Its too costly to have both on 1 sgt.

11-28-2013, 03:31 AM
Bikes, bikes, and more bikes. And you can buy 1 death-knight squad. They're good. They deep strike first turn. Again you could always play it as codex space marines to get those grav guns.

Samuel Rose
11-28-2013, 10:23 AM
Thanks for all your suggestions. Storm96 I like the ideas you gave very much. Should I consider any Deathwing to Deep Strike in??? Looks like more bikes for christmas.

11-28-2013, 03:17 PM
Well now your getting out of a ravenwing specific force if you add deathwing however theres never a wrong thing to say when adding deathwing to a ravenwing force according to the fluff, so the choice is yours. I went overboard with my DA collection (6 companies and some extras fr somewhere near 50k points) to the point where I now spend longer trying to figure out what i wanna use than i do playing. That said, having a limit and sticking to it is prolly the better way to go. If you normally dont play more than 2k point games then have 3 or 4k total so u can always swap stuff in and out to see what tactics work for you and what models you enjoy using. You can also readily participate in Apocalypse games which start at 3k. If thats the case then sure, add in some deathwing to add a punch once the ravenwing make it across the board. If youre into tournament play then its also helpful in making a balanced list that you can tweak to your playstyle. The bottom line is that this is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable hobby (if you can afford it) and should reflect what you like in both playstyle and the end result of the models that you collect, assemble and paint.