View Full Version : Warp Spiders success stories???

01-07-2014, 04:08 AM
Hi there! I'm planning on including 2 x 7 Warp Spiders in my Eldar army, but I haven't seen a lot of non-theory action with them.
Before I get to buy all bits nessecary from bits sites to convert them (I have something in mind), can I have some action stories either fielding or facing them?


01-07-2014, 07:48 AM
I have gone up against them. They are uber fast, with some nasty Eldar jumpy in and out tricks. Ie get close, plaster you and then bounce out again. They also seemed to have an extra point of S to 7 (iirc) when shooting vehicles.

I hate them and would include in an Eldar Army, I now intend to only play them with Chaos and will take 1 heldrake per squad in the opposing list. In addition to my normal heldrakes.

01-07-2014, 08:31 AM
I now intend to only play them with Chaos and will take 1 heldrake per squad in the opposing list. In addition to my normal heldrakes.

and that alone should pretty much tell you how great they are - there isnīt much out there that receives a 1:1 ratio with Turkeys! :)
I donīt have any specific stories to share myself, mostly because they are always so good that no single game stands out...

01-07-2014, 03:37 PM
I run one unit of 9 in my 1500 force they tend to do 1 of 2 things, 1 just if left alone murder a unit a turn. Or opponent will go to great lengths to wipe them out. This often works out fine as it leaves more important scoring units free to actually win grades.
At November thrown of skulls most eldar armies ( wi the exception of iyaden themed ones) had one unit of about 8 eldar players 1 won 4 games and drew one, 5 ( including myself ) won 4 and lost one, even the lowest position won 2 games.

They get my thumbs up

Dave l

01-07-2014, 08:08 PM
Don't leave home without them.

Alot of people poo on the exarch when you kit him out with the spinnerette, marksman and fast shot, but he's totally a great resource for picking apart special weapons hidden in squads and even the random sarg or non independent character in a squad.

01-08-2014, 05:28 AM
2 units of them ported in behind my Stompa last night and wrecked it, half died in the resulting explosion, but still, they did well!

Lost Vyper
01-08-2014, 08:01 AM
Highly recommended! I use 5 + Exarch (Spinnernet+FS) almost in every list. Very good for Rhino etc. popping or exterminating infantry. Armor value of 3 is also great! Last game, i jumped close to a Dredknight, lit him up, caused two wounds and jumped back behind cover. Crimson dealt the last wound. Vindicare Assassin sniped the Exarch and came to CC and got one wound from the Overwatch and got killed after killing one Spider. AV3 helps A LOT...

01-08-2014, 08:29 AM
Thanx for the encouragement people! :D
I will be ordering the bits as soon as I can...
Meanwhile I was playing with my list and was in a dilema...

1. 2x7 Warp Spiders

2. 2x6 Warp Spiders + 5 Swooping Hawks + remove 3 Shuricken Cannons from the Serpents + Farseer's Spirit Stone

I like the second better...any opininons? These will fight along 2 Wraithknights, 3 Serpents(2Da, 1 FD), ADL+ Quad + some more


01-08-2014, 06:24 PM
Warp Spiders are a reasonably priced, mobile, and resilient (for Eldar) unit with high firepower. They have many strengths and no glaring weaknesses. Warp Spiders are an excellent unit that rewards tactical play. If you are careless with them, however, they will die very quickly.

and that alone should pretty much tell you how great they are - there isnīt much out there that receives a 1:1 ratio with Turkeys! :)
I donīt have any specific stories to share myself, mostly because they are always so good that no single game stands out...

We should now rate every unit's effectiveness on the Hellturkey scale. Genestealers would be 10:1, Riptides 1:1, Tactical Marines 3:1, Ogryn 5:1 and Vespid 1000:1.

Lost Vyper
01-09-2014, 04:28 AM
I like option 2. too. You can get an easy linebreaker with SWīs dropping dead on target in turn 5...if you are going second...remember, that if you get 6 x Swooping Hawks, you get the Large blast when coming in from the sky. Good, if you are facing anything with 4+(or worst) armor save (IG, Orks, Necron Warriors, Tau, Cultists etc.), if facing marines, meh....

01-09-2014, 05:08 PM
My Tau friend has learned to be very very afraid of the spiders. I like to deploy them near a farseer so that they get rerolls on their first turn. Even a minimum squad of five will kill whatever you point them at.

01-12-2014, 04:31 PM
I can only agree with the other posts. I've used WS to very good effect in several games against an Ork player. Dropped the WS in behind his trucks and B wagons, who are all rushing towards my gun line of walkers and guardian defenders, then targeted his weaker rear armour, so far I've smoked 4 B Wagons in two games. The key is then to move the WS out of harms way and then let the gun line take out the boys that are left.

01-13-2014, 10:25 PM
My warp spiders do the same thing as Dave l's warp spiders; they either die right away, or rock face and carry the game for me. id reccomend them, but with out the exarch. on the off chance they get destroyed right away you wont waste your points.

Da Gargoyle
01-15-2014, 05:58 AM
You realise what this means !!! Now I gotta break the seal on the box I have and paint them up so I can try them out. They might fit into a larger version of my skimmer army. I just designed a 750 point force with Jet Bikes Falcon or Serpent and Vypers. I think the WS fit the bill with the deep strike rule. But maybe in a 1500 point version.

Now for colours. I run with metalics for my force. The main theme is Tin Bitz for the infantry and vehicles but with other colours for the Elites and heavies. Metalic green for my scorpions, blue for the banshees, bronze for the dragons, gun metal for the reapers. So what for the spiders? I have had a look at metalic red, it does not work. I do have a graphite type finish that might work. The trick is to offset the metals with flat colours so with that I could go close to classic and stay in the theme of the army.

01-16-2014, 06:22 AM
i run 2 bare bones units as auto include. their main role is to pop open transports so my scytheguard in serpents can swoop in and burninate the contents within. then it becomes a game of opportunistic destruction. fast enough to be where they need to be when i need them to be there i use them to plug gaps, often moving up and down the table throughout a game. they are good vs everything bar AV14 which is fairly uncommon so they always have a use. they seldom survive a battle because of their threat factor but they always make an impact far exceeding what they cost.

i like the exarch but i just cant justify the points cost when i've found the unit tends to make its kills without him anyway. the AP1 is nice but seldom comes into play if your mainly causing glancing hits.