View Full Version : chaos/csm vs eldar wave serpants.... 2000pts

02-27-2014, 05:31 PM
Hello all,

This is my first post ever an any forum warhammer related or not, so rock n roll for reading my first ever! I am playing a semi competitive game coming up against a buddy who is running eldar. He recently picked up three wave serpents to go with his falcon and fire prism. He is also running a wraith knight and favors wraith guard but has a lot of the aspect warriors too. Anyways, i am a little nervous about how to deal with all of it and made a list i think might work with what i have. I also have nids and spave wolves but felt id have the best chance with my combined chaos forces as its my largest collection. Thanks ahead of time!!!


HQ: Fateweaver

20xPink Horrors

FA: 6xScreamers

HS: 2xDaemon Princes(both with exalted and greater rewards. One with the portalglyph and one with the grimmore

1xsoul grinder. slaanesh with warp gaze

Allied Detachment:blk legion

HQ: DP, nurgle

Troops Chosen votlw, 4 melta, rhino. champ has combi melta and ccw.

I also thought about going heavier on csm and getting a helldrake, predator with lascannons, and land raider to counter the wave serpents damage....

02-28-2014, 07:07 AM
The main reason to take an Allied CSM detachment is usually in order to get a Heldrake. If you're not going to take a Heldrake, I'd just drop them and switch the DP to a Lord of Change or a Slaanesh DP with the Lash.

Horrors usually should be taken in squads of 11-12 or 16-17 since they don't gain firepower from extra bodies except at 11 and 16.

02-28-2014, 05:18 PM
Here is another list i came up with that might do a little better. It has a lot of anti-serpent armor in it..

Chaos lord
-bike, MoN, Power fist, Burning brand

5 CSM squad. bare bones

7 Plague marines, plasma gun

Chaos bikes
-MoN, 2 Melta guns


Chaos Landraider
-Dirge caster

Predator w/ Lascannons


Daemons allied detachment

Daemon Prince
-MoT, Lesser reward (staff of change), Greater Reward (portalglyph), Armor, Wings

16 Pink horrors

5 Screamers

-warp gaze, MoS

The serpents should have a harder time with all the power armor and 13+ on the landraider, predator, and helldrake. The portal will generate more troops. and the daemon prince, screamers and lord will go after them in cc. When the shields drop i have 5 lascannons for maximum damage. The horrors will deepstrike behind for rear hits. screamers too. Soul Grinder can gaze and power claw them up too. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated

02-28-2014, 05:58 PM
I would not go full lascannons on the predator, the auto/las pred is sufficient enough threat to make wave serpents think twice about dropping their shields.

I would not take the defiler, I would take another Predator, since flavor of the day for Wave serpents is to take the scatter lasers, as long as you keep your side armor covered, they won't be able to scratch your front armor.

There is something to be said about the MoS, FnP bikers.

The list seems very light on troops, even if you are running 7 plague marines. I would suggest dropping that land raider in favor of increasing your scoring units.

03-01-2014, 04:08 AM
Ok wave serpents

Your plague bearers will suffer from serpent shield ignore cover.

Flying monster creatures of a tzeench flavor are problematic for eldar

First eldar magic 6. Well yes a 6 auto wounds but as most are high strength that they would wound any way. The magic 6 gets rid of armour but not invuns. And tzeench has a boost to this.

Second wave serpents are fast so will avoid any thing they can't take down so something fast is hard to avoid. If you can't do flying can you do slannesh? Save your fate weaver reroll for the crash test.

Tzeench high strength bolts give eldar a hard call. Do unleash every thing but leave your self vulnerable or hold back and stay safe. Reducing the incoming fire you receive.

Dave l

Dave Mcturk
03-02-2014, 01:54 PM
i play eldar and unless your opponents are 'hit happy' they should run tlbl on the wavz, this makes a bit of a mockery of predators and the like, havocs with four las cannons are just about as good a bet with a few redshirts for ablative wounds... but can depend on how your players do terrain set up...

we have mathed it out and played it out on the table and provided you keep lannies in cover they can outshoot serpentz... but it kind of prevents you using them to advance scoring units... in a tank v tank snowball so much depends on the the first lucky shot ! ... almost realistic ! :cool: