View Full Version : Best Tau killing unit

08-07-2013, 10:01 PM
Hands down the best way to deal with Tau for space marines is the Thunder Fire Cannon for a 100pts it's got the range to deal with them. And if you take three of them you'll cause bloody havoc on them.
Does anyone else have a good way to deal with tau.


Stone Edwards
08-07-2013, 10:22 PM
Hands down the best way to deal with Tau for space marines is the Thunder Fire Cannon for a 100pts it's got the range to deal with them. And if you take three of them you'll cause bloody havoc on them.
Does anyone else have a good way to deal with tau.


In my experience with Eldar I'm gonna have to go with a Nightspinner. Can snipe unprotected Etherals VERY easily, can insta kill suits, able to easily wound a commander on 6s, and even good against their vehicles due to side armor all while staying out of LoS.

08-08-2013, 12:17 AM
For Chaos Marines (Not counting the Heldrake :P) Noise Marines with Sonic weapons will get the job done. Blastmasters make many things cry, Sonic Blasters pierce Pathfinder and Kroot armor and cover alike, too.

08-08-2013, 12:22 AM
Either Battlewagon rush (5+ wagons running on full speed up) and/or Lootas, with 48 inch range, and autocannon-like power, these bad-boyz will be high up on kill priority, something else i've seen be good, is Big Gunz, T7 grots with 3 missile launchers, that can re-roll up to 3 hit rolls per game. Cheap and deadly. Outside of those though, nothing else is really that great. Dakkajets are cool, but usually get shot down by interceptor Broadsides or Riptides, but if they stay, then "waagh!" and your getting twin-linked grot quality shots off with a Str 6 ap 4 gun, this will ruin any firewarrior's day.