View Full Version : Eldar Warlord traits vs. Tau Warlord traits?

Lost Vyper
07-03-2013, 03:17 AM
Here they are :

Eldar Warlord Traits:

1.Ambush of Blades: Once per game, in your own Shooting or Assault Phase, the warlord and allies within 12" reroll failed To Wound rolls of 1.
2.An Eye on Distant Events: Once per game, in the enemy’s Shooting Phase, the warlord and all allies within 12" gain Stealth.
3.Falcon’s Swiftness: The warlord and his unit add +1 to their run movement.
4.Fate’s Messenger: The warlord rerolls failed saves of 1.
5.Mark of the Incomparable Hunter: The warlord gains the Split Fire rule.
6.See of the Shifting Vector: Allied Eldar units deepstriking within 6" of the warlord will not scatter.

The new Eldar codex has basically two good Warlord traits, 4th & 5th. Once per game one´s just not good. 2nd has it use maybe, but ONCE PER GAME? 1st one could be good, if it was failed to wound, not just the 1´s. 3rd one´s just...crap. Now let´s compare these to the Tau codex traits

1.Prevents enemies from taking Look Out Sir rolls against the Warlord's shooting attacks
2.Once per game, all friendly Tau units within twelve inches of the Warlord re-roll to hit rolls of a one for the duration of that shooting phase
3.Warlord and their unit can move the total of a result on three dice as opposed to two dice for their Jetpack moves in the Assault phase
4.Once per game, all friendly Tau units that have Gone to Ground can get back up and into the fight
5.Once per game, grants the Warlord and his unit the Skyfire special rule for one shooting phase
6.Warlord and his unit don't scatter when deep striking

Tau has numero uno as UN-BE-LI-VE-AB-LE! I so want that!, 2nd is better than re-roll one´s to wound. 3rd is good, 4th, meh. 5th again AWESOME and the last is good. So, Eldar got the short stick here IMHO. And if you throw CSM one´s in the loop (if memory serves correctly), they have all mediocre-great traits, which almost trumps both of these. If someone has the book available, please post those here for comparison.

Have your say, which one of these two (or three, if we can get those rules here) has the best Warlord trait -table?

07-03-2013, 03:31 AM
I think its an author thing. Phil Kelly did Eldar and Chaos, which are not very strong tables. Tau (Vetock) is much much better

The Eldar table in Iyanden is a Matt Ward table. And its much better than the codex...

Tau also has the strength that if it doesn't apply to you, you can reroll. It means if you make your Warlord an Ethereal you're down to a choice of 3!

07-03-2013, 11:32 AM
If my warlord is able to roll (doesn't have a preset one), I never roll on the Eldar table. It has a couple of mediocre ones and the rest are really bad.

I much prefer the BRB warlord tables because you can chose which type of bonus depending on your warlord. Autarch always picks from Strategy, Avatar always picks from Personal. Outflanking Avatar? Yes please. Also, if you get lucky and roll the VP for challenge wins one, he can rack up so many points the rest of your army can just chill and cheer him on from the sidelines.

07-03-2013, 11:47 AM
Warlord charts really ought to have a "default" option like the psychic powers, so you can rely on a "if I roll terrible at least I'll have X to fall back on."

07-03-2013, 12:11 PM
same here - I was disappointed with the Eldar Warlord table as well (just about the only bad thing I have to say about the 'dex apart from the Hemlock though...)

07-03-2013, 12:32 PM
I was also disappointed in the Eldar Warlord table.
Would've been cool to have a separate Seer Warlord table!

07-03-2013, 02:54 PM
in agreement all around the Tau warlord traits had me looking forward to the Eldar ones, which left me completely unsatisfied. But the Tau gtg and get back up is beautiful especially with an adl and/or night fighting.

07-04-2013, 05:12 AM
I still firmly believe Chaos Daemons have the strongest Warlord traits so far.

1. Warlord causes Instant Death in melee. When you have insanely powerful Greater Daemons as your Warlord most of the time, this is ludicrously good.
2. Warlord and their unit have Hatred. Not as useful for a Greater Daemon - particularly a Lord of Change owing to Divination - but still helpful, also great for a Herald.
3. All enemies on the board take Fear tests at -1. Obviously situational, but it craps all over the Fear-causing one from CSM.
4. Friendly units 12" can re-roll Daemonic Instability tests. Do I even need to explain how good this is?
5. Re-roll Warp Storm table results. As above - this is amazing in the context of the army.
6. Friendly Daemon units don't scatter within 6" of the Warlord. Considering you can have hard-as-heck flying monstrous creatures as your Warlords.....yeah.

Three of them are ridiculously good, two of them are good, and one is situational but damned helpful when it applies. Aside from the Fear one all of these are useful in any game, and some of them can be ludicrous in the right hands.
I feel the Daemon ones are the strongest if you absolutely had to compare the Warlord traits between codices, because in the context of the army, you are far more likely to get something that gives you a serious boost than probably any of the other hard-backs.

Dave Mcturk
07-04-2013, 05:47 AM
pick a named character ? at least you know what you are getting !

07-04-2013, 06:03 AM
Like Skarbrand. Get into combat. Drink opponents' tears.

Lost Vyper
07-04-2013, 06:17 AM
Weren´t the one´s from the CSM book good also? Damn it, i forgot to look yesterday at home...

07-04-2013, 09:31 AM
Like Skarbrand. Get into combat. Drink opponents' tears.

He is rather cheap for what he does. The funny part about being the best melee army in the game his buffs only really help you a lot. He is perfect with slaanech.

The only downfall is he's a walker, but throw endurance on him, + 4 invulnerable save, and make him have a +2 invulnerable save, yeah lol. ArmourBane and Fleshbane.

Only thing I can think of going toe to toe with him is really nothing if you using army wide buffs. Even an iron arm swarmlord could die before it hase a chance to strike back. Even if it does strike back if it doesn't wound it is dead same with Draigo. However I thing Draigo would be a better match due to a strength 10 force weapon. Although a strength 9 swarmlord can be nasty with +d3 attacks.

Out of the three just on their own power. I would go swarmlord, draigo, and skarbrand. Skarbrand used to kick their butt with eternal warrior. That being said without psychic powers like iron arm or force weapon activation skarbrand would own the other two.

07-04-2013, 01:48 PM
Weren´t the one´s from the CSM book good also? Damn it, i forgot to look yesterday at home...

The only good one is master of deception (w3 inf.units infiltrate) the rest is more or less crap or half usefull depending if you play vs sm or not.
1. get prefenemy vs. sm
2. WL and unit soulblaze - uh..huhu
3. the useful one - see above
4. WL and unit - hates all (okay usefull in hth)
5. WL has fear (uh i´m scared a bit, but i don´t care, cause i´m a space marine;-)
6. reroll your gift ... *sigh*

thats the burden of being the 1st codex in 6th

07-04-2013, 10:25 PM
Ive lucked out on Eldar ones so far. I got the ambush with my Spirit Lord, that let my Wraithguard kill Mephiston :)
Then I got the reroll ones for Asurmen, and the deep strike one, which let my SPiders drop down and shoot up some dudes.

Of course 80% of the time my Wl traits are useless (like getting counter attack one today for my SWolves...)

Lost Vyper
07-05-2013, 12:16 AM
Wow, the CSM are crap too! So Tau / Daemons win! Eldar / CSM loose...:(...yeah, Personal Traits are great from the BRB, especially while throwing a 6 :)...if i have Asurmen or Avatar, i´ll throw from the Eldar codex, otherwise, meh, it´s boring, but you gotta use the BRB one´s to win

07-05-2013, 03:13 AM
I think the dark angel traits are not too bad.

Lost Vyper
07-05-2013, 05:40 AM
Do share, haven´t seen them. No one in our club plays them.

07-05-2013, 05:56 AM
I find Dark Angels are almost the forgotten sibling or spawn of the hardbacks, which is rather sad.
In any case;
1) The Warlord and their unit can roll two dice, pick the highest for run moves or add an extra D6" to Turbo Boost or Flat Out moves.
2) If your Warlord or their unit slay the enemy Warlord in the assault phase, you gain an additional victory point.
3) The Warlord and all friendly units within 12" roll an additional D6 for Leadership tests, discarding the highest.
4) The Warlord and their unit have Furious Charge.
5) You can increase or decrease your Reserve rolls by one.
6) The Warlord and any Dark Angels unit he joins has Feel No Pain when within 3" of an objective.

They aren't too shabby and the chances of rolling up a useless one are almost nil. Dark Angels are very much a buff codex.

Lost Vyper
07-08-2013, 03:30 AM
JEEZ! And we have a winner! How the h*** did they mess up the Eldar traits, if they have these kind in play? BUUU Dark Angels, BUUU!!! :)

07-09-2013, 07:06 AM
the Iyanden suppliment has some pretty boss warlord traits... even mroe so when you consider it lets you take a wraithknight as an hq... oddly still not a character though...

1. roll a d3, you get that many rerolls to hit, to wound, armor pen, or saves
2. warlord get feelno pain 5+ ... yes a wraithknight with feel no pain
3. model gains hatred
4. one wraithunit within 12" of warlord (or warlord) rerolls to hits of a 1
5) +1 to deny the witch
6) warlord rerolls saving throws until the warlord suffers an unsaved wound

also these traits make pheonix lords especially asurmen look even more awesome. imagine d3 of those