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  1. Advise Me: What do I do with this Rhino Chassis I Found? (11 replies)
  2. Cheers From Across the Table (13 replies)
  3. Personal rivalry amungst your gaming group? aka romulus's musing for the week :) (11 replies)
  4. Podcasts and youtube! (1 replies)
  5. What Sounds do Your Army's Weapons Make? (71 replies)
  6. What's Your Favorite Imperial Dedicated Transport? (45 replies)
  7. Nuclear Daemon Launch Codes (20 replies)
  8. Forgeworld 'Discount' (50 replies)
  9. 290 point of anti - tank for IG - Ideas wanted! (7 replies)
  10. Rogue Trader Tournament Certificates (0 replies)
  11. riptide loadout (10 replies)
  12. Terrain saturation made easy (13 replies)
  13. Gretchins? Do you use them? If so, how? (11 replies)
  14. Terminators or Assault Terminators? (8 replies)
  15. Value of Orks for sale (2 replies)
  16. list tayloring vs balanced lists for friendly games (53 replies)
  17. deffkoptas or warbirkes? (16 replies)
  18. Please Explain How Daemons are Balanced? (66 replies)
  19. Any info about Luna Wolves from Forgeworld? (7 replies)
  20. Thoughts on Retro Death Guard? (2 replies)
  21. Building an Army on a budget (34 replies)
  22. Old but New to 40k - Space Wolves (11 replies)
  23. What would you add to include all Legions in C:CSM? (27 replies)
  24. Forgeworld Questions (11 replies)
  25. About those 3D printers... (21 replies)
  26. Using Ferrus Manus as my Chapter Master (10 replies)
  27. Highly Illogical (14 replies)
  28. Aesthetics: Which is the best bolter variant? (20 replies)
  29. Returning Player Seeking Advice (18 replies)
  30. Space Marines - GW Has Come a Long Way (22 replies)
  31. Aesthetics: What's your favourite Imperial special weapon? (32 replies)
  32. Which is better to play to win and have fun: Guard, Tau Or Dark Angels? Others? (12 replies)
  33. Looking for a new army, Thats a bit diferent.. (10 replies)
  34. GW/BL Price difference. (2 replies)
  35. Acts of Faith as Psychic Powers? (9 replies)
  36. Ultra Marines One Click Collection... The entire chapter (4 replies)
  37. CSM Grav Weapons Vs FW Graviton Weapons (14 replies)
  38. Apostrophes in Fantasy Names (6 replies)
  39. So you play Dark Angels..... (7 replies)
  40. Anyone else not happy with the black templars fluff in the new codex? (3 replies)
  41. What's your favourite Space Marine armour mark? (69 replies)
  42. Anyone else dislike what has been done with the BT? (60 replies)
  43. standard of devastation (2 replies)
  44. New Space Marine codex Orbital Bombardment question (12 replies)
  45. The Cleansing pf Toreldos Palace, Charity Apocalypse game! (0 replies)
  46. Let's Talk About Rumors (20 replies)
  47. Who needs balance when you can have sales? (119 replies)
  48. Army of Death (3 replies)
  49. Drop Pod Component Question? (4 replies)
  50. Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, and that....tales from. (1 replies)
  51. How about BOLS forum update for the BRB? (8 replies)
  52. Best choices--tablets/readers for GW digital products? (34 replies)
  53. The gravity of the situation... (4 replies)
  54. 6th Ed Space Marines Discussion (151 replies)
  55. Anybody else not happy with the Space Marine Captain model? (25 replies)
  56. Space Marine Codex Now on Sale in the U.S. (1 replies)
  57. Cool birthday present Ipad Case (7 replies)
  58. A Theory Regarding the Fate of Sisters of Battle... (52 replies)
  59. Space Marine Psychic Cards? (6 replies)
  60. Iyanden supplement (6 replies)
  61. Up or Down Wound/HP counting with dice (41 replies)
  62. The Great Supplement Petition (16 replies)
  63. The new recruit... (7 replies)
  64. Codex Chaos Space Marines MKII (178 replies)
  65. They've Always Been There (just retcon it!) (20 replies)
  66. The Heresy Thread.... (14 replies)
  67. Looking to make a customize-able chapter with dark angel stuff. (12 replies)
  68. Space Marine Release! (2 replies)
  69. Your thoughts on Space Marine Strikeforce (26 replies)
  70. Think Tank: Sisters Weaponry (17 replies)
  71. :what is your ideal point cost for a troop squad? (17 replies)
  72. Your favorite pieces of 40k art. (46 replies)
  73. 40k analysis: Judgmental players. (25 replies)
  74. Calling All eArtists! (7 replies)
  75. So, who is getting the iPad version? Built in army builder? (5 replies)
  76. Warzones + Supplements = 40k happy times (22 replies)
  77. One click costs extra ?! (18 replies)
  78. How often do people get to play WH40K? (21 replies)
  79. Seeker Missiles (0 replies)
  80. Getting back into 40k, GK or Eldar??? (23 replies)
  81. Aspects of War. (3 replies)
  82. Salamander Assualt Squad completed (6 replies)
  83. 360 points of Guard Allies: (0 replies)
  84. Dreadnought wishes (48 replies)
  85. FW characters and the new Space Marine codex (17 replies)
  86. Bring Me More Matt Ward Codexes! (70 replies)
  87. what chapter to descend from (10 replies)
  88. Velocity trackers or early warning override (1 replies)
  89. WYSIWYG Challenge - Exorcists as Grey Knights? (16 replies)
  90. Which complaint about 40K are you sick of? (25 replies)
  91. What Space marine chapter do you play? (70 replies)
  92. Build your Legion Fortress (7 replies)
  93. POLL: If 40K had a new, non Marine army, what would you like it to be? (57 replies)
  94. Top 3 MOST annoying things in WH40K rules? (84 replies)
  95. Army Idea Exchange (25 replies)
  96. What do you wish your army did better than they do now? (46 replies)
  97. Great five games in two days and Space Hulk on PC (10 replies)
  98. A Newbie's Guide to Army Choice. (7 replies)
  99. Just how rare are the 2002 Daemonettes? (13 replies)
  100. New Tau Crisis Suit? (10 replies)
  101. Copiers (7 replies)
  102. Your 40k Soundtrack (38 replies)
  103. Allies, and the interesting use thereof.... (6 replies)
  104. New ways to play - a change is as good as a rest. (20 replies)
  105. Post your favourite 40k model from an army you don't play. (34 replies)
  106. When has BoLS 40K become so popular? (15 replies)
  107. Same old rumours (19 replies)
  108. "Wishlisting" for future Chaos legion supplements (18 replies)
  109. new WAVEdar (16 replies)
  110. Can anyone identify this cardstock terrain? (6 replies)
  111. Whatever happened to?........ (44 replies)
  112. Arbitrary Silliness (4 replies)
  113. Best Place to Live in the 40k Universe (29 replies)
  114. Keeping track of psychic powers! (4 replies)
  115. Your favourite Codex ever ? (63 replies)
  116. Games Workshop makes Cracked.com (9 replies)
  117. Apocalypse 08 04 2013 (0 replies)
  118. ANNOUNCEMENT: Cosplay Projects Sub-forum (1 replies)
  119. Top Ten EPIC Models We Want in 40K (31 replies)
  120. Random: Astartes on Game-day? (0 replies)
  121. 40K Action Figures - What Would you Want? (18 replies)
  122. IDICBeer 500th Post Giveaway (0 replies)
  123. What models would you like to see released next? (42 replies)
  124. Your favorite unit/character in YOUR army and in the WH40K -universe? (29 replies)
  125. Your top Legions (34 replies)
  126. H G Wells, the granddaddy of war gaming (8 replies)
  127. Ideal gaming table? (10 replies)
  128. Supplements for all! (except Salamanders...) (10 replies)
  129. Trying to Decide Which Armies to Keep... (14 replies)
  130. Daemonic Gifts. (0 replies)
  131. My first mistake was to believe the interweb.... (10 replies)
  132. Playing for fun (6 replies)
  133. Do Space Wolves have access to the Contemptor Dreadnought that can have Skyfire? (10 replies)
  134. Changes to Army Builder licensing (7 replies)
  135. Starting Tyranids as a total nub ...... Where to start (8 replies)
  136. August White Dwarf arrived today... (8 replies)
  137. One marine army, any codex. Is it possible ? (4 replies)
  138. 40k Revenge: Chaucer Style (2 replies)
  139. Prince Nuada's Tau Empire: Eldar Allies (10 replies)
  140. What to do against TAU! (37 replies)
  141. What are you looking forward to? (31 replies)
  142. Eldar Movement In 6th Edition (14 replies)
  143. The Glory Days of Second Edition (55 replies)
  144. Eldar Colour Scheme Help (15 replies)
  145. Alternate Shining Spear Models (13 replies)
  146. Firewalk Arts, a new miniature studio (5 replies)
  147. Using the Great Gargant Orkasmatron in Apocalypse (8 replies)
  148. Question re: Eldar Warlocks (10 replies)
  149. Daemon Reward Print outs (23 replies)
  150. Best army size for a 5x3 table (7 replies)
  151. Using Horus Heresy units in Apocalypse? (5 replies)
  152. Why are devastators so cheap $$$ (7 replies)
  153. British Imperial Guard? (11 replies)
  154. What is the deal with… Space Wolves? (24 replies)
  155. Wave Serpent boxed with Falcon instructions! (18 replies)
  156. Most rewarding army to play in 40k both in competatively and just over all fun toplay (31 replies)
  157. Horus Heresy — The Imperial Army (8 replies)
  158. house rules when you know the chances of you playing in a tournement are slim? (61 replies)
  159. Warp spider purchasing woes (16 replies)
  160. New FW Apoc Book? (0 replies)
  161. Use of Forge World in tournaments? (6 replies)
  162. Question re: Eldar Aspect Warriors (2 replies)
  163. Would you buy a rev1.1 of your codex? (11 replies)
  164. New Eldar, a second look after some games under my belt... (18 replies)
  165. Iron Hands Novels? (1 replies)
  166. Imperial allies help (1 replies)
  167. The nature of bravery. (7 replies)
  168. What happened to B&C Forum ? (9 replies)
  169. The preorder penalty? Not very "premium" (52 replies)
  170. Pacific 40k - Build-a-Jaeger (10 replies)
  171. Random: Chaos Spawn sighted? (2 replies)
  172. Blue or Green? (7 replies)
  173. Disciples of Caliban (2 replies)
  174. Eldar Remnants of Glory. (4 replies)
  175. How to bring the fight back to 6th? (112 replies)
  176. nifty building printing program ( i am not affiliated with) (1 replies)
  177. old terrain thingies (4 replies)
  178. Can we have more Hobby articles on BOLS? Please (12 replies)
  179. What to ask at Enter the Citadel? (43 replies)
  180. Are big kits worth their points/pounds? (31 replies)
  181. For the sake of Apocalypse? (25 replies)
  182. Necron Tesseract Vault - Geth? (18 replies)
  183. 40K Army Popularity - with DATA!! (31 replies)
  184. Which 30k Legion? (12 replies)
  185. The Only Apocalypse question that counts.... (7 replies)
  186. What I want for the new Codex: Imperial Guard and Supplements (6 replies)
  187. 40k Rulebook for ipad? Advertised in White Dwarf but I can't see it! (3 replies)
  188. Apocalypse figure case - worth it? (10 replies)
  189. What craftworld would be the best one to start for someone who has never played Eldar (10 replies)
  190. Wargaming Ultimate Latest Content! (0 replies)
  191. So, just what is Codex Iyanden? (29 replies)
  192. Is the new Eldar supplement worth it? (2 replies)
  193. IA13: What do you hope to see? (15 replies)
  194. skimmer/flying bases and Tomb blades (4 replies)
  195. Quick question about GW shipping... (4 replies)
  196. Eldar Codex - foibles and errors ??? (4 replies)
  197. I can't make this idea go away...! (2 replies)
  198. Non-FW Thunderhawk Spotted! (13 replies)
  199. new forge world SoB goodness (7 replies)
  200. Worst/Best out of town tournament experiences (17 replies)
  201. How many Space Marines in the Jar? (28 replies)
  202. Codex Eldar out for Android and Kindle (0 replies)
  203. Your favourite 6th Ed rule. (39 replies)
  204. NLM Industries 1st Battle Report (2 replies)
  205. 40k on HGTV (0 replies)
  206. Must see eldar channel (0 replies)
  207. Eldar Fluff from new codex - anything new? (9 replies)
  208. Something to make your day just a little bit better. (4 replies)
  209. Iyanden Codex Supplement Discussion (1 replies)
  210. Do painted models play better? (57 replies)
  211. How to respond to being called a power gamer? (44 replies)
  212. Does anyone even use orks any more? (40 replies)
  213. Vintage Rogue Trader 40k Battle Report (1 replies)
  214. Imperial Guard regiments gone (16 replies)
  215. Two games today with the New Eldar (19 replies)
  216. Warp Storm made me cry (26 replies)
  217. Land raider variant (6 replies)
  218. Armour Pen Question? (13 replies)
  219. Deathwatch Terminators & Crux Terminatus (7 replies)
  220. What is the best psyker power or powers in the game? (3 replies)
  221. which 30k legion? (2 replies)
  222. Best assault unit (38 replies)
  223. 40k Dark Angels (2 replies)
  224. The maddest sounding unit you can think of. (30 replies)
  225. Heresy Era Codex Adaptation Thread... (4 replies)
  226. GW Wishlist New Eldar Models....You have the money and resources where are they? (44 replies)
  227. Keeping an ADD affected 40K player in check (6 replies)
  228. Wave Serpent Shield - my new favorite! (5 replies)
  229. Help - 4 well-balanced and fun/fluffy armies for new group: Eldar, SW, SM, Tau (17 replies)
  230. Modeling for advantage (31 replies)
  231. Eldargal Reviews Black Library Munitorum (2 replies)
  232. DA flyer: too crap even for casual? (11 replies)
  233. Movement Questions? (6 replies)
  234. Wrathknight: Why is this a thing? (84 replies)
  235. Chaos with no Heldrakes (24 replies)
  236. Cool Models vs Proxies (19 replies)
  237. Magnetized Crimson Hunter / Hemlock Wraithfighter (4 replies)
  238. Howling Banshees - A Conspiracy? (81 replies)
  239. Who or What, Angry Marines ? (6 replies)
  240. Shh! Image Leak of New SM Apocalypse Unit (11 replies)
  241. Beyond Testicles: The Progenoid Gland and Astartes Sexuality (15 replies)
  242. Using smaller rhinos. (14 replies)
  243. Aeronautica Imperialis - Special Clearance Price (9 replies)
  244. A New Approach to Unit Balance and Costing - an Open Letter to GW (46 replies)
  245. Broken Wraithguard on the Box (17 replies)
  246. Would these work for Sisters of Battle? (4 replies)
  247. Own a Necron Command Barge! (18 replies)
  248. new member (0 replies)
  249. Has GW Invalidated any Model Builds since IVth Edition? (48 replies)
  250. The Term "Rules Lawyer" Might Mean Different Things to Different Players (31 replies)