View Full Version : Iyanden supplement

09-05-2013, 12:52 PM
Hi guys,

Was wondering where I can find this supplement, and if anyone has it, are there big changes from the Codex Eldar??

My main reason for wondering is, we are going to a team tourney, and have an Eldar player already, and wanted to hear/see if Iyanden could make a competetive army??



09-05-2013, 01:14 PM
"Hi guys,

Was wondering where I can find this supplement"

Try the following link.
They've got that many copies, they had to start selling them...


09-05-2013, 03:13 PM
yeah well that's the obvious place to go look for it... :P

and the changes are imo nothing game breaking, but rather neat for a themed Iyanden army... in a nutshell, you can take up to 5 spiritseers per HQ, a Wraithknight or Wraithlord can be your Warlord, you get a new Warlord table, your Spiritseers get a new Primaris power that buffs Wraith units around him, and there's a few nifty new artifacts (one that can heal your Wraithknights/lords and another that makes the bearer safer within a unit of Wraithdudes, alongside some weapons)
Plus, there's a metric crapton of fluff and stuff...

09-06-2013, 09:43 AM
Yep if you like fluff, buy the book as there are only 2 pages of actual rules (unless you play cities of death or whatever that expansion is called).

Tim Henderson
10-30-2013, 11:36 PM
It also has the misfortune of a: Being the only supplement that cannot ally with its parent and b: has rules for Warlocks but doesn't say you can actually take Warlocks.

Mostly it's a lot of money for a bit of fluff and the ability to get 5 spiritseers as an HQ.

10-31-2013, 03:07 AM
It also has the misfortune of a: Being the only supplement that cannot ally with its parent and b: has rules for Warlocks but doesn't say you can actually take Warlocks.

Mostly it's a lot of money for a bit of fluff and the ability to get 5 spiritseers as an HQ.

I didn't know that, I thought you could ally with Eldar but not another supplement like the Farsight one as an example.

11-05-2013, 01:01 PM
FYI - GW is now allowing LGS's to stock the printed supplements. Ask your LGS owner to order it if you're interested.