View Full Version : Whatever happened to?........

Mr Mystery
08-08-2013, 02:25 PM
Evening all!

So over the years, 40k has evolved in various ways.

From an overall streamlining of the rules, to various alterations to the background, via greater definition of the overall style.

And it's one of those style changes that I would like to see brought back.

Namely, back banners. There was a time when every squad had one, typically on the unit leader. Orks had loads if you include the old glyph plates, which whilst still there, don't play the same role!

I just miss the bombast of them. They were a declaration of presence on the battlefield, and a clear hangover from 40k's origins as an expansion for Fantasy.

But how about you? What things from yesteryear do you fondly remember?

08-08-2013, 02:48 PM
I love back banners, every sergeant and captain in my army has one and I have a large banner too in my command squad, honour guard squad and stern guard squad (where I know it doesn't count for anything, but it looks cool). I decided to do that pretty much when I settled on Imperial Fists for my army as they go into battle in bright yellow armour, so subtlety and stealth are not their thing at all. They want you to know who you are fighting and banners help with that.

Lukas The Trickster
08-08-2013, 02:59 PM
- The old Imperial Guard stormtroopers - the ones with the berets!
- Flocked bases painted Goblin Green
- White Dwarf when Adrian Wood and Paul Sawyer were editors
- The octagonal citadel pots that flicked paint everywhere when you opened them
- Inferno! and Warhammer Monthly magazines, and the Citadel Journal
- GW stores having a sale each year!

08-08-2013, 03:19 PM
Scratch-building - especially terrain - without citadel components, in WD.

08-08-2013, 03:26 PM
I do [space marine] back banners only on my veteran sergeants. I know that there's no difference for now between a regular sergeant and a veteran sergeant, but I enjoy the lore of Sgt. Justus being set apart from his brother sergeants in the 4th company by bearing his personal heraldry into battle.

I haven't been around as long as some of you guys, but I miss the ability to just buy options for your entire army, like the Imperial Guard doctrines or the old space marine chapter traits. I don't think the implementation of those ideas was beyond improvement, but I enjoyed the feeling of being able to pay for the option to flavor an army that way.

08-08-2013, 03:57 PM
Crazy variant lists. Back in the 3rd edition era, there were tons of variant lists in WD and in other books, and it made for tons of variety.

And Specialist games, with White Dwarf support (Necromunda and BFG FTW!). They were awesome for a few week break from the main games, and an interesting foray into different parts of the universe.

08-08-2013, 05:11 PM
Old-style Lightning Claws, the kind that emerged from the top of the gauntlet, Wolverine-style. The newer model always looks to me like they stuck some knives on brass knuckles. Ugly, ugly, ugly.

08-09-2013, 02:01 AM
Cluetin Guardian of the Shroud. Ok he never had a model but still...

Mr Mystery
08-09-2013, 02:04 AM
Who?? Not sure I'm aware of that character.

08-09-2013, 02:07 AM
In Codex Angels of Death, he was BA sarge (?) who was to look after the shroud of sanguinius. Once a game it could be revealed causing a buff army-wide to assault or something similar

Mr Mystery
08-09-2013, 02:09 AM
Very dim recollection now! Played Dark Angels in 2nd Ed, so of course had the Codex...but yeah. Didn't pay too much attention to the Blood Angels!

08-09-2013, 02:12 AM
Scratch-building - especially terrain - without citadel components, in WD.

I miss that a lot, though to be fair it was because there literally was no suitable terrain you could buy. Still it's something that there could be more of.

08-09-2013, 02:17 AM
I second the 'White Dwarf being good'. I miss being excited about getting it every month :(
I also miss Games Workshop sales and plus and minus to hit modifiers :)

Mr Mystery
08-09-2013, 02:22 AM
Third one, play Fantasy brother! :p

08-09-2013, 03:41 AM
Old Characters/units that should come back/be included from variant lists:
Anghor Prok

Feral Orks

Space Wolves:
Wulfen Pack

Space Marines:
Captain Cortez
Chaplain Xavier
Ancient Helveticus

Dark Angels:
Sergeant Naaman

Lord Solar Macharius
Commissar Gaunt
Colonel Schaffer


Nuadhu Fireheart
Iyanna Arienal

Moriar the Chosen

Red Terror

Dark Eldar:
Kruellagh the Vile


08-09-2013, 03:51 AM
Cluetin Guardian of the Shroud. Ok he never had a model but still...

Veteran Sergeant Cluetin! I fully intend to include him in my chapter as it fills out!

08-09-2013, 06:21 PM
The only Orks I had painted were my old Boarboyz
I want that unit back
(and no, I'm totally against cav being a "counts as" bike-that's my opinion and I'm right)

08-09-2013, 08:16 PM
Hated back banners, absolutely and unequivocally. They ranked almost as high on my hate list as silly orks and silly dwarves in 40K. One went away and the other should have.

Things I miss:
- Inferno! and Warhammer Monthly magazines, and the Citadel Journal
- Lost and the Damned army list
- SM chapter traits and Imperial Guard doctrines
- Legion of the Damned Sgt. Centurius
- moles/tunnelers
- rules for Epic Tyranid creatures produced by Armorcast (in 28mm scale)

Somethings that I miss that never existed:
- an IG option to field a mostly cavalry army. I know it wouldn't be very effective but given that most IG regiments are analogs of historical armies, most of which had large cavalry contingents, being able to field them if you want to should be an option
- female IG figures
- female SM figures
- real supernatural undead armies in 40K (a la Heavy Metal (the Movie)) and any number of modern zombie apocalypse movies

08-09-2013, 08:47 PM
I second the 'White Dwarf being good'. I miss being excited about getting it every month :(
I also miss Games Workshop sales and plus and minus to hit modifiers :)

I miss real content in White Dwarf.

08-10-2013, 07:38 AM
I miss real content in White Dwarf.
To be fair to White Dwarf, Blanchitsu is always fantastic, and Standard Bearer is often worth a read. Now if only that were more than 6 - 7 pages a month...

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-10-2013, 08:34 AM
Enslavers (I still champion that they should be a new xenos army since 40k lacks any aliens that don't walk bar a few nids)
Necron Pariahs (Loved the fluff and concept behind them, would like to see them back - lychguard just don't do it for me)
Epic (I miss it being the 3rd core game. Damn you Epic 40k - damn you!)

08-10-2013, 09:16 AM
I miss the power slide with bikes and the crash and burn roll from 2nd. That and the squats weapons

08-20-2013, 12:48 PM
Whatever happned to +1 Str AND +1 Initiative to Furious Charge? 6th Ed sucks.....

08-20-2013, 01:02 PM
Your username seems to be untruthful...

08-20-2013, 01:05 PM
LOL, good one. 6th Ed still sucks. Bring back 4th or 5th Ed.

08-21-2013, 12:25 AM
Praetorian Imperial Guard and a full Harlequin army.

Also, big time miss this one - the eye of terror summer campaign and all the fluff/action associated with it.

08-21-2013, 01:03 AM
..Leon Trotski? He got an ice pick ... That made his ears burn...

08-21-2013, 01:05 AM
Remember the clear plastic targeting grid for shooting at vehicles?

Also, Citadel Journal where the Genestealer Cult and Harlequin list first appeared. I wonder whatever happened to Tim Huckleberry?

08-21-2013, 01:20 AM
Good call on the Genestealer cult! I'm hoping this comes back in some book of allies weirdness.

08-21-2013, 01:24 AM
The only Orks I had painted were my old Boarboyz
I want that unit back
(and no, I'm totally against cav being a "counts as" bike-that's my opinion and I'm right)
if its your opinion then it cant be right because an opinion is what someone thinks and isn't law

08-21-2013, 01:27 AM
I miss the old GW metallic paints. Not just the ones like Tin Bitz, Gun metal, I mean the coloured ones like Polished Blue, Glistening Green, Ruby Red and Amethyst Purple. I know Coat D' Arms make a half decent copy of them, but I still have an old GW Amethyst that has not dried up. In fact it is almost new looking, except that it is 2/3s full. I also miss Deadly Nightshade, and the Inks GW used to make.

08-21-2013, 01:34 AM
i agree i hated back banners and female IG would be a good idea, but imperial guard veterans can choose from 3 doctrines and SM only recruit males because the Adepta Sororitas (sisters of battle) recruit women and i think you can have cavalry based guard but only from an imperial Armour book.

08-21-2013, 02:01 AM
- The old Imperial Guard stormtroopers - the ones with the berets!
- Flocked bases painted Goblin Green
- White Dwarf when Adrian Wood and Paul Sawyer were editors
- The octagonal citadel pots that flicked paint everywhere when you opened them
- Inferno! and Warhammer Monthly magazines, and the Citadel Journal
- GW stores having a sale each year!

Scratch-building - especially terrain - without citadel components, in WD.

And Specialist games, with White Dwarf support (Necromunda and BFG FTW!). They were awesome for a few week break from the main games, and an interesting foray into different parts of the universe.

I miss real content in White Dwarf.

I miss the old GW metallic paints. Not just the ones like Tin Bitz, Gun metal, I mean the coloured ones like Polished Blue, Glistening Green, Ruby Red and Amethyst Purple.

All of this ^

But mostly

Old-style Lightning Claws, the kind that emerged from the top of the gauntlet, Wolverine-style. The newer model always looks to me like they stuck some knives on brass knuckles. Ugly, ugly, ugly.

08-21-2013, 05:33 AM
Battle Reports that actually had a storyline and had a bit of story at the start and at the end (contained in a small box).

08-21-2013, 06:54 AM
When Necron Reanimation Protocols used to be called "We'll Be Back". Very Terminator movie esque.

08-21-2013, 01:18 PM
I still call it 'we'll be back' and sometimes get confused looks from my opponent.

08-21-2013, 08:17 PM
Evening all!

So over the years, 40k has evolved in various ways.

From an overall streamlining of the rules, to various alterations to the background, via greater definition of the overall style.

And it's one of those style changes that I would like to see brought back.

Namely, back banners. There was a time when every squad had one, typically on the unit leader. Orks had loads if you include the old glyph plates, which whilst still there, don't play the same role!

I just miss the bombast of them. They were a declaration of presence on the battlefield, and a clear hangover from 40k's origins as an expansion for Fantasy.

But how about you? What things from yesteryear do you fondly remember?


Ork Mad Boys

Eldar with Las Guns

I could go on but GW may come after me.

08-23-2013, 09:41 AM
I miss the old GW metallic paints. Not just the ones like Tin Bitz, Gun metal, I mean the coloured ones like Polished Blue, Glistening Green, Ruby Red and Amethyst Purple. I know Coat D' Arms make a half decent copy of them, but I still have an old GW Amethyst that has not dried up. In fact it is almost new looking, except that it is 2/3s full. I also miss Deadly Nightshade, and the Inks GW used to make.

Coat D' Arms don't make copies, they were the orignal supplier to citadel, its the same paint!

Reading through the second edition rule book again and banners were everywhere, most squad leaders had at least one, Space Marine squads would have 2, one on the Sarge and one on the Squad Leader who would be in charge of the combat squad. Every Eldar Aspect warrior had one too, it was great! I counted 32 banners in one picture. Ragnar Blackmane had two, thats how you knew he was a badass!

I also miss goblin green bases, even in the underhives of necromunda, all models were standing on a tiny circle of lush, verdant grass! Amazing!

Arkhan Land
08-23-2013, 10:34 AM
I miss the old GW metallic paints. Not just the ones like Tin Bitz, Gun metal, I mean the coloured ones like Polished Blue, Glistening Green, Ruby Red and Amethyst Purple. I know Coat D' Arms make a half decent copy of them, but I still have an old GW Amethyst that has not dried up. In fact it is almost new looking, except that it is 2/3s full. I also miss Deadly Nightshade, and the Inks GW used to make.

yeah badab black was da ****

08-27-2013, 06:35 PM
Remember the clear plastic targeting grid for shooting at vehicles?

Also, Citadel Journal where the Genestealer Cult and Harlequin list first appeared. I wonder whatever happened to Tim Huckleberry?

Still have the issue of WD that had the targeting profiles and the clear sheet.
Miss the Squats on their trikes

08-27-2013, 08:32 PM

Here's Timmy

08-27-2013, 08:37 PM
I miss firing a flamethrower into a bunker and automatically hitting everyone. And if they didn't die, they were set on fire! Fun times.

08-27-2013, 09:27 PM
I miss plasma missiles turning parts of the field into death traps.

I miss swarms of hormagaunts

08-28-2013, 12:22 PM
Rogue Trader - Vortex Grenades hehe... I loved how the vortex had a chance to stay on the field and move around

08-29-2013, 01:17 AM
They survived to second...