View Full Version : How about BOLS forum update for the BRB?

Lost Vyper
09-09-2013, 04:57 AM
It seems that GW doesn´t really care about them updates, so what are the rules you would FAQ and how?

For example, i think assaulting the vehicles is stupid and would fix it with

1) If vehicle has moved, you would hit it with 4+


2) If vehicle has moved under 12", hit with 3+, moved/turbo-boosted/moved flat out 12-24", hit with 4+, 24" or more, you would hit it with 5+

this is how vehicles that REALLY can move fast, would gain benefit from that even in CC

09-09-2013, 06:03 AM
A unit that disembarks from a vehicle that has not moved may still launch an assault in that turn, even if the transport does not have the assault vehicle rule.

Khorne Berzerkers and Howling Banshees, rejoice!

Lost Vyper
09-09-2013, 06:15 AM
True, that would be great!

Mr Mystery
09-09-2013, 06:15 AM
A unit that disembarks from a vehicle that has not moved may still launch an assault in that turn, even if the transport does not have the assault vehicle rule.

Khorne Berzerkers and Howling Banshees, rejoice!

Models with Fleet can assault from any transport?

Eldar players! Stop whining now! :p :p :p

09-09-2013, 06:18 AM
Just a nitpick: these aren't FAQs, or the things that are likely to appear in an FAQ, because they are rules changes.

These are house rules. ;)

09-09-2013, 06:23 AM
Lord knows Chaos Space Marines need some kind of open-topped transport.

As for Banshees? Keep their points cost the same, change Acrobatic to be "may charge out of any vehicle that has moved 6" or less, regardless of if it has the Assault Vehicle rule; additionally, they have a 4+ cover save against Overwatch shots", give them assault grenades, add this on to the current Banshee Mask "an enemy unit in close combat with Howling Banshees treats their Leadership value as -1" and voila. Done. Not perfect, but it would be an easy way to fix them.

09-09-2013, 09:27 AM
There are good fluff reasons as to why something needs to be open topped or an assualt vehicle for the unit inside to launch an assault though, what the Eldar really need is an assualt transport, getting out of a vehicle, especially a hovering one, in front of enemy troops who are most likely firing at you would make it difficult to then charge them

09-09-2013, 10:52 AM
Just the other day I wrote a list of things I would do to improve 6th. I'll post it when I get home from work.

09-09-2013, 08:57 PM
Fixing 40k:

1. Remove Snap Fire vs Flyers/FMC. Instead, Flyers/FMC gain a 4+ cover save for moving normally, and a 3+ for going Flat Out. Jinking gets them a 2+ cover save.

Flyers are broken. They are the single biggest balance problem in all of 40k, in my opinion. Only certain armies can deal with them effectively. This makes them still good, just not absurdly so. This will mean that a lot of the crappy Flyers will just be crappier, but no one took them anyways. Ironically, the new Eldar Flyers might actually be better with a free cover save.

2. Skyfire instead ignores Jink saves. Interceptor is unchanged.

This way Skyfire is still useful.

3. Units may start the game with the Jink save they would get from moving at Combat Speed.

It was silly that Skimmers, and FMCs would just be sitting around waiting for the starting whistle. This way you get a little protection, without going overboard and letting them count as going Flat-Out with an awesome cover save for free.

4. The Heldrake has a 180 degree LOS, not 360.

Need I explain?

Psychic powers/Warlord Traits

5. Blessings and Maledictions are done at any time during the movement phase.

Forcing them to go at the start of the turn is too restrictive. It makes reserves significantly less good as you can’t get psychic buffs off on reserved units, and it makes certain psychic powers nearly impossible to use.

6. If any abilities or special rules granted by a psychic power affect a unit (e.g. Instant Death attacks from Force Weapons, or reroll Invulnerable saves from Null Zone), that unit may Deny the Witch.

This needed to happen, especially considering the buffs some of the other rules here grant psykers. There needs to be some form of psychic defense in the game, and currently Deny the Witch isn’t cutting it.

7. Iron Arm is just +1 S/T, not +D3.

If you don’t understand this one, you’ve never faced an opponent who got this power off every single turn and had a T8 EW Daemon Prince flying around killing stuff. +1 S/T is still very good, and it removes the ridiculousness of the possible +3.

8. You may pick your psychic powers and Warlord Traits.

None of this random table crap. Too many games are won or lost purely based on whether or not your psyker rolls the correct combination of powers. Same thing with Warlord Traits, it’s too easy for you to get a useless one but your opponent rolls up Stealth/Move Through Cover in Ruins for his entire army on a Cityfight board.

Wound Allocation

9. Divide your unit into groups based on their relevant save. Allocate one wound to each model in the unit, circling back around once each model has the same number of wounds on it, then roll each type of save as a group. Unsaved wounds are only allocated to a model with that particular save.

Saves are way too complicated as they are right now. This is quite a bit simpler, without being abusable the way it was back in 5th ed. I’ve played too many idiots who insist on rolling one single god damned save at a frikin’ time, even though their stupid Terminator Lord is in the back of the squad. This isn’t really a balance issue, it’s just a gameplay problem.


Remove Challenges. Really, that's the best thing to do. But, if you want to keep challenges, to fix them:

10. Characters may leave a challenge upon a successful Initiative check, but may not attack on the turn they do so.

I’ve seen too many slapfights between two characters with AP3 weapons but 2+ armor. Challenges should be a tool to mitigate or maximize damage in assault, and/or forge some narratives, not a clumsy mechanic that gets your assault unit stuck for the entirety of the game because your character forgot to sharpen his sword that morning.


11. Damage results (shaken/stunned) do not force the occupants to Snap Fire. A unit may assault out of a transport if they disembarked before the transport moved that turn.

All that’s really needed to bring transports into line is Hull Points. And we don’t need all these assault nerfs. This buffs several struggling units/armies (Howling Banshees/Harlequins, Blood Angels, etc), which broadens the range of competitive armies/units, which is always a good thing.

12. Walkers. I want to do something here, I'm just not sure what yet. Walkers in general are pretty weak. About the only exception is really the Grey Knight Rifleman Dreadnought and the BA Talon Dreadnought.


13. Remove the Disordered Charge special rule.

Why was it even there in the first place?

14. Random Charge Length has a minimum range of 6”.

RCL is as much a nerf to assault as a buff, because while you could charge further, you also had a significant change of failing short charges. That made assault unreliable, and unreliable is uncompetitive. Caveat: 6” might be a little too much. Maybe a minimum of 4-5” would be best. It would take some playtesting to see, I think.

15. Hammer of Wraith gains benefits of the model’s special rules and wargear.

Hammer of Wrath is cool, but it just isn’t actually that good normally. This makes it a pretty sweet bonus, and buffs the generally weak Jump Infantry type units.

16. Jump Infantry may reroll the charge and move 12” in the same turn.

Why did they even separate this in the first place?


17. Artillery becomes T5 instead of T7.

There aren’t very many artillery units out there, so most people don’t realize how OP Artillery is. While Forgeworld is normally overrated in terms of power, their one ‘group’ of broken units (Thudd guns, Saber Defense Platforms) are manly broken because they’re incredibly tough yet easily spammable. Dropping them to T5 makes it much easier to actually shoot them to death, whereas at T7 they were virtually immune to small-arms fire. Still very good, but no longer neigh impossible to deal with.


18. Replace the Relic with King of the Hill (one central objective). Elite units may score.

The Relic is an extremely dumb mission. But the basic idea is still cool. This simplifies it significantly, and avoids the absurd shenanigans that plague the Relic currently. It also makes Elites more useful, since a lot of people eschewed them in favor of Fast Attack and Heavy Support thanks to The Scouring and Big Guns Never Tire.

19. The Scouring: Each player gets a 1, 2, and 3 pt objective. When objectives are placed, keep them face down and don’t reveal which of your objectives is which until the game starts.

This adds some tactical depth to The Scouring, and avoids the possibility of getting screwed over by having the 1,2,2 objetives while your opponent gets the 3,3,4’s.

Codex Specific:


20. All Chaos Marine units except for Cultists gain Fearless.

How many CSM players actually take non-Cult troops? None of the even remotely competitive ones, anyways, except under very special circumstances. To compare, a basic 13pt CSM has a Bolter and a Bolt Pistol. A 14pt Tactical Marine has Combat Tactics, Combat Squads, and ATSKNF. This one change opens up a huge range of list possibilities for CSM.

21. Remove the Warpstorm Table.

Because the Warpstorm table should never have been written. If I wanted victory to be determined purely by dice rolls instead of player skill, I’d be playing craps at a Casino right now.

22. Tzeentch is +1 to Invulnerable saves, not reroll saving throws of a 1.

Because a rerollable 2+ armor, 2+ cover, or 2+ Invulnerable save, all of which are possible by various means, is broken, especially on a Flying Monstrous Creature.


23. Cover saves may be taken against Markerlights.

Markerlights are super-cheap and super-good. If you don’t think this needs to happen, then you’re a Tau player and no one likes you.


24. The Serpent Shield is D3+1 shots, not D6+1.

I’m tired of hearing about Serpent Spam lists on the internet by now. Wave Serpents aren’t broken, but they are a little bit too good.

25. Falcons are dedicated transports.

This way someone might actually take them.

26. Howling Banshees gain offensive grenades.

Because Phil Kelly dropped the ball on this one. Combined with the ability to assault out of a transport that hasn't moved, Banshees suddenly get pretty good.

Dark Eldar

27. Actually, I think we’re pretty good here.

Grey Knights

28. Brotherhood Champions should be 2 Wounds, and get 3 attacks instead of D3 for his Rapier Strike stance, and 3 attacks plus one attack for every enemy model in base contact with him for his Sword Storm stance, and Crowe should have the Independent Character rule.

Don’t worry, Purifiers were mainly OP because of light transport spam in 5th. They’re still a good unit, but Marines die easier than ever. Making Crowe good isn't a bad thing. And Brotherhood Champions are so cool, but they're just not very good.

29. Halberds on Purifiers should be a 5pt upgrade, but 2pts on GKSS.

Don’t know why they were so cheap on Purifiers with their 2A, but so expensive on GKSS with their 1.

30. Cleansing Flame only hits engaged enemy models.

Duh. Still powerful, but it isn't quite an auto-win vs Orks.

31. Inquistors make one Warrior Acolyte unit troops, rather than Elites.

You as tired of facing Coteaz as I am of playing him?

32. Remove Psykotroke Grenades.

Yeah... they're broken. I've literally only seen a unit with psykotroke grenades lose combat once, and that was because the guy was a fluff bunny who stuck them in a terrible assault unit that couldn't have fought its way out of a paper bag. I don't recall what exact unit it was, but I was like "really?". I think it was a Daemonblade Inquisitor with some of the crappy henchmen options.


32. Tesla grants 1 bonus hit.

Did you know Snap Firing Twin-Linked Tesla is actually better than firing TL Tesla at normal BS? Because you get more 6’s, and it’s a silly game mechanic. With the changes to Flyers, this is the only complaint about Necrons I can think of.

Also, Mind Shackle Scarabs are bull****.

Imperial Guard

33. Remove Get Back in the Fight

If you have ever used an Order… I think you are a terrible person. But GBITF is the only one that’s actually a game balance problem.

34. Vendettas/Valkyries/Vultures should be AV11, not 12, and about 20-40pts more expensive in the case of Vendettas and Vultures.

Fixing the other most broken Flyer ever.

Space Marines

35. Hey, you’re getting a new codex, so stop complaining.

There are some things to improve, there, though. Chaplains are still terrible, for example. But only time will tell, they're still very new.

Sisters of Battle/Orks/Tyranids

36. You… need an new codex. There are not simple, elegant solutions to bring you in line.

Rules that I’d like to see in the game:

Tank Shock

1. Any model the Tank moves over during the tank shock must pass an Initiative test, or suffer a Str 6 AP- hit.

This rule is badass. That’s all the explanation I need. Caveat: Not worried about it making light vehicle spam too good like it was in 5th, Hull Points will still keep vehicles in check. This would suck for Orks, though. They should get a buff to Death or Glory or something.

2. A psyker may expend a warp charge to contest an opponent’s psychic power cast within 18”. The two psykers roll D6+Ld. If the casting psyker rolls equal to or higher than the blocking psyker, the power goes off as normal. Otherwise, the power fails.

I think this adds a bit of tactical depth to psykers. You have a certain number of warp charges, and if you’re facing, say, a Daemon Flying Circus, or maybe an Eldar Seer Council, you won’t be able to block all of their powers. But you can sure as heck try and shut down Iron Arm or Fortune, or whatever specific power happens to be most valuable at the time. This rule has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I play Grey Knights, and thus have at least half a dozen warp charges to burn each and every turn…

Though, honestly, this just makes psykers even more of an auto-include than they already are.

3. All Jump Infantry units gain Hit and Run.

Most Jump Infantry units that are currently good already have it. This, and buffed Hammer of Wrath, would make Assault Marines a decent unit again.