View Full Version : Just how rare are the 2002 Daemonettes?

08-14-2013, 09:08 PM
I found an old box of them, and I'm out of the game, but no idea what their current value/rarity is. eBay is all over the place, from $30 to $175...neither seems quite right. Any collectors able to give me advice?

Edit: Fixed title. Phone doesn't like message boards.

08-15-2013, 12:51 AM
If you are talking to old metal ones I have been looking for some but like you said ebay is all over the place price wise.

08-15-2013, 03:05 AM
They're less than worthless, you might as well just send them me :D

In reality, no idea, but are the 2002 ones the good ones?

08-15-2013, 04:27 AM
They are beautiful half nude female model. Much better than the new plastic one. A lot of people are looking for them, and thats why the price are so high at ebay.

08-15-2013, 04:52 AM
with the daemonic flame hair? Yeah I regret not getting some of those.

08-15-2013, 06:54 AM
I think that they are pretty consistently $6-8 per miniature. $175 for a box seems extremely strange.

08-15-2013, 11:10 AM
As "OOP collectibles" they will tend to sell for a higher price if they are unmolested in the box, or better, still shrinkwrapped.

Either way, $175 is someone fishing for a fool unless they are painted Golden Demon winners.

08-15-2013, 12:04 PM
Rare? Not at all. That's why they pop up on Feebay all the time.

But they are somewhat expensive, because the demand is high.

08-15-2013, 12:27 PM
I have collected my fair share of both Daemonettes, and Seekers. I have units made up of them from the 1st, 2nd and current models.

1st is the chunky model with the large crab like claws. I have a unit of 6 seekers and 6 Daemonettes . 2nd release is the slimmer feminine models with daggers and smaller crab claws. I have 12 Daemonettes and 6 Seekers. 3rd release is the current plastic range. I have about 40 Daemonettes, and 10 Seekers.

It is a pity, because I used to have lots more of the older versions. I got out of 40K years ago, and only got back into it in 2006/2007. I had 2500 miniatures collected over 9 years, and sold most of them off in 1995.

I have seen then on ebay for varied prices, many times they are not under the biding lists, they are in the buy now lists, and the prices are set too high for my tastes. When you factor in postage, I tend to buy them if they cost me AU$ 5.00 a miniature.

I guess it is up to you, but if you set the price too high they may not sell. I would probably put them up on the bid lists, and set a reserve minimum price for them.

08-15-2013, 09:38 PM
Thanks all for the replies. I'm going to try and avoid being "that guy," and sell them for a reasonable amount it looks like!

08-15-2013, 10:05 PM
They were available on a certain Chinese website that used to sell various GW/FW stuff, so they are more common on ebay than they should be. If you have them boxed, then you can show they're the real deal.

Mr Mystery
08-16-2013, 03:58 AM
My Bro's still got the 30 I bought him around 10 years ago.

Unpainted for the most part.

It may even be 40 odd. I can't recall clearly! Was part of a christmas 'by weight' staff order.

08-16-2013, 04:01 AM
I have collected my fair share of both Daemonettes, and Seekers. I have units made up of them from the 1st, 2nd and current models.

1st is the chunky model with the large crab like claws. I have a unit of 6 seekers and 6 Daemonettes . 2nd release is the slimmer feminine models with daggers and smaller crab claws. I have 12 Daemonettes and 6 Seekers. 3rd release is the current plastic range. I have about 40 Daemonettes, and 10 Seekers.

It is a pity, because I used to have lots more of the older versions. I got out of 40K years ago, and only got back into it in 2006/2007. I had 2500 miniatures collected over 9 years, and sold most of them off in 1995.

I have seen then on ebay for varied prices, many times they are not under the biding lists, they are in the buy now lists, and the prices are set too high for my tastes. When you factor in postage, I tend to buy them if they cost me AU$ 5.00 a miniature.

I guess it is up to you, but if you set the price too high they may not sell. I would probably put them up on the bid lists, and set a reserve minimum price for them.

There were also models released prior to the crab claw girls you have listed as first. They were smaller, had much smaller claws and from memory tails. That makes the current plastics the fourth incarnation.

08-18-2013, 08:39 AM
I remember then - now. I just googled them, and got a picture of the models they released for the rogue trader Daemonette range. They had 13 individual models, And I think I had 2 of each. I got rid of them back in 1995 with the bulk of the 40K stuff I had at the time.

I think the 3rd release models were the best though.