View Full Version : Eldar Remnants of Glory.

07-09-2013, 12:58 PM
I have been looking through the Remnants of Glory for my Farseer and I can't find anywhere on the internet or in the codex where you get the pieces for the remnants. Such as the Shard of Anaris. How do you get these parts to put onto the models? I though you didn't actually need to get the pieces for them until I looked at the part where it tells you if it needs a piece or not. Where it has the '2'. I'm really confused.


07-09-2013, 02:39 PM
you can model somethign or not model something. i personally liek the old style eldar hariquin jetbikes for mantle of the lauching god as it is so cool looking and constant 2+ jink save rerollable

shard could just be a cool sword , same with fire sabre. a ranger rifle for the longrifle, spirit stone and pheonix gem just like a gem on the base or staff, and i cant think of somehting more perfect for the faolchu's wings than a pair of sang guard wings

as you want hte sword specifically.. maybe a spare diresword ?

07-09-2013, 02:52 PM
I used all my dire swords on the exarchs of my dire avengers but thanks, I will use this information and fix my army a bit for the upcoming apocalypse game at my games workshop (celebrating the obelisk release)

07-09-2013, 03:22 PM
There's no official piece, which means you can use anything that looks right to you and just make sure your opponent knows what's what.

For the Shard of Anaris, specifically, I'd recommend finding a High Elf mate who built his Flamespyre Phoenix without the bit in the bottom left hand corner of http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m3180314a_99120210025_FlamespyrePhoenix04_873x627. jpg and blag it off him.

07-09-2013, 04:00 PM
Thanks, I have a friend who is a high elf player and I may ask him for it some time. Thanks.