View Full Version : I can't make this idea go away...!

06-25-2013, 06:50 PM
So my wife has been been pleased with me lately, and thus she fronted the money so I could get my Riptide ahead of payday. (Thank you, sweetie!) I got it finished this weekend, magnetized, and he's been sitting on my desk since. All good.

She sees me playing with the guns, trying out alternate attachment points, and I explain what I'm doing. She then reminds me of her Hive Tyrant and my promise to magnetize it as well (at the time of the promise I was out of magnets) so I get the Tyrant and her box out and proceed to start looking things over, because it's been <<embarrassment>> a year and I don't recall the ins and out of it so well. All good.

The two models are sort of faced off on the desk... and this infernal little idea squibbles up out of nowhere and starts crawling all through the folds of my brain, and I find myself paper taping the burst cannon to the top of the jump pack, and taking the Tyrant's big sword and taping it to the arm of the Riptide not holding the shield, and thinking Dammit, that looks so cool...

I can't make this idea go away! Help me! I keep beating at it, and it keeps giggling at me and weebling back up, and the Tyrant just keeps grinning at me like she's proud of something! It would have to be a power sword or something to be at all worthwhile, and he'd need a Fireblade's WS and Attacks at least, and Farsight's would be better, and then I'm creating a new unit, and what do I pay for it?

Does anyone have a couple spares of the Tyrant's big blade I could get off them? The squared off one, not the pointy one. Or I suppose I could fabricate one...

Nefarius Drapesh
06-26-2013, 01:05 AM
Go for it! Sounds great!
Did something similar some time ago and i just love it. Yet i have to admit i'm still not sure what to use the miniature for...

http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a583/Drapesh/326766_564990000181925_1392195609_o_zpsea9c01e5.jp g

06-26-2013, 05:52 AM
Yikes! Uhm... unique Demon prince of some kind, maybe?