View Full Version : The Great Supplement Petition

09-04-2013, 05:00 PM
Alright Bell of Lost Souls.

I have a wonderfully obnoxious and potentially devastatingly effective plan.

My idea is simple... Inundate GW with e-mails requesting more supplements. Certainly, they don't have a lot of ways to contact them... Their Customer Service line is supposed to be just for orders, and it might even just go to some place in the other hemisphere for processing... But if I know business, I know that the lower echelons tend to freak out a little when something keeps happening, and they get the attention of those higher up, and when those higher up have to devote time to a problem, something gets done. Whether that *something* is just ignoring the e-mails as they come in, or actually forwarding the discovered information higher into the business, that's up to chance.

Ideally, GW might start taking a tally of what we request.

So let's make this as EASY as possible for you, the consumer, to follow these instructions...

1. Prepare an e-mail to: [email protected], [email protected]
-Having the e-mail go to two places will increase the chances of its visibility!

2. Copy the following text and put it into the e-mail:


Dear GW,

As a hobbyist and gamer, I enjoy the Warhammer 40k universe and am thrilled that Games Workshop is taking steps to expand upon the lore through the Black Library, and expand upon the game through the recent addition of Supplements to the various army Codices. I play <Insert Army Here> and am particularly fascinated by <Insert Unit/Faction Here>. As such, I would love to see a Supplement for <Insert Desired Supplement Here>! I know it's unreasonable to expect a reply, or any fast development, as the nature of the pace of the 40k hobby is what it is, but I hope that this e-mail helps to tally the vote in favor of my chosen army.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and please, keep producing your fantastic product!

<Insert Name Here>


3. Fill in the <Insert Here> blocks in the e-mail.
-Please keep things reasonable. Now is not the time to ask for things that are well out of the range of possibility.
-Petition for things like the Ork Kult of Speed, the Chaos Space Marine Night Lords, the Space Marine Imperial Fists, Craftworld Biel Tan, or something like the Imperial Guard Catachans.

4. Send, and also reply to this post with what you voted for!

Please don't turn this into a big argument over what's better, or who deserves a supplement most. This is supposed to be a civil way to let GW know that A. we like the idea of Supplements, B. we're willing to pay for more of them, C. we want to see the release of supplements mirror the ACTUAL interest of the armies out there.

With any luck, we might start seeing certain more-desired supplements sooner rather than later! That'd be pretty sweet, right?

Good luck, keep it civil, and let's get GW to listen to the fans!

09-04-2013, 09:44 PM
Physical letters trump emails.

Mr Mystery
09-04-2013, 11:54 PM

Plus, names are powerful things. Petitions to for profit companies achieve nowt. But, a letter writing campaign? That's much better!

I know it's splitting hairs for this particular project (which I endorse before anyone gets out their pram) but where a petition tends to be a demand, a letter writing campaign (or email campaign/telephoning campaign) attempts to persuade.

I say write letters, sent through the post. 20 letters has a greater impact than 100 emails!

09-04-2013, 11:57 PM
I'm on it!

09-05-2013, 02:19 AM
I play Orks, and am particularly interested in Ork Meks, their vehicles, walkers, weaponry and other instruments of war.
Emails sent, will also send a snail mail this weekend.

09-05-2013, 02:44 AM
Didn't we try this for a xenos artbook? Have we got one yet?

09-05-2013, 03:07 AM
Hi Kieron,

We do not have any plans currently in Forge World to update the Orks but I will pass it onto our book team and see if it stems an interest with them.

If there is anything further we can do to assist you, or if you have any queries about the information we have requested or provided, please telephone us.

Forge World

09-05-2013, 06:01 AM
Hi Kieron,

We do not have any plans currently in Forge World to update the Orks but I will pass it onto our book team and see if it stems an interest with them.

If there is anything further we can do to assist you, or if you have any queries about the information we have requested or provided, please telephone us.

Forge World

Excellent, a response!

Let's send more e-mails and snail mail letters and make GW listen! Spread the word onto other forums and blogs too, so we can really get this thing moving!

09-05-2013, 09:35 AM
Hi Kieron,

We do not have any plans currently in Forge World to update the Orks but I will pass it onto our book team and see if it stems an interest with them.

If there is anything further we can do to assist you, or if you have any queries about the information we have requested or provided, please telephone us.

Forge World

I got a very similar response when I asked Forgeworld about their plans to release models for the Exorcist special character. They said, basically, "we know y'all want it and we'll get to it eventually but have no imminent plans."

Now, to strategize for a moment.

I think we will be a lot stronger if we focus in on a few specific desires. For example, one guy asking for more information on the Exorcists and one guy asking for more information on the Red Scorpions and one person asking for more information on the Fire Hawks are weaker than three guys asking for a supplement about orphan chapters or chapters that are sufficiently different from their parent chapter, even if each guy mentions that they are specifically interested in the Exorcists, Red Scorpions, and Fire Hawks, respectively.

So, what are the supplements we'd like to see? Certainly a Book of Orphan and Oddball Chapters, but what else? If we can channel our interests into a few specific requests, we will be a lot stronger than if we all ask for what we want separately.

09-05-2013, 10:36 AM
I would like a Night Lords supplement or a book for Alpha Legion and Night Lords. Does anyone want to get behind that?

09-05-2013, 11:31 AM
I'd love to see an Alpha Legion supplement, but I'd really like to see them do something to characterize their sneaky, multifaceted style of war beyond "gain infiltrate or d3 units in your deployment do the truffle shuffle before starting Turn 1."

09-05-2013, 11:52 AM
I think if we all focus on a Night Lords Supplement, which is pretty reasonable and easy to focus, that would be a great thing to try at first!

So start spamming GW that e-mail asking for Night Lords! Don't argue about it, don't vote, just do it! Even if you don't like Night Lords, showing GW that we want more is the most important thing, and if we get Night Lords sooner rather than later, then it means this method works and we may have more say than we think!


09-05-2013, 01:31 PM
Hey Kieron,

Thank you for writing into us! I will make sure that your recommendations are sent to the appropriate parties as feedback. Should you have any other questions please give us a call at 1-800-394-4263 and we will work to get you taken care of.

David Monroe
Games Workshop
North America Customer Services

09-05-2013, 01:36 PM
Alright, I'm sending my request for a Night Lords supplement asap. I'll post my results.

09-06-2013, 09:10 AM
Alright, I'm sending my request for a Night Lords supplement asap. I'll post my results.

Sent mine in! Got similar result to the above, but at least it sounds like they're sending these forward as 'feedback', so maybe we really will get someone's attention!

Keep sending these in people!

09-06-2013, 09:21 AM
I went for a bit of future planning, Flesh Tearers supplement for the next BA release.

Great idea btw DrBored. I like it :)

09-06-2013, 06:08 PM
Hey there Ryan,

Thank you for writing into us! I will make sure that your comments are sent to the appropriate parties as feedback. Should you have any other questions please give us a call at 1-800-394-4263 and we will work to get you taken care of.


Games Workshop

North America Customer Services