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  1. MathHammer App for 40K & Kill Team (0 replies)
  2. Narrative 40K (0 replies)
  3. Astra Militarum Getting Started Blog Series (0 replies)
  4. Clubs in Lancashire uk (0 replies)
  5. Casualty removal (1 replies)
  6. [video] Twisted Dice - Deathwatch Vs Thousand Sons (0 replies)
  7. Primaris Deathwatch vs Tyranids - Twisted Dice (0 replies)
  8. Have we lost our way with 40K' (1 replies)
  9. shows the country is determined (0 replies)
  10. Warhammer 40k: Freeblade Android Game Isn't Working (0 replies)
  11. Not sure if most relevant place, but need some advice (1 replies)
  12. Sisters of Battle rules in Chapter Approved (0 replies)
  13. Lost / Stolen Imperial Guard Army / Astra Militarum / Vostroyans (1 replies)
  14. Activations and 40k -- not the end of the world, but the beginning? (0 replies)
  15. Radical Inquisitor (Looking for advice on what to write about) (0 replies)
  16. Alternative Movement has to be scrapped (3 replies)
  17. the Bell tolls for Greg Backhouse (0 replies)
  18. Best use for Gabriel Angelos? (0 replies)
  19. My eldar list! help with the points! (3 replies)
  20. Help with WH40K Eldar Novels/Books (2 replies)
  21. Triach Stalker with base - tournament & GW store legal? (3 replies)
  22. Voice of Command must Go! (7 replies)
  23. Tempestus scion in real life (0 replies)
  24. MathHammer 40k 8th Edition (1 replies)
  25. Vedros Kit Questions (1 replies)
  26. Is it worth getting into assembling and painting models? (2 replies)
  27. Movement Stat for Vehicles (1 replies)
  28. Kustom Ork Vehicles (1 replies)
  29. Get the picture ? (0 replies)
  30. 40k players in Hiroshima area , Japan ? (2 replies)
  31. Chaos factions (0 replies)
  32. Death Korps of Krieg - FW doesn't support many of their models (0 replies)
  33. Drop Pods nerfed? (7 replies)
  34. New, need help please (2 replies)
  35. 8th Edition Dark Imperium Box Set Nurgle vs Primaris ! New Bat Rep ! Discussion (0 replies)
  36. Understanding point costs (6 replies)
  37. Power Rating vs. Points (2 replies)
  38. What's new & what's not (1 replies)
  39. Nitpick: They've Screwed up the Adeptus Custodes (1 replies)
  40. Getting a friend into Warhammer (2 replies)
  41. Do you even need the indexes and full rule book? (3 replies)
  42. Sons of medusa colors (1 replies)
  43. Anyone able to help a new player out? (0 replies)
  44. 8th Ed. Core Rules download? (3 replies)
  45. WH40K 8th enhance itunes ? (2 replies)
  46. Dark Eldar wish list for 8th ed. (1 replies)
  47. Armored Guard still a thing? (9 replies)
  48. Heavy bolters for devestators? (3 replies)
  49. 8th Spearhead Detatchment (Ultramarines 9th Company) 1000 points (0 replies)
  50. Proof GW's pricing is better but still out of control (2 replies)
  51. I cannot pick an army! Anyone know how I can narrow it down? (10 replies)
  52. 8th edition eldar question: (2 replies)
  53. 8th ed number crunch (1 replies)
  54. A Reaver for Evelyn (1 replies)
  55. finally -- has the "Jervis Model" slipped from 40k? (0 replies)
  56. AoS vs 40k compatible? (3 replies)
  57. First Army Goes Up In Flames After New Edition Announcement (5 replies)
  58. Help with arm bits for bike squads... (3 replies)
  59. Boards and Mats - Do they detract from the experience? (2 replies)
  60. Execution Force Replay (0 replies)
  61. Awesome Game Mats I just got! (video) (0 replies)
  62. Return to 2nd Edition aspects.... (5 replies)
  63. Putting together a Tyranid Harridan (1 replies)
  64. How is this for a thirteenth crusade? (0 replies)
  65. CSM Havoc Squad question (4 replies)
  66. Thousand Sons questions (2 replies)
  67. Blue Horrors and Brimstone Horrors? (9 replies)
  68. One more question from a returning player regarding imperial knights (4 replies)
  69. Returning after 3 year hiatus. Looking for advice at making decent Grey Knight build (2 replies)
  70. Why play Tyranids? (3 replies)
  71. Belisarius Cawl (0 replies)
  72. One Army? (11 replies)
  73. 30k list discussion (0 replies)
  74. 2017 Fan Survey (2 replies)
  75. 8th Edition? (3 replies)
  76. Predators in the Horus Heresy (2 replies)
  77. Daemons Gaming Aides (2 replies)
  78. Returning Player - Slaanesh CSM - looking for some guidance (3 replies)
  79. New player, I need some start up advice (6 replies)
  80. Munitorum Armoured Containers (0 replies)
  81. Kinda disappointed in the Wrath of Magnus book (1 replies)
  82. My attempt at 8th edition aka Age of 40k (0 replies)
  83. Murder Talon + Grand Cavalcade Synergies - Return of the Daemon Bomb (1 replies)
  84. Does the Golden Host make Sanguinor playable? (1 replies)
  85. Codex Imperial Agents and Traitor Legions (13 replies)
  86. Donate to Doctors Without Borders and win a Warlord Titan :) (0 replies)
  87. 40k Board Games - The Last Chancers (0 replies)
  88. Sad 40K Units (0 replies)
  89. Necromunda: on THAC0 and transitions (2 replies)
  90. Thousand sons Tactics on 1d4chan (8 replies)
  91. Creating my own chapter (3 replies)
  92. Is there a place? (2 replies)
  93. Custodes et al - What actually is wrong with unbound? (2 replies)
  94. Genestealer Cult of the Starman (9 replies)
  95. Chaos Mounts (2 replies)
  96. Arvus Flyrant Proxy (4 replies)
  97. Kill Team Rules: Box Set vs Black Library (1 replies)
  98. chaos failure (1 replies)
  99. What is in the "Warp Cage" that Abaddon wants to unleash? (11 replies)
  100. In the name of SCIENCE! (6 replies)
  101. Idea to fix orks (4 replies)
  102. TL;DR - The Third Rail (15 replies)
  103. Trying to decide between Black Legion or Iron Warriors (fluffy CSM army) (5 replies)
  104. Codex:Deathwatch Review from an unknown dude (3 replies)
  105. Cities of death (0 replies)
  106. Deathwatch - possibly the best value army? (3 replies)
  107. 40k desperately needs the AoS App treatment.... (0 replies)
  108. Tau Artillery Drone (5 replies)
  109. What do want? BL Artbooks! When do we want them? Well, now would be simply super. (5 replies)
  110. TL;DR: Why I Only Really Buy GW Products. (28 replies)
  111. Why does GW make dice like that? (6 replies)
  112. Warhammer 40,000 Quest? (3 replies)
  113. Painting my Dark Angels to be Blood Angels? (2 replies)
  114. Communitys opinion on cartoony models (11 replies)
  115. What Eldar sprue is that? Looks like Eldrad, but can't be? (10 replies)
  116. Is this an alright proxy? (10 replies)
  117. Today, mankind's first servitor created (7 replies)
  118. Proxy tolerance discussion. (16 replies)
  119. TL;DR: Humanity Wears Many Hats (27 replies)
  120. New Ork Looted Wagon PDF available for download at GW Website (4 replies)
  121. Super-Heavy Throwdown (25 replies)
  122. Warhammer World Exclusives, and the distribution thereof. (0 replies)
  123. Warhammer 40k/Age of Sigmar | Baphominiatures 2016 St. Judes Chaos Daemon Charity (0 replies)
  124. Good general terrain for 40k ? (4 replies)
  125. What fluff shakeups would you like to see? (36 replies)
  126. Tau 1,000 point tournament force (0 replies)
  127. What's the deal with Pods after the FAQ? (8 replies)
  128. Help picking a race (5 replies)
  129. The Eight Fold Path (11 replies)
  130. TL;DR: On Maturity (23 replies)
  131. Statting Cthulhu (6 replies)
  132. They don't know they're born, tcoch! (53 replies)
  133. What would a Rogue Trader army look like? (11 replies)
  134. Need suggestions for counts as centurions (0 replies)
  135. The Future Is Epic. (11 replies)
  136. First tournament (5 replies)
  137. Men at Arms: Gore Child (0 replies)
  138. An interesting thing (5 replies)
  139. Alternate Universe fun (0 replies)
  140. Trying to decide on a Marine army - Wolves or Bulls? (5 replies)
  141. Now we have their attention.... (24 replies)
  142. Death from the skies - Initial impressions (0 replies)
  143. Is a 40k movie becoming an inevitability? (34 replies)
  144. Xiphon vs Stormhawk (2 replies)
  145. TL;DR: Captain America Needs To Die (23 replies)
  146. Wulfen (4 replies)
  147. Super-Heavy Flyers (5 replies)
  148. Time to paint and this happens? ;) (12 replies)
  149. The way we see Chaos is wrong..... here's why :P (9 replies)
  150. Reason for more psychic powers (4 replies)
  151. Will we get an 8th edition of 40k and what would it look like? (36 replies)
  152. The Beast Arises (4 replies)
  153. Pairing with single Deathwatch units (4 replies)
  154. I'm an idiot (Skitarii version) (8 replies)
  155. Imperial Armor Book' units in a tournament (14 replies)
  156. Grot Tank Mob (3 replies)
  157. Shifting rules from one source to another (5 replies)
  158. Eldar Storm Guardians (2 replies)
  159. Female Commissars, Inquisitors, and Genestealer Coven Limos! (11 replies)
  160. Need an army... (3 replies)
  161. What are your challenges in this hobby? (14 replies)
  162. John McClane’s Feet Are More Dramatic Than An Eldar Wraithknight. (24 replies)
  163. Profiting from Necromunda (32 replies)
  164. Stellaris 40K: Twilight of the Imperium - A Stellaris mod (0 replies)
  165. Revisiting and Revitalizing the Chaos Cult Marines (14 replies)
  166. Painting my skitarii! (11 replies)
  167. Returning to the hobby - state of the galaxy? (6 replies)
  168. Narrative Skirmish Campaign Guidebook (0 replies)
  169. Space Marine Assault Squad Sergeant (15 replies)
  170. use IP/Security cams for 40k gaming/painting and batrep videos? (7 replies)
  171. Because it's worth a shot.... (14 replies)
  172. Mount sharing across universes? (11 replies)
  173. Immolator heavy Flamer template? (2 replies)
  174. Deathwatch: Overkill Card Boxes (1 replies)
  175. The Definitive Warhammer 40,000 Recommended Film List (39 replies)
  176. 1st annual 40k Fan Survey (12 replies)
  177. Green Tide removed? (6 replies)
  178. Tau codex/supplement question (6 replies)
  179. Tau Sky Ray Model question (3 replies)
  180. ITC at 1500pts (0 replies)
  181. Any news on Tyranids? (8 replies)
  182. Historical Heresy - What remains? (10 replies)
  183. Heavy stubbers. (31 replies)
  184. [Eternal Crusade][EU] Crimson Warriors Chapter is in need of new members! (0 replies)
  185. How did you start wargaming and when was it the most fun? (33 replies)
  186. GW Thousand Sons Upgrade Kit (9 replies)
  187. Rhino Cake (1 replies)
  188. Retro Corner - Space Fleet, the forerunner to Battlefleet Gothic. (23 replies)
  189. 7th Edition Army Constructions (11 replies)
  190. OMG, Warp Hunters! (2 replies)
  191. Doom of Mymeara vol 2 question (2 replies)
  192. "Decurion" Detachment Terminology (8 replies)
  193. Flyers - The great disappointment? (27 replies)
  194. Paint scheme for my iron hands (6 replies)
  195. Announcing the London 40k GT (0 replies)
  196. Adeptus Sororitas missing! (21 replies)
  197. 30k Noob advice (5 replies)
  198. Eternal Crusade Referral + Fav Race Poll (0 replies)
  199. Zombies, Klendathu and The Absurdly Violent Intergalactic Space Fungus. (89 replies)
  200. What's your budget? (40 replies)
  201. Inquisitor Athena: Mission 2 (0 replies)
  202. Las Vegas Open pictures (1 replies)
  203. An overdue return to the table. (17 replies)
  204. How to get an lexicanum account? (0 replies)
  205. 7th Edition Adeptus Arbites (2 replies)
  206. Respect and Proxies (54 replies)
  207. Could a 40k Partwork, erm...work? (7 replies)
  208. 666 Daemon Coincidence? I think not. (1 replies)
  209. Losing faith in your army? (22 replies)
  210. Wargaming Ultimate new content! (0 replies)
  211. Inquisitor Athena: Mission 1 (4 replies)
  212. Mark V Armour (27 replies)
  213. Wargaming Ultimate new content! (0 replies)
  214. Family Guy 40k (2 replies)
  215. Wargaming Ultimate new content! (0 replies)
  216. Help with my army! (3 replies)
  217. Daemon Princes and Weapons (12 replies)
  218. What kind of game is 40k, really? (0 replies)
  219. Forge World rules included in box? (1 replies)
  220. Iron hands army ideas (7 replies)
  221. Is there ever going to be an apocalypse? (9 replies)
  222. Wishful Thinking- which faction should get a mini-dex? (43 replies)
  223. A Barely-Commented Upon Evil (14 replies)
  224. Most powerful Forgeworld primarch? (20 replies)
  225. Forgeworld in 40k, your preference now? (13 replies)
  226. Bad news & good news, the 2015 in review... (7 replies)
  227. Spiking the Canon - Why the 40K 'fluff' is GW's most important asset. (3 replies)
  228. A Lot of FW Downloads gone (Including Dread mob and Lord of war list) (0 replies)
  229. Bring back the old Necrons! (3 replies)
  230. Chaos Legions Supplement (French Homebrew) (2 replies)
  231. Poll: Should the Chaos Space Marines get full Disciplines for each God? (12 replies)
  232. Quick refrence guide (0 replies)
  233. Need suggestions on how best to run a 40k Campaign 1 Day Event? (1 replies)
  234. Did the Summer of Sigmar kill interest in 40k? (52 replies)
  235. Smallhammer (18 replies)
  236. Forge World tanks (4 replies)
  237. Relicos Militarum 40k Scenery Unboxing! (0 replies)
  238. POLL: When Is Your Army Done? (26 replies)
  239. Codex's and tournament thought... (9 replies)
  240. Some of the biggest Doom of Mymeara 2015 changes (1 replies)
  241. Why Are There So Many Skulls On Everything? (70 replies)
  242. Web Roster Creator for 40K (32 replies)
  243. Sell me on Orks (23 replies)
  244. Space Marines vs. Chaos Space Marines (14 replies)
  245. 40K Mats Review from Gamemat.eu (0 replies)
  246. The God-Emperor (16 replies)
  247. I don't even... (28 replies)
  248. Betrayal at Calth Giveaway!!! (0 replies)
  249. How many points is your ideal army? (15 replies)
  250. Imperial Guard Emperor's Shield formation (4 replies)