View Full Version : Forge World rules included in box?

01-10-2016, 01:25 PM
I was considering buying a Horus Heresy Character model as more of a centerpiece for my collection, and not so much to actually use in play. If I ever did want to use that character in a game, would I have to buy a whole book, or does the box come with the individual model's rules? I am wondering this because I noticed that GW products have the rules for the models in the box, and I didn't know if FW does the same.

01-10-2016, 01:34 PM
There are no rules included in the box. The HH books will have the rules for the characters, however those rules are not for taking a HH era character in a normal 40k army. Most of their rules only affect Legion Astartes. Units in HH have the Special Rule Legion Astartes (whatever legion they belong to).