View Full Version : Help with my army!

01-12-2016, 06:20 PM
Ok so I'm running iron hands. I've got a decent start with an army I got off ebay... Which consists of lots of tac squads, some scout squads, I've got termies out to wazoo, two land raiders, two land speeders converted into buggys, a couple dreads, I think a couple devastator squads, a stearnguard, a predator, a rhino and I have purchased an imperial knight that I plan on running as a crusader variant, and a newly purchased centurion devastator squad... I'm sure I can make a halfway decent list with this but I also wanna get the biggest bang for what I've got before I get more stuff! (Don't wanna go broke...got a house to pay for lol)

Mike X
01-14-2016, 08:44 AM
What size army are you going for? 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, etc.?

01-14-2016, 10:23 AM
I like the Spartan and I want to field it in just about every list I bring. I'm also a big fan of Drop Pods for troops (or what ever you want to use to disrupt your opponent's plan.)

01-14-2016, 11:44 AM
It sounds like you have enough stuff already. You've got a solid base of Troops, big guns, assault, and some non-linear deployment units. You even have a superheavy. That's really all you need. I'd work on writing lists with what you've got and learning to get the most out of every unit. Then later, you can evaluate the weaknesses of the force and get a few more units to compensate. You may find you don't really need more than what you have, which will be good for your budget.