View Full Version : Chaos Legions Supplement (French Homebrew)

12-21-2015, 10:45 AM

"The french warhammer forum is proud to present you the beta verison of his chaos legions supplement for chaos space marines codex(few things to correct like grammar and rules to be clarified)
Lot of work for us and we decided to make an english version for our friends all over the world, tell us what you think about it."

Chaos Legions Supplement (https://mega.nz/#!KtBwSAJS!V28n2oh6PRFIcWOcUKh5gpGMKE9Clg3RBYtzmnU nQfY) (pdf)

What do you all think?

Andrew Thomas
12-21-2015, 12:01 PM
Relies too much on the Horus Heresy books, very clunky mechanics, and doesn't have much grasp of the fluff. Sloppy.

12-21-2015, 10:54 PM
It's a pretty good attempt, but doesn't really do a whole lot to improve CSM, just sorta a sidestep. That being said, it's more interesting in some ways than the standard CSM book.

My one major gripe is the World Eaters rule "from the pits" or whatever. CSM can already swap bolters for CCW or add them, albeit usually for 2 points. A 1 point discount isn't very impressive. How about they charge D6+6" instead? Or whatever, just something that is actually a benefit instead of a redundant rule that denies a WE army a special trait.