View Full Version : Codex's and tournament thought...

12-09-2015, 05:26 AM
Ok so i was reading the article on "getting the spikey marines right" and a thought occurred to me.
Now this is not an inflamatory thread and I have no vested interest in tournaments (currently i dont even own a 40k army), but has anyone tried to run a tournament that allows armies from codexs that derived from 40k 3rd ed up till now?
Would it work? Surely as the newer codexs have lowered the points of pretty much everything repeatedly, the old dexs users wouldnt gain unfair advantages? Dont get me wrong, there will always be "that" guy who complains at the end of a game "i only lost because my marines cost two points less than his!" But lets face it he is going to complain anyway so who gives a flying fig what he says anyway.
Personally, in this age of unbound and formations, i wouldnt mind facing off against any codex from 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th ed.


Mr Mystery
12-09-2015, 05:35 AM
I guess.

Though if I was organising, you wouldn't be able to cherry pick - so if you're using Orks, and want to use the Ghaz book, then you'll need to use the same edition of Orky Codex.

Also means you don't get to pick army specific Warlord Traits, Legendary Wargear etc. If you're going old, you're staying old. No blending!

12-09-2015, 05:41 AM
I agree on the no blending. Just state that each codex must use its supplements from the same edition, the same with FW stuff also.
Im not sure how the BRB warlord traits work so i couldnt say either way if they would break things. From the constant complaints of this and that breaking this and that, it would appear not much would change.

Mr Mystery
12-09-2015, 05:45 AM
BRB traits are fine, as everyone has access to those, whether or not your own Codex offers you different ones.

12-09-2015, 07:17 AM
I think the main problem would be Psykers.
How they work has changed significantly in recent codexes

12-09-2015, 12:19 PM
I want to use Rogue Trader rules, with the psychic powers from them. Btw, I'm skipping your portion of this turn using Temporal Stasis. =D

12-10-2015, 09:33 AM
One problem i see with this is the absence of USR's. things like Force Swords killed stuff, but didn't inflict "Instant Death". The Daemonhunters Codex (3rd ed.) as well as wargear that affects "chaos models". it doesn't specify Chaos Space Marines or Chaos Daemons... not to mention how more lop sided the game could get with these older rules...

12-10-2015, 10:19 AM
One problem i see with this is the absence of USR's. things like Force Swords killed stuff, but didn't inflict "Instant Death". The Daemonhunters Codex (3rd ed.) as well as wargear that affects "chaos models". it doesn't specify Chaos Space Marines or Chaos Daemons... not to mention how more lop sided the game could get with these older rules...

3rd Ed codices tended to explain their USRs for the most part. 4th Edition is when they started to rely more on the rulebook than the codex for the rules.

However, almost everything from 3rd and 4th Edition is considerably over-priced compared to anything from 6th & 7th Edition. Sure, you can have some fun kitting things out with some old Wargear that's not available, but when your opponent outnumbers you by 50% and is more effective in that 50% than what the codex was written to face, it can be a downer.

12-10-2015, 04:33 PM
One problem i see with this is the absence of USR's. things like Force Swords killed stuff, but didn't inflict "Instant Death". The Daemonhunters Codex (3rd ed.) as well as wargear that affects "chaos models". it doesn't specify Chaos Space Marines or Chaos Daemons... not to mention how more lop sided the game could get with these older rules...

As opposed to the Space wolf Jaws of the world wolf of later editions which wouldnt be lop sided even tho than was a ranged kill stuff rule which wasnt instant death either? The daemonhunters "chaos models" rules worked against both back then and would work against both now, although the current demons and chaos marines are far cheaper and better equipped and have more special rules and fliers etc, so current editions would still have a marked advantage as would pretty much all the newer dexs.
I agree the psyker rules have changed, but im sure they could be ironed out with a simple faq which would probably be smaller than GWs ones they wheel out a week after the release of each codex.

12-10-2015, 04:49 PM
I would need to try that but I could see 5th edition DE performing better than the current codex especially due to haywire wyches and agonizers that ignore armor and are not poison (so ignore GMC immunity and go through 2+ saves as well). Even Ravagers would be better as they could fire all weapons and were cheaper. Old Nightfields were also stronger.
So basically the only things missing out (in an average game) would be the buffed Grotesques, Coven Formations and a small point reduction on reavers.