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  1. ElectricPaladin's Il-Kaithe Eldar (1 replies)
  2. Blood Angels Terminators (7 replies)
  3. Just the beggining of the Plague Marine (1 replies)
  4. WIP Conversion - Paperclip - Warboss (6 replies)
  5. Working with resin. (5 replies)
  6. WIP Thread: Knights of Blood Librarian (1 replies)
  7. Hive Fleet Frosticar Awakening - WIP (1 replies)
  8. Tiger Crazy Attempt at Sculpting. (1 replies)
  9. Crimson Fists hobby thread (17 replies)
  10. Vharings WIP thread. (3 replies)
  11. WIP Warhammer 40k Nid Conversions (0 replies)
  12. WIP Death Guard Army (12 replies)
  13. Plague Marines I'm working on (2 replies)
  14. WIP's (14 replies)
  15. Long term DA project (2 replies)
  16. Eldar and various other armies (1 replies)
  17. 40k Chaos Nurgle Lord with Black Mace (7 replies)
  18. Some Nurgleyness (6 replies)
  19. Building A Better Typhus (2 replies)
  20. Deathwing WIP (17 replies)
  21. Share some Orks! (pic heavy) (1 replies)
  22. My Noise Marin-ettes (5 replies)
  23. Scratch building a warhound titan. (2 replies)
  24. Hive Tyrant WIP - Needs some colour, carapace and base (1 replies)
  25. Airbrushed Blood Ravens (9 replies)
  26. A Note About Self Promotion - EVERYONE READ (2 replies)
  27. Leman Russ Battle Tank (1 replies)
  28. Painting Black Templars (5 replies)
  29. Just_My Favorites (17 replies)
  30. Triarch stalker conversion. (9 replies)
  31. The Baron and some Wraithguard... (2 replies)
  32. Tigurius seconded to the Deathwatch (6 replies)
  33. Hydra Flak Tank with a Chimera and Hellīs Rain Cannon (2 replies)
  34. Project Firestorm - The Fire Angels (26 replies)
  35. The Voivodol (12 replies)
  36. How do I turn Imperial Guard into Chaos Guard without spending fortunes? (18 replies)
  37. My Gaming std Wolf lord wip (2 replies)
  38. Scourge of the Xenos (5 replies)
  39. Chaos Obliterators Converted (1 replies)
  40. Interrogator_Chaplain's Finished Dark Angels, Mechanicus & Others (55 replies)
  41. Space Marine Stormtalon Painting Walk-Through (0 replies)
  42. Yellow-Grey Eldars (12 replies)
  43. B&SI- Tank Odds and Ends (8 replies)
  44. Pre-Heresy Salamanders (7 replies)
  45. Adaptus Custodes *GW Plastic built!* (3 replies)
  46. Legio Crucius Warhound Titan (7 replies)
  47. Bitquest: Recommend Me a Nasty Sword (6 replies)
  48. Denzark's Cheapest and quickest ever Combi Weapons... (8 replies)
  49. B&SI: Super Heavy Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLSR) (18 replies)
  50. Your first 40K Mini (50 replies)
  51. Something huge (5 replies)
  52. Blood Angels Army [Den of Imagination Log] (29 replies)
  53. Test models for new sm force. (1 replies)
  54. Hellbrute in nurgle colours (4 replies)
  55. Base Size for Custom Objectives? (9 replies)
  56. Small deathwing formation. (1 replies)
  57. Genestealer Cult (4 replies)
  58. FW Giant Spinned Beast (0 replies)
  59. Opinions on super glue activators and best one to buy in UK? (8 replies)
  60. My Nurgle Dark Vengeance Oblits (1 replies)
  61. Valkyrie Pilot in a Stormraven (4 replies)
  62. Scenery Resources - Propaganda Posters (1 replies)
  63. Things Chaotic (WIP) (2 replies)
  64. Bifrosti 121st Command Squad (1 replies)
  65. Tomb Kings in Spess (60 replies)
  66. Eldar Warhost WIP - 93,000 Points (17 years of goodness) (82 replies)
  67. RGilbert26's Word Bearers Project (WIP) (4 replies)
  68. The Hag - Eldar character for my campaign (2 replies)
  69. Inquisitorial Henchmen (3 replies)
  70. Ultramarines and Tyranids - The Fall of Prandium (battle scene a la late 90s) (6 replies)
  71. Blue Scribes Of Tzeentch, converted from Burning Chariot kit (3 replies)
  72. Ork Big Mek Stompa: All Plastic Conversion (4 replies)
  73. Latest project - Death Company (9 replies)
  74. [commission] Iron warriors Helldrake (7 replies)
  75. DEN OF IMAGINATION - Tyranid World, Eaters PL (9 replies)
  76. Just_Me's Red Scorpions (29 replies)
  77. for the greater good - olberon goes tau (13 replies)
  78. Excommunicate Traitoris: ElectricPaladin's Knights of Blood (53 replies)
  79. Camo Netting (5 replies)
  80. My Swap Meet Haul (2 replies)
  81. Velard Eldar Jetbikes - This is why GW didn't get my money (13 replies)
  82. Basing Models with Make It Stone! Kyrlon Spray Paint? (4 replies)
  83. Death Guard Heresy Fortress (21 replies)
  84. Thoughts for an Orange Army (7 replies)
  85. The Painting of Tallarns! (3 replies)
  86. Dreadnought (8 replies)
  87. The Hollow: A Haunted Eldar Craftworld (1 replies)
  88. Blood angels Sargent (11 replies)
  89. Blood Angels What Do? (16 replies)
  90. Muckleburg Reference Photos (0 replies)
  91. Games Day 2013 - Memphis: Open Category, Bronze winner (0 replies)
  92. Popsical's Astral Claws (12 replies)
  93. Model for an untouchable (2 replies)
  94. Female Guardsmen! (15 replies)
  95. Shading Metallic Gold - Blood Angels' Dante (0 replies)
  96. Nightwing/Crimson Hunter Kitbash (11 replies)
  97. Centurion Conversion for new codex... (9 replies)
  98. Drop pod paint scheme (5 replies)
  99. What I did today.... (36 replies)
  100. Steampunk Preheresy Iron Hands (6 replies)
  101. Adeptus Mechanicus Chimera (9 replies)
  102. Army painter quick shade (25 replies)
  103. Blood Angels Commander WIP Tutorial and Finished product (2 replies)
  104. Smurfs Does Ulthwe (5 replies)
  105. Alert! Jokaero Wartroop incoming! (5 replies)
  106. Tyberos (4 replies)
  107. A new tyranid hive fleet emerged........ (6 replies)
  108. Prison Break C'tan! (9 replies)
  109. Dark Eldar Wraithknight (18 replies)
  110. Apoco-August (1 replies)
  111. Blackadder's Lucius Pattern Reaver (282 replies)
  112. Space Marine Terminator Lord (0 replies)
  113. Chaos Space Marine Vindicator (5 replies)
  114. Olly's Thread of Many things (soon to be TAU WIP) (11 replies)
  115. Fun Tutorial on Photography (1 replies)
  116. Eldar Phantom Titan diorama (71 replies)
  117. Khorne Lord of Skulls (3 replies)
  118. It Has LEGS! (11 replies)
  119. Terminator Rune Priest (1 replies)
  120. Bigred's Alaitoc Eldar (11 replies)
  121. Punisher Conversion Leman Russ 40k (2 replies)
  122. dark eldar talos.. hmmm (5 replies)
  123. MAGICKBK's Eldar Maiden World Terrain Project (24 replies)
  124. Necron Warriors and Scarab Swarms (0 replies)
  125. Cloud Giants - Homebrew Space Marines (114 replies)
  126. Is it a bird? Is is a Plane? Hell Naw... (3 replies)
  127. FW Autocanon assembly fiddly difficulty (1 replies)
  128. Slaanesh lord on steed alternative model - which one are you using? (7 replies)
  129. Finecast Query (11 replies)
  130. Romulus does heretics :) (0 replies)
  131. Colour scheme and transfers or decal help for eldar (1 replies)
  132. Dark Mechanicus "counts as Riptide" Conversion (0 replies)
  133. Wolf Guard Terminators (8 replies)
  134. Tau piranha instructions? (0 replies)
  135. Astrylis Wychmoon Alaitoc Eldar (11 replies)
  136. GW paint separating into black oil? (7 replies)
  137. Necron Transparent Bits (5 replies)
  138. Wargamingzone.com by Buypainted (1 replies)
  139. Latest conquest stern guard veterans (5 replies)
  140. Victoria Lamb Female Troopers, WOOT! (12 replies)
  141. Lemartes guardian of the lost (0 replies)
  142. My take on the sanguinor (9 replies)
  143. Bloodtide - khorne daemons (172 replies)
  144. The Khornepocalypse (69 replies)
  145. My take on the sanguinor (0 replies)
  146. Brotherhood of Fire, new scheme test mini (26 replies)
  147. Talinka's projects and WiP (0 replies)
  148. Squats! (WIP army) (0 replies)
  149. Chaos Raptor question (1 replies)
  150. Scratchbuilt Thunderfire Cannons and Techmarines (4 replies)
  151. EpicWarGamer's Nurgle Army ; still building (3 replies)
  152. Genestealer Cult Gargoyles - Summer 2013 (29 replies)
  153. Nurgle Daemon Prince (1 replies)
  154. Daemon Prince Of Khorne (0 replies)
  155. HELP: BoLS trying to get in touch with Work In Progress (2 replies)
  156. 40K Chaos: Newbie building a plague army (4 replies)
  157. 40K Chaos Marines: Plague Mc Plaguerton army build (5 replies)
  158. In the Grimdark future, there are only PMCs (10 replies)
  159. Alaitoc Wraithknight Reporting for Duty! (16 replies)
  160. Hive Fleet Hastur (4 replies)
  161. A bunch of Genestealers (very early WiP!) (0 replies)
  162. Apocalypse Emperor Titan; Mars Pattern (1 replies)
  163. House Escher Roller Girls (9 replies)
  164. Sons of Horus Legion Champion (0 replies)
  165. New paint equivalent. (3 replies)
  166. Tau commission Gundam themed suits: Deathscythe (4 replies)
  167. Bespoke, fitted painting desks and storage - any great examples or ideas? (5 replies)
  168. Cruor Vault Paints some Tau! (2 replies)
  169. Ulthwe: the path of the seer (0 replies)
  170. Armorcast Warlock Titan commission (4 replies)
  171. My blob of space marines or two full chapters (1 replies)
  172. Building the Great Gargant "Orkasmatron" (37 replies)
  173. GS tools (5 replies)
  174. Painting Orange. Tips and advice? (6 replies)
  175. Lords of Acheron, Tzeentch Chaos Marines (1 replies)
  176. Dark Eldar Test Colors - Opinions Solicited! (4 replies)
  177. Plastic ratling idea (4 replies)
  178. Deadlifts doing Iyanden (90 replies)
  179. BA Contemptor questions (2 replies)
  180. Anyone else finding the Wraithguard box infuriating to assemble? (10 replies)
  181. Dubstep Tau!! (8 replies)
  182. Where can I find an official tutorial for painting the Kabal of the Black Heart? (2 replies)
  183. Unbelievable Ork Conversions (0 replies)
  184. Saim Hann craftworld (8 replies)
  185. 40k city stuff... (6 replies)
  186. Odd painting question. (1 replies)
  187. a lesson snippet (1 replies)
  188. KrewL's Word Bearers and Deamons (29 replies)
  189. Tyranid Basiton (36 replies)
  190. Need a name for this thing (22 replies)
  191. Steel Legion Conversions ,your recomendations. (2 replies)
  192. Magnus the traitor (5 replies)
  193. Old one (5 replies)
  194. DKOK bust (0 replies)
  195. Heresy era Loyalist Death guard largescale sculpt (2 replies)
  196. A new Space Marine project... (18 replies)
  197. Forge World's take on Alaitoc Eldar Color Scheme (1 replies)
  198. Painting to Sell Advice Needed (11 replies)
  199. dave the ultra marine (3 replies)
  200. Chaos Space Marine Wip (9 replies)
  201. autarch weapons. (0 replies)
  202. ravenwing and deathwing knights (4 replies)
  203. This is my Counts As Eldar Wraithknight (3 replies)
  204. Gale Force 9 Rapid Cure Accelerant on Metal Models (2 replies)
  205. Plastic (5 replies)
  206. WH40k & Battlestar Galactica Crossover - The Storm Viper (3 replies)
  207. So its now too late for them to do anything about it - so I present to thee (29 replies)
  208. Help with choosing a Chaos Space Marine colour scheme (5 replies)
  209. Forgeworld Warhound Titan (9 replies)
  210. WIP Wraithseer, need some advice (4 replies)
  211. Gorey Chaos Space Marines (3 replies)
  212. Some of my miniatures (3 replies)
  213. My youtube channel! (0 replies)
  214. CraftWorld's Eldar (2 replies)
  215. My Finished Wraithlord (0 replies)
  216. Citadel Colour Conversion Question... (10 replies)
  217. Paint Pens (For Eyes, Windows on Ships, and Such) (16 replies)
  218. Scourge test colours (3 replies)
  219. chaos space marines (7 replies)
  220. Necron Dynasties - Den of Imagination (29 replies)
  221. need suggestions for plastic tube companies (3 replies)
  222. Ork Slugga - 1:1 Scale (11 replies)
  223. It has been ages since I last played WH40K (1 replies)
  224. To be Named Sept (2 replies)
  225. RGilbert26's Space Marine army (15 replies)
  226. Tau Pirhana Assembly instructions needed (1 replies)
  227. Space Marine Drop Pod (5 replies)
  228. What happens when you leave Finecast in nail polish remover for too long? (13 replies)
  229. Sternguard Veteran Squad (5 replies)
  230. Heresy Era Alpha Legion (0 replies)
  231. Chaos Daemons- Conversion Plans (2 replies)
  232. Chosen of Nurgle COMMISSION (14 replies)
  233. Aliatoc Marble Eldar (4 replies)
  234. Mechanicum Outpost Gamma-5-Alpha (8 replies)
  235. MiG productions winter camouflage wash (0 replies)
  236. Tau Color Schemes: Help Me Translate Infantry to Battlesuits & Vehicles (8 replies)
  237. Riptide, yep another one ;) (23 replies)
  238. Emperor's Children Force (0 replies)
  239. Airbrush lubrication? (4 replies)
  240. guitarangrys Tau (0 replies)
  241. Imperial Fists Relic Contemptor (7 replies)
  242. Bases (6 replies)
  243. The Light shines brightest in the Darkness - Project Tau (31 replies)
  244. Kabal of the Sundered Sky (2 replies)
  245. Stormtalon from Darktalon (16 replies)
  246. Storm Lords Contemptor Dreadnought (1 replies)
  247. Righting Citadel Finecast (16 replies)
  248. Dark Eldar Scourge (9 replies)
  249. Tau XV8-02 Commander (9 replies)
  250. Crimson Slaughter Warband project log (31 replies)