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  1. #31


    It's quite simple indeed , to make the game more fun for everyone just make all the codexs


    so we can stop plaing Necronhammer or Demonhammer


    Make ALL life operanting veichles either monstrous creature or veichle BUT ALL in the same category

    i can't stand a riptide and dreadknight being a MC while a dreadnought is a veichle
    or a chaos dragon or fiend being veichle while Eldars Knights are MC

  2. #32


    -Would change assault distance to 6" + D6
    -Would give everything 1 extra hull point
    -Would turn cover into a "to hit" modifier, as suggested previously
    -Would rework the stealth rules to something that could be considered really stealthy/sneaky/invisible
    -Would alter the walker and MC rules to make them more alike, or give walkers a 2+ armor save by default
    -Would make it possible for units to assault after outflanking

    And many more

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by lupo1982 View Post
    It's quite simple indeed , to make the game more fun for everyone just make all the codexs


    so we can stop plaing Necronhammer or Demonhammer


    Make ALL life operanting veichles either monstrous creature or veichle BUT ALL in the same category

    i can't stand a riptide and dreadknight being a MC while a dreadnought is a veichle
    or a chaos dragon or fiend being veichle while Eldars Knights are MC

    That is a good point a vehicle can die to one shot, while it take at least 5 to kill most MCs. Sometimes six. Anyway that is why nidzilla did really well in 4th and 5th till nids got yhe nerf dex. Till nerf dex got a buff in sixth. Anyway some armies can field 20 vehicles while some armies would be hard pressed to field 12 mcs, necrons can field 12 monstrous creatures. If vehicles was as hard to kill as mcs than you may get guard player's spamming a bunch of chimeras and sentinels for example, remember dat leaf blower list that hit around 16 vehicles.

    You also have to keep in mind only one army do not have vehicles, while only 5-6 armies have mcs.
    Dark Eldar
    Grey Knights

    Well orcs and humanity don't have them, besides Grey Knights.

    Orks are due a MC so humanity will be the only non mc armies out there.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    South Africa


    1. Take Assault rules back to 5th Ed
    2. Furious Charge: +1 str +1 Initiative
    3. No stand a fire. This is a stooopid rule
    4. Limit Flyers to 0-1
    5. Remove challenges. What a load of #r@p
    6. Remove AP for Power Weapons. They're power weapons, no armour saves. Period.........
    Last edited by Fanboy; 10-30-2013 at 01:30 PM.

  5. #35


    I always thought that cover should reduce the strength of the shot. Not a perfect solution but an attempt to stop a particularly leafy bush stopping an explosive charge.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Morning-side Table of Heck


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkLink View Post
    And if you do that, we'd go straight back to 5th edition razorback spam. Your solution would undermine the whole point of hull points and ruin the relative balance vehicles have. Right now, vehicles are generally pretty good, but not game breaking like they used to be. They could use some tweaks, but they're pretty close to where they need to be.

    Also, you forget that last edition you could kill a vehicle via glances. And it wasn't good enough.
    Not quite DarkLink. As I said, it is technically easier to Penetrate most Vehicles than to Glance them. Most weapons that target Vehicles are capable of Penetrating the average Armour by 2 or more points on the die, while Glancing only happens on one (Haywire being the exception). Yes, there are many cases where an attack can only Glance, but that still doesn't compare to what is commonly used, what it generally targets, and just how effective that can be.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Fanboy View Post
    1. Take Assault rules back to 5th Ed
    2. Furious Charge: +1 str +1 Initiative
    3. No stand a fire. This is a stooopid rule
    4. Limit Flyers to 0-1
    5. Remove challenges. What a load of #r@p
    6. Remove AP for Power Weapons. They're power weapons, no armour saves. Period.........
    Amen brother!

    I so hate challenges too, what is the sense in one strong model attaking a giant mob and for save his *** he just challenge the SARGE, i can't figure this picture of a single that go against a mob and apart from the sarge the others just watch

  8. #38


    i would change that the supporting ranks in fantasy only get 1 attack it should decrease by 1 after the second rank, this should also be the same for cavalry

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Australia


    Change the turn rules to alternating unit activation ala Epic.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sacramento area


    Quote Originally Posted by Charistoph View Post
    Not quite DarkLink. As I said, it is technically easier to Penetrate most Vehicles than to Glance them. Most weapons that target Vehicles are capable of Penetrating the average Armour by 2 or more points on the die, while Glancing only happens on one (Haywire being the exception). Yes, there are many cases where an attack can only Glance, but that still doesn't compare to what is commonly used, what it generally targets, and just how effective that can be.
    Your proposed solution would mean a hull point on a '6' to glance, a pen, and a '6' wrecks. Last edition, a glancing 6 wrecked a vehicle, and you could still blow it up, and the damage chart made it much easier to wreck or explode a vehicle if you did get a pen. And light vehicles were so difficult to kill that they dominated the meta. So you think it's a good idea to buff vehicles to be even more difficult to kill than they were in 5th? Seriously?
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

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