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  1. #41


    Could also explain some of the complaints we've seen regarding poor quality Metals lately. Trying to get most out of the "metal" molds before they change over to "Resin" molds.

  2. #42


    One of my Khymerae was missing one of the smaller forelegs.
    Dark Eldar 4000pts, Eldar 2000pts, Dark Angels 2500pts, Tau 2000pts.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default resin question

    Is resin cheaper or more expensive than metal

  4. #44


    The flyers are a pain to convert. I will seriously quit the army if I have to make one more venom/void raven!

  5. #45


    I've heard from a semi-reliable source that the fliers may not be out in time for the release in June and that the whole "Summer of Fliers" thing may not actually come to be due to production issues. This would make me a sad panda. HUGE grain of salt alert though.

  6. #46


    Well, if the rumours about a switch to resin in a few months are true, we may never see metal wracks. Could explain the delay, if the switch to resin is true.
    If GW gonna give me plastic Wracks Ill wait..hate metals(currently trying to asemble Incubi)
    But I love to have Scourges and flyers on table....cant say wich one more.

    Try using chaos warhounds as khymeras.....they have smae xeno feel for me.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    Quote Originally Posted by greenstuff777 View Post
    Is resin cheaper or more expensive than metal
    From my understanding they're roughly the same price.

    FW models are more expensive because of the mould degradation. Moulds for the Manta (for instance) are custom made each time one is ordered, used once then scrapped cos they fall apart. Don't know what they're like now. But sometimes you go a FW model with more flash on than usual. This tends to be when the mould is appraoching the end of its life

    Also a big issue....metal is "recyclable". Should GW cast a bad batch with a lot of defects (i mean...more than usual :P (not that i've ever had any problems)) they can simply be remelted down and recast. Resin can't do that. The only options for bad resin casts are binning them, or putting them through a grinder and using them as rubble in terrain
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  8. #48


    From 2xDakka:
    Quote Originally Posted by The Decapitator
    As many of you are aware there will be at least 2 more Dark Eldar release waves, maybe more. We've got a rough idea what they will contain, Plastic Talos/Chronos kit, Plastic Scourges and maybe even a Razorwing and Voidraven Bomber.

    Having seen the upcoming release schedule in GW, they have 2 more waves written in for the 10th June and the 24th June 2011. Not 100% sure whether this will be the day the releases are announced, or the models actually released, meaning we could then expect an Incoming article towards the end of May.

    So as it stands and barring any changes, we shall see a few more Dark Eldar releases in June!

    Good times! :thumbsup:
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

  9. #49


    I was informed last weekend by GW staff that the next wave is due for release in June.
    Dark Eldar 4000pts, Eldar 2000pts, Dark Angels 2500pts, Tau 2000pts.

  10. #50



    I wish for Haemonculi circus in second wave.
    ....shhh, it's okay, it's just me.... I`m Beast at the back of your head.

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