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  1. #1

    Default Imperial Fists - Show Army

    I don't paint show armies very often, mostly because of the crazy amount of work required to complete one, this army for example took a staggering 14 months to paint from start to finish!

    That being said I am very happy with how well it came out.

    This is my Imperial Fists 5th Battle Company, and as you will probally be able to guess from the troop/weapon selections, is was never designed to see battle. Although I did take it to a local event, and as a really scary thought I won 2 out of 4 matches and had a 3rd come down to a single dice roll (which I lost).

    Well thats enough of a blargh, its pics you want to see!!

    'Ard boys, Lysander and his Terminators

    The lone vehicle in the army, a shooty Dreadnought

    The token throw away unit, Vanguard Veterans

    The rest of 'em, Sternguard, Devestators and 2 Tactical squads, I do have individual pictures around here somewhere, I just can't seem to find them at the moment...

    Unfortunately I didn't win best painted army, but I had fun all the same.

    Sorry about the bad quality pictures, they were taken on my mobile phone, and thats never the clearest camera, but that aside, what do you think?

  2. #2


    I like the color of the yellow, some of the other IF minis that I've seen have like a more mustard color. Your yellow tho seems to be the closest to the codex yellow that I've seen. Nice job on the paint, yellow is a hard color to work with to get it to look right. Thumbs up!
    Respects, Emperorsaxe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    HELL also know as london


    Me likez, me likez...more pics please
    "We Grey Knights are the Hammers,we slay the Darkness without fear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Leeds, England


    Very nice!!! Well done


  5. #5


    Wow, nice paint! Its hard to paint yellow so kudos to you!

    I like it!

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