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Thread: New Tau Army

  1. #1

    Default New Tau Army

    Hey i am planning on starting a new tau army and i cant really figure out what i should do... can anyone help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Wait until they get a new codex.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Jersey!


    Talk about shot down in flames...

    Are you looking to play competetively, or for fun with a group of friends? And are these friends also new to their armies?

    I can't really help with competition armies, but for fun armies, I'd say just look through the book, and pick some units that sound cool to you. In order for your army to be legal, you need 1 Battlesuit Commander, and 1 squad of Fire Warriors, as well as a second troops choice (more Fire Warriors, or some Kroot)... personally, I like the fire warriors, so I'd bring a second squad of them. Maybe grab some more suits to hang out with your Commander, and you've got the start of your army.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dagonis View Post
    Wait until they get a new codex.
    Or play the army you want to play because high level tournament scene competition doesn't even comprise 5% of what this hobby has to offer.

    Tau still work just fine in normal, competitive gaming groups. They might show their age a bit at higher level competitions, but the same statement can be made for just about any 4th edition army. So long as you stay away from Kill Points, which is a broken system anyway, you'll be good. Playing Tau isn't an instant lose button by any means. They offer some of the best anti-tank guns in the game, some hard as nails tanks, tons of high strength shots although on the downside they don't have access to cheap transports, and even with skimmers they aren't necessarily a quick army.

    Tau tactics have taken an aburbt shift in 5th edition due to the advent of running, you can't just spam a gun line of fire warriors and suits, you actually have to use tactics. The core of most Tau armies is built around the Heavy Support section and units of 6-8 Fire Warriors in Devilfish. Most players run 2-3 Hammerheads with Disruption Pods and/or a squad of Broadsides w/ Target Locks and A.S.S. Don't bother Bonding your fire warriors, you can save points there. The Smart Missile system has become the sleeper choice of 5th edition for Devilfish because of it's rules, although I know many people like giving them those Skyray missile things for anti-mech.

    Elites and Fast Attack basically fill themselves out with Battlesuits, Pathfinders, and Piranhas. Stay away from Vespid, Gun Drones, and that other stuff that looks bad on paper and is actually bad. Some people like Kroot, it really depends on the player. Most of the special characters are c.rap, except for Farsight who offers a 'lil Tau CC. Usually you're better off taking a regular commander anyway.

    The Tau Battleforce is still a great deal as far as the Battleforces are concerned. I think you get this most from that Tau price wise than you do out of any other army. Get two for around $200 and then drop in some Hammerheads and you'll have a pretty decent 1500pt starter tau army that you can add units to as you feel them out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    What Eagleboy said, although Gun Drones can be usefull as a speed bump/misdirection unit and if you will be playing a lot of Marines on foot, (unlikely I know) Sniper Drones will surprise a lot of people.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, England


    Stay the heck away from Ethereals! Especially the special character one.Little benefit, massive downside if they die.

    Pathfinders, broadsides, lots of suits (mmmm Forgeworld).
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrLove42 View Post
    Pathfinders, broadsides, lots of suits (mmmm Forgeworld).
    Forgeworld suit rules... really aren't very good. The models are nice.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Durham, NH


    I am a huge fan of the super technical Tau Army.

    I like a Suit Commander with all sorts of Advanced Systems--- I usually use the Imperial Armor 3: Taros Campaign, and select a commander suit from there.

    Then I'll upgrade with Drone Controller, and take some drones. The Weapons I will take will be a mixture of indirect fire and direct fire weapons--- usually stuff that has ~18" range. Take other upgrades that just sound fun. (especially target lock and multi-tracker.) For example, I'll take the Smart Missile System Commander and the Fragmentation Launcher. This way the commander can shoot targets that he cannot even see.

    Then I'll take a Fast Attack full squad of Gun Drones. This will be my 'Body Guard' for the Suit Commander. I'll attach the Commander to the squad.

    At this point the unit is a Harassment Squad--- pinning gun drones, and a commander who can choose to shoot anyone.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I suppose my answer was a bit short.

    The reason that I recommend that you wait until a new Dex is that we have had two Tau players in my gaming circle and no matter how hard the rest of us gimp our own list Tau always get dominated. We are not particularly competitive, but we are all of decent skill levels.

    I have seen many a Tau player give up on the hobby because the army they invested so much time in just can't stand up to most other armies.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dagonis View Post
    I suppose my answer was a bit short.

    The reason that I recommend that you wait until a new Dex is that we have had two Tau players in my gaming circle and no matter how hard the rest of us gimp our own list Tau always get dominated. We are not particularly competitive, but we are all of decent skill levels.

    I have seen many a Tau player give up on the hobby because the army they invested so much time in just can't stand up to most other armies.
    Well I guess I just have to ask: what points level do you play? what were their compositions? opponent army types? missions being played? yadda yadda...

    Even though they are a 4th ed book playing in a 5th ed world I find it hard to believe that just by choosing the Tau book determines that you will lose, especially in such a large margin. Even playing the worst book in the game, DA, as a straight up Greenwing doesn't equal an auto loss by any means, the same is true for Tau. It's just what used to work in 4th edition for the Tau really really doesn't work at all in 5th

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