Warhammer - lets talk

Thread: Warhammer - lets talk

  1. addamsfamily36's Avatar

    addamsfamily36 said:

    Default Warhammer - lets talk

    Right so with the release of a brand new sparkly edition of WARHAMMER! i'm very excited. And so far there has been some relatively good hype towards the new edition.

    Still, there is a lack compared to 40k, which is to be expected, its a more popular game as a whole. But i would like to open up this thread, for ALL warhammer players, painters, gamers, rules, or anything, even if your a 40k player who just likes the look of warhammer.

    lets get conversations going about:

    -the new edition
    -your favourite character
    - fluff/history

    Anythign and everything you can think of lets talk about it.

    So Calling all WARHAMMER enthusiasts WELCOME!
  2. UltramarineFan said:


    Hmmm, I have to say that one of the aspects I really like is the formation and how everyone is in nice neat blocks, allows me to push one unit right smack into the other, very satisfying, also allows for flanking and rear charges which are also great fun, which is something you don't get in 40k.
    Also, much like 40k I'm a fluff adict and fantasy really provides with rich and interesting background for nearly all the races and from looking at the new rulebook I get the feeling I'm gonna love reading all the fluff in there.
  3. addamsfamily36's Avatar

    addamsfamily36 said:


    Hmmm, I have to say that one of the aspects I really like is the formation and how everyone is in nice neat blocks, allows me to push one unit right smack into the other, very satisfying, also allows for flanking and rear charges which are also great fun, which is something you don't get in 40k.
    Also, much like 40k I'm a fluff adict and fantasy really provides with rich and interesting background for nearly all the races and from looking at the new rulebook I get the feeling I'm gonna love reading all the fluff in there.
    One of the great things fluffwise i feel in warhammer, is that because its set in the past if you will, its easier to develop characters and stories. Killing off characters etc. writing new developments. Eltharion becoming a blind swordmaster for instance, even though he appears to have gone back to riding a griffon lol.
  4. Emperorsmercy said:


    I for one am looking forward to a brand new and long overdue rebirth of warhammer- as long as the balance problems got sorted out, I might unearth the boxes of Chaos warriors I have stashed away, but couldn't bear to Ebay them.

    I love the warhammer fluff- at first glance it seems a rip off of all other fantasy worlds, until you look closer with chaos beinng the most amazing example. But others, like the Old Ones, Lizard-men, Cathay (A chinese fantasy army which is much unused elsewhere.) and Tomb Kings, a noble-ish undead army!

    On another note, this thread doesn't seem to be as popular as the moaning threads opened up by Aldralamech... people sure love to complain....
    Souls. Yum.
  5. CitizenZero said:


    I think tactically, Fantasy is a less forgiving game than 40k...therefore you have to plan ahead a bit more. I like that.

    I think the thing that puts Fantasy over the top for me is the aesthetics...I like the way a Fantasy army looks, from the individual sculpts, to the way a painted army looks when it is fielded. I also love the art direction, the character designs for all the races are just so cool, no wonder Warcraft stole them haha...

    I was playing a game of 8th Edition recently and had a 40 man block of 10 Wide Saurus Warriors get charge by 2 30-man blocks of Six wide Orc Boys in the front...it just looked awesome, that to me is what Fantasy is about...

    P.S. I like this thread.
  6. Aldramelech's Avatar

    Aldramelech said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Emperorsmercy View Post
    I for one am looking forward to a brand new and long overdue rebirth of warhammer- as long as the balance problems got sorted out, I might unearth the boxes of Chaos warriors I have stashed away, but couldn't bear to Ebay them.

    I love the warhammer fluff- at first glance it seems a rip off of all other fantasy worlds, until you look closer with chaos beinng the most amazing example. But others, like the Old Ones, Lizard-men, Cathay (A chinese fantasy army which is much unused elsewhere.) and Tomb Kings, a noble-ish undead army!

    On another note, this thread doesn't seem to be as popular as the moaning threads opened up by Aldralamech... people sure love to complain....
    That would be thread, singular. The Poll is just a Poll. I would also like to point out several positive threads started by me in the last week.
    Last edited by Aldramelech; 06-20-2010 at 03:13 PM.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!
  7. addamsfamily36's Avatar

    addamsfamily36 said:


    for one am looking forward to a brand new and long overdue rebirth of warhammer- as long as the balance problems got sorted out, I might unearth the boxes of Chaos warriors I have stashed away, but couldn't bear to Ebay them.
    Personally I loved 7th edition. i felt that the problem was with certain army books. However having said that, i love everything warhammer so am very keen for the new edition.

  8. addamsfamily36's Avatar

    addamsfamily36 said:


    Also the thread isn't very old. hopefully given time it will pick up some pace. My last thread "a brief look at warhammer" quickly grew, and has 17, 000 plus views. i checked today, i was most shocked lol
  9. RocketRollRebel's Avatar

    RocketRollRebel said:


    I love the looks of the minis and I am getting into it as a hobby project and as a change of rules and tactics from 40k. My self and a lot of people in our gaming club are getting very excited and feeling great about the new rules too. Even some other harder 40k only players are dipping their toes into the Fantasy end of the pool.
  10. addamsfamily36's Avatar

    addamsfamily36 said:


    I love the looks of the minis and I am getting into it as a hobby project and as a change of rules and tactics from 40k. My self and a lot of people in our gaming club are getting very excited and feeling great about the new rules too. Even some other harder 40k only players are dipping their toes into the Fantasy end of the pool.
    Those dippers will soon be into the game fully

    I'ts like pringles "once to you pop you cannot stop"

    I'm unsure if they have pringles outside the Uk but if they don't or if anyone doesn;t know what they are, they are a very very addictive crisp. some would say Moorish, but i reckon theres some addictive drugs in them somewhere