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  1. #31
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    Durham, NH


    Quote Originally Posted by Nabterayl View Post
    Come now. You know me better than to assume that when I ask a hypothetical question about the survivability of a model I've never played with I am asking about the point of an entire system, or the point of the model as a whole.
    Apocalypse is hilarious-- everything is supposed to die! Ka-BOOM!--- 106,000 points were in the last game I played--- 28 players!

    As for Thunderhammers-- Dreadnoughts lose their ability to shoot if they are hit by thunderhammers-- that's essentially what happens to Titans if you get enough hits off.

    Remember, most guns have 'primary weapon'--- giving them a 4+ save.

    The Tau Titan I fought had a 4+ Invulnerable, +4 Primary Weapons and 2 Other Weapons Weapon. With the thunder hammers, to just shut that bird down, I needed 22 Thunder Hammer hits to statistically shut the titan down.
    A dreadnought doesn't survive that, normally...
    But a Titan can. I had engaged the Titan in Combat twice--- it charged me and Titan Stomped, and I lost a bunch (because not everyone had thunder hammers). I shut it down because I only did 1 Structure point to it, and LOTS of Shakens. I charged it the second time, and because I had the Sanguinary Priest-- tore the thing apart and it went Fa-Boom!

  2. #32
    Grand Provost Marshal
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    Washington, DC


    Quote Originally Posted by Tynskel View Post
    Apocalypse is hilarious-- everything is supposed to die! Ka-BOOM!--- 106,000 points were in the last game I played--- 28 players!
    So true! Why a titan? Because it's enormous!
    As for Thunderhammers-- Dreadnoughts lose their ability to shoot if they are hit by thunderhammers-- that's essentially what happens to Titans if you get enough hits off.
    Really? Maybe I'm daft, but the "Crew Stunned" only happens to "vehicles with no Initiative value". Last I checked, Dreadnaughts (and Titans) had an Initiative value, so that didn't apply to them at all. Has this been Errata'd? Is this also a house-rule you guys use? <--Note: not sarcasm, I've just always understood the Thunderhammer rule to not effect walkers/vehicles with I values.
    -- tore the thing apart and it went Fa-Boom!
    At BoLSCon last year, I believe an exploding Macharius and Baneblade may have taken out more troops in a single turn than most of the shooting the entire rest of the game!
    Last edited by Faultie; 06-03-2010 at 01:12 PM.

  3. #33
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    Sacramento area


    Quote Originally Posted by Faultie View Post
    Maybe I'm daft, but the "Crew Stunned" only happens to "vehicles with no Initiative value". Last I checked, Dreadnaughts (and Titans) had an Initiative value, so that didn't apply to them at all. Has this been Errata'd? Is this also a house-rule you guys use? <--Note: not sarcasm, I've just always understood the Thunderhammer rule to not effect walkers/vehicles with I values.
    Yeah, I caught this too not too long ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Faultie View Post
    At BoLSCon last year, I believe an exploding Macharius and Baneblade may have taken out more troops in a single turn than most of the shooting the entire rest of the game!
    We haven't had much luck with apocalypse, but one of the games that was fun, I flank marched a Brass Scorpion onto the opponent's side. Lysander jumped out the next turn and hammered it. The thing exploded in a massive fireball, killing every single model within 36" except Lysander.
    I am the Hammer. I am the right hand of my Emperor. I am the tip of His spear, I am the gauntlet about His fist. I am the woes of daemonkind. I am the Hammer.

  4. #34
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    Durham, NH


    Faultie--- that's a house rule.

    It balances out the fact you cannot take Vortex Grenades-- which are needed for taking out titans.

    It is important for you group to have house rules---
    For example, we limited the 'bring back a unit' stratagem to non-super heavies. We changed it also to unit automatically comes back, not a 4+. We put the unit back right where it was on the board too!

    Using that stratagem to bring back a Warlord Titan can ruin the game- which is how this rule is most commonly abused.

    Also, there are lots of rules fudged when playing an apocalypse game--- deep strikes don't have to be in rings, just make the models fit. Let the 1" rule slide.

    Overall, these changes are to make the game fun-- not to abuse people. Often the board is covered in so many models that there is physcially no way to do the rings and/or follow the 1" rule. As long as there is space (ie- I teleported my Deathknell into a rectangle area) it is okay.
    Last edited by Tynskel; 06-03-2010 at 03:13 PM.

  5. #35
    Grand Provost Marshal
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    Washington, DC


    I see. So one of the house rules is also that all Thunderhammers effect Walkers, Dreadnaughts, and Titans, or is it only the ones in that formation? Was this strictly to make Sentinels, dreadnaughts, and titans easier to manage? To make Termis more worthwhile? To balance out that specific formation? I'm really just wondering in case we run anything similar here sooner or later.

  6. #36
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    Durham, NH


    We ran it as shaken results-

    I don't have the book in front of me (I am moving soon!), but I believe the Super Heavies explicitly state that if enough weapons are shaken, then next shaken becomes a Driver Stunned.

    I Ran a Blood Angels Deathknell Orbital Strike Force. The store manager banned Titanhammers completely because of no Vortex Grenades (and you are paying the 325 points for the Grenade, not for Fearless).
    I had one squad of TH + SS, and 4 shooty squads (2 Assault Cannons, and 2 Hv Flamers). Sprinkle some Chainfists in there. It was the combination of all them that brought down the titan, not just the thunder hammers. The Thunder Hammers helped to reach the Driver Stunned, so thing couldn't get away. I believe I mentioned earlier that the thing had a 4+ Invulnerable and had 4 Primary Weapons (6 weapons altogether). In the first round I did a redonkulous amount of Shakens- there were only 5 Terminators with Thunder Hammers alive at that point (A Captain wielding 2, bwahahahah! and 4 TH + SS), so I was only doing ~6 Thunder Hammer Shakens (which Translates to ~1.5 Weapon Shakens).

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