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Thread: Ork 1500 list

  1. #1

    Default Ork 1500 list

    Ok so here is my Ork 1500 pt army list. Right now it is basically composed of almost all of the models that I have; minus about 25 sluggas another kan with rokkits another trukk and some bikes that I dont like using. I am looking to make a 1850 list for a tourney at the end of may. However, I am not sure what to add. I am trying not to break the bank on this though because I am a poor college student that really shouldn't be spending a lot of money on plastic soldiers. I'd really like to make a list that has a shot at doing well without costing too much money and using any kind of bikes because I hate bikes. Anyway, here the list I have now for 1500.
    -Power Klaw
    -Ard Armor
    -Cybork Body
    -Bosspole PTS: 105
    Big Mek
    -Kustom Force Field
    -Ard Armor PTS:90
    9 Lootas
    PTS: 135
    10 Nobz
    -PK; AA; CB -BC; AA
    -PK; AA -BC; AA; BP
    -PK; AA; BP -BC
    -PB; AA -S/C; AA
    -WB; AA -C/TLS; AA
    - BattleWagon
    -Deff Rolla -Grot Riggers -Armor Plates
    -Big Shoota PTS: 395+ 130 = 525
    19 Ard Boyz
    -Nob: PK; BP
    - BattleWagon
    -Deff Rolla -Armor Plates
    -Big Shoota PTS:125 + 225 = 350
    12 Shoota Boyz
    -Nob: PK; BP; AA
    -Big Shoota
    -Trukk PTS: 157
    10 Grotz
    -1 Runtherd
    Heavy Support:
    2 Killa Kans
    -Both with Rokkit Launchas
    Total Points: 1502
    Last edited by Billyjoeray; 04-26-2010 at 10:34 PM. Reason: Edited for Clarity

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Bedfordshire, UK


    i'm not a fan of elite heavy orky mech lists my self but have a few ideas.

    Kans seem to be a bit redundant and wont do much. I'd drop em pimp the lootas up and the grot unit (assume the grots are cover for the lootas right?) thats a nice synergy as it'll ket you camp a base objective and still score it.

    I peronally also think two BW's are gonna be easily a liability if/when one gets smashed up. I think it'd be worth finding the points for a 3rd waggon, be it by kan dropping, or toning the other two units down.

    For example do the ard boyz really need to be ard boyz? they'll get there thanks to the BW so that 4+ save is a bit wasted, ok its great in combat but again you should get 20 orks there unmolested... you wont need the 4+ save in combat as they'll mince anything.

    I'd make the ard boyz normal sluggas and put the warboss with them. That saves you 76pts.
    Drop the kans and truk - 135pts

    thats 211pts

    So get another waggon with rolla (110)
    101 left

    boost shoota mob to 20 (48)
    53 left

    boost grots to 15 (15)
    38 left

    boot lootas to 11 (30)
    8pts left

    somin like that, just some ideas to play with.Also the Nobs unit is a massive pts sink imo and overkill i'd prob make that unit half the pts it is and take more lootas instead.

    That'd be a hella effective 1500pt list imo. Then for the extra 350 meat it out with what you have, kans and truk mobs.
    Last edited by Latro_; 04-27-2010 at 04:43 PM.

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