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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default BatRep: Tyranids vs Krieg, 3k

    Some more playtesting happening in our parts. This was a slaughter .


    Rules used

    [url=]Tyranids v9.2.1[/url]
    - Raveners with CC4+
    - Assault at 100 points
    - Spores 125 with Scout
    [url=]Epic: Siege, Krieg v1.16[/url]

    Tyranids Heavy Assault Force

    Dominatrix with 2 Trygon
    Tyrant 1: 2 Malefactors, 4 Raveners and 4 Gargoyles
    Tyrant 2: 2 Malefactors, 4 Raveners and 4 Gargoyles
    Assault: 2 Haruspexes, 4 Raveners, 10 Termagants, 6 Hormagaunts and 4 Gargoyles
    Genestealers: 6 Genestealers + Broodlord
    Lictors: 3 Lictors
    Lictors: 3 Lictors
    Meiotic Spore Cluster: 6 Meiotic Spores

    Krieg Soft Core

    Regimental HQ Company
    + Gorgons
    Infantry Company
    + Gorgons, Demolishers
    Death Rider Company 1
    Death Rider Company 2
    Macharius Company
    Grenadier Platoon
    Self-Propelled Heavy Support
    - 3 Bombards
    Self-Propelled Heavy Support
    - 3 Bombards
    Heavy Support Battery
    - 3 Hydra platforms with Trojans


    Krieg got to pick sides after dice roll. Krieg garrisoned the Grenadiers on overwatch into forest. While Tyranids garrisoned Genestealers into the three buildings. Rest of the deployment can be seen from picture below. Blitz in the Tyranid end is behind the western end of Attack swarm 1. For the Krieg it's behind the Bombards 2, so they are nearly opposite of each other.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0-deployment.jpg 
Views:	188 
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ID:	461  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Turn 1

    Initiative: Krieg

    The battle starts with a double from Flak platforms. They are hitched to Trojans and Trojans carefully move into forest and them unlimber the platforms. They fire on the Genestealers giving 1 BM.

    Tyranid play for time and order the Spores to double. The command isn't working however and they marshal removing the BM acquired.

    Genestealers are considered a major threat and the Bombards 1 (in west) sustain targeting them. One unit is killed as the Broodlord manages to save its hit. Fearing of losing their action the Genestealers marshal removing BMs and moving a bit forwards bringing the Flak platforms into range. Grenadiers go next and they double forwards taking position in a building and flaming two Genestealers into crisps. 'Stealers break and run towards east hiding in a forest.

    Seeing a target getting to range the Tyrant on road roars it's challenge and Attack swarm 1 doubles ahead. They move between a building and a hill and target the Grenadiers. Effect is one BM.

    In east the Macharius feel superior on the field and double ahead targeting the Dominatrix' swarm. One shot penetrates the Trygons thick hide doing 1 DC damage. Dominatrix feels enraged by this and double ahead bringing the super heavies into range and firing on them for 1BM.

    In west the Death Riders 2 march ahead to position themselves behind the Grenadiers.

    Attack swarm 2 is next and they march forwards over the open ground. Reaching the line with Dominatrix they take up positions by the buildings.

    In far west the Death Riders 1 are ordered to march. However even the Supreme Commander is unable to get the message and they hold moving to spread out. Opposite of them the Assault swarm marches forwards creating the flank of the Tyranid advance.

    As their opposite side didn't move, the Assault swarm decides to show how it's done. Tyranid Warriors order the swarm to march forwards taking positions behind a hill and nearby ruin. This prompts the second battery of Bombards to open fire. Shells drop on the Tyranids blowing up Malefactor, Ravener and Gargoyle units.

    In west the Harridan goes last for Tyranids. It doubles north-east popping up over the forest and shooting at the Flak Platforms. One hit is scored but it is saved.

    Then it's just Krieg activations. First the Infantry Company in west advances to get a bead on Genestealers and Demolishers wipe them out. Next the Thunderbolts ground attack in east targeting the Assault swarm killing Hormagaunt and Gargoyle units. Last Regimental HQ tries to double, but since the commander is screaming insults at the Rough Riders the drivers aren't sure where they should go, the formation ends up holding. So they move forwards once instead getting a BM on the process.

    In east, the Krieg advance cautiously as the Tyranids close in at almost full speed.

    In west, the Grenadiers hug the building as the skittering horde sweeps towards them over the plains.

    End Phase

    Rally fails: None
    Spawning: Assault swarm (<30cm) Gargoyle; Attack 2 (<30cm) Gargoyle; Attack 1 (<) Malefactor; Dominatrix (<30cm) Ravener and Gargoyle
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1-end-overview.jpg 
Views:	161 
Size:	98.9 KB 
ID:	462  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Turn 2

    Two sets of Lictors teleport to Krieg end. First appears near Hydra platforms while second appears near Bombards 2. Lictor group 1 gets a single BM.

    Initiative: Krieg

    Krieg start the turn with an engage from Infantry company. They sweep past the Machariuses and assault Attack swarm 2.

    While one Demolisher is wrecked in the Tyranids defensive fire the battle goes to Krieg. Tyranids lose Malefactor and 2 unit of Gargoyles [resolution +4 for Krieg -> +1 after roll] and fall back from the enemy. Retaining the Hydra platforms open fire at the Lictor group 2 threatening the Bombards. Two hits are scored but both are saved and the formation remains unbroken.

    Next it's Tyranids turn to get into offensive. First the Lictors 2 engage the Bombards. They leap into the close combat and tear the artillery pieces apart before anyone manages to do anything [wipe with first strike, no resolution]. Death Riders 1 get a BM as they are near the assault. Retaining the Dominatrix swarm engages the Infantry company in revenge of the Attack swarm.

    The battle goes Tyranids by a large margin. Tyranids lose Ravener and Hormagaunt units and Dominatrix suffers a wound while Krieg lose 2 Demolishers, both Gorgons and 10 Infantry units [+5 for Tyranids -> +6]. Remaining Infantry falls back towards the Krieg deployment.


    Continued below as I hit picture limit on post

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Then it's the remaining Bombards. They target Lictor group 1 behind the Hydra platforms. One Lictor is blasted apart, breaking the formation which moves west of platforms hiding behind a hill. Retaining the Grenadiers are ordered to sustain. They hesitate the idea of staying put but Supreme Commanders soon straightens things out. The show of fire power is great as 3 Termagants, 4 Hormagaunts and a Ravener units are flambéed.

    This though only enrages the Tyranids and the Assault swarm engages the Grenadiers.

    From the Grenadiers only the Commissars unit lives to tell the tale (at least I marked that he survived, but no information of his actions exists after this and no pictures show him ... ). Tyranids lose a Ravener and two Hormagaunt units [+4 for Tyranids -> +6]. Retaining it's the Attack swarm 1 and yet another engage. The target is the Death Riders 2.

    This assault is a slaughter. No Tyranids are killed while Death Riders are wiped out leaving the Commissar to be sole survivor. He battles across the Tyranids to hide near hill where Assault swarm used to be [+10 for Tyranids -> +11].

    Things look grim to Krieg as their first defensive line is falling apart. However giving up is not an option and Macharius company is ordered to double. They swing towards west shooting into Attack swarm 1 and killing Malefactor as well as a Ravener and a Gargoyle units. Retaining the Regimental HQ engages the remains of the Attack swarm.

    Again it's a slaughter only this time it's the Tyranids getting the short end. Both Gorgons get a point of damage while only Hive Tyrant manages to escape and it goes north-east around the building which the Regimental HQ takes over with consolidate [+9 for Krieg -> +11]

    On Tyranid end the Spores are next. This time they manage to double and they move towards north-west.

    Krieg respond with Thunderbolts which ground attack at the Lictor group 1. They kill one and break the formation which is unable to get away from the Krieg and is wiped out [I don't remember when last something failed to move out of the 15cm range after withdrawal]!

    Then it's last action of Tyranids. Harridan is ordered to advance but that fails and even the Dominatrix is unable to affect the matter. So it holds and glides near the lone Tyrant. Last from Krieg is Death Riders 2 which continue it's show of inaction and hold removing BMs. Krieg commander mutters something about the Death Rider companies long term unreliability and penal legions.

    Tyranids push forwards even as casualties start to pile up on both sides.

    End Phase

    Rally fails: Regimental HQ
    Spawning: Attack 1(<30cm): Malefactor; Attack 2 (>30cm): 4 Gargoyle; Assault (<30cm) Malefactor; Dominatrix (<30cm) Ravener
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2-end-overview.jpg 
Views:	197 
Size:	106.2 KB 
ID:	464  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Turn 3

    Initiative: Tyranids

    The Tyranids manage gain the upper hand this turn and Dominatrix exploits it to full for it order her swarm into engage.

    First Trygon and a Ravener units contact the leading Gorgon while Dominatrix catches the one behind which has 8 units inside! With a sweep of the claws the Gorgon facing Dominatrix is torn apart which is alone able to win the combat. Tyranid losses are one Trygon and 1 damage to Dominatrix while Krieg lose both Gorgons and 16 infantry units [+7 for Tyranids -> +9]. Retaining the Attack swarm 1 engages the Infantry Company into assault. Tyrant and Malefactor sweep forwards and Krieg infantry moves towards them. 2 Infantry units die, but Kriegsmen manage to knock down the Tyrant and resolution sweeps Malefactor [equal -> +1 for Krieg].

    Imperials start with sustain from Bombards. They target assault 2 and wreck havoc killing Tyranid Warrior, 2 Gargoyle, 3 Ravener and 3 Termagant units. Retaining the Flak Battery sustain as well targeting Harridan which saved the only hit done.

    Seeking revenge from the barrage the Assault swarm engages the Death Riders 1. This blows up in their face even more as only 2 Death Riders are killed while Tyranids lose 2 Haruspex, Malefactor and 3 Termagant units [+4 for Krieg -> +4]. Tyranid survivors fall back behind the building they started the turn from. Seeking more revenge the Harridan engages the Infantry company into assault as well sweeping behind it to get to the Commissars unit. While Krieg lose 3 more Infantry they manage to knock the beast from the sky (where are my saves and why the sodding Infantry keeps hitting like they are Ogryns!).

    The lone Death Rider 2 unit tries to engage, but fails and panics breaking and running towards the Tyranid end.

    Seething in failed assault the Tyranid Hive Mind turns to trusty Lictors. They engage the Hydra platforms. The battle goes to Tyranids just about with 2 Hydras ripped in combat and third with Resolution [equal -> +1 for Tyranids].

    In west the Death Riders 1, with heart gained from defeating the Assault swarm, finally get into the battle and engage the Meiotic Spore Clusters. The assault goes for two rounds and for loss of one Death Rider unit, 5 Spore Clusters are cleared and the final one breaks and moves on the road towards the Tyranid blitz [+2 for Krieg -> +1]. This brings them into range of Attack swarm 2 which responds with proper Tyranid attitude and engages them. Riders counter charge into the nearby Assault swarms Warriors in hopes of spearing them on lances. This does not happen and 7 Death Rider units are killed without any losses for Tyranids [+4 for Tyranids -> +4]. Death Riders withdraw to west behind a forest.

    Last to go is Thunderbolts which do an attack run against the Lictors. They however fail to anything anything.

    The Dominatrix is slaughtering its way through Krieg and starts aiming for the blitz.

    End Phase

    Rally fails: Death Rider 1, Infantry company, Hydra platforms
    Spawning: Attack (<30cm): Gargoyle; Assault (>30cm) Malefactor and Gargoyle; Dominatrix (<30cm) Malefactor and Termagant
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3-end-overview.jpg 
Views:	152 
Size:	99.5 KB 
ID:	465  

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Turn 4 Krieg

    We were running out of time so game speed was accelerated. This is because we got started later than we aimed originally .

    Initiative: Krieg

    The Bombards start the turn with sustained fire. Barrage is aimed to Attack swarm which loses a Ravener and 3 Gargoyle units. Retaining the Machariuses are ordered to sustain however they fail to aim and even the Supreme Commander is unable to change that. So they hold and shoot anyway with one tank suppressed at the Dominatrix, but fail to penetrate the thick hide of the beasts.

    Then it's Dominatrix again which engages the Machariuses. The Regimental HQ is partly in the way and they have move around them. Tyranids don't get off easy as they lose a Ravener and a Termagant units in addition to 3 damage to Dominatrix. However they do win and only the fearless Commissar is once more the sole survivor [+3 for Tyranids -> +4].

    In Tyranid end the last unit of Death Riders 1 engages the last Meiotic Spore Cluster into firefight and manages to knock it down with resolution. This prompts the Attack swarm to engage the unit and wipe the formation out. Then as we are really running out of time we check that can I get the Take and Hold. Assault swarm engages the Regimental HQ and wipes them out taking control of the objective.

    End Phase

    Last thing to check is if Death Riders manage to rally. They don't so the game is clear, 3 - 0 for Tyranids with Blitzkrieg, Take and Hold and They Shall Not Pass.

    Dominatrix takes the blitz from the Kriegsmen who flee before it!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	4-end-overview.jpg 
Views:	156 
Size:	94.5 KB 
ID:	466  

  7. #7


    Congrats on the win, (you were the bugs, right?) and thanks for providing us with another entertaining battle report. Your Epic battle reports don't get much publicity, but rest assured, they are read and enjoyed.

  8. #8


    Yup thanks for posting, always good to read/look at interesting reports ;]

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