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  1. #151
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Detroit, Michigan


    Damn, 40k players really treat chick gamers that poorly?

    Sounds like some of em need a good punch to the throat, or at the least a headbutt.

  2. #152


    We had a great LGS called Central Command in San Antonio. There were a few female players. I think they fit in well and had a good time. CC closed down and the crowd moved over to Dragon's Lair... same thing there... a couple of women players but not many.

    As for the hygiene issue: that's just nasty. Their buddies need to clue them in!

    cheers... chris

    PS Seems like there are a good number of female CCG players in my area... they play the card-flopping games but not the wargames... not sure why. In my personal life, my wife cannot stand science fiction stuff so she's made it clear that while she's supportive of me having my hobby she have no interst in playing any of these games...

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    About 95% of the guys I know who play WFB, LoTR or 40k have never even talked to any females outside of their families so most of them feel really intimidated and nervous around any female gamers. My girlfriend sometime comes to my local hobby center with me when I go since she likes to look at the models which she also paints with me sometimes, and with my luck I normally go there when it's a game night, and every time she comes with me everyone stops what there doing, point at her, stare and start whispering to each other, and it's even worse when its Magic the Gathering night.(most of them are 15-20ish). But most of all I just think it's guys not being use to being around females at all, or when they are around one they start to sweat and stare directly at there chest and if the guys say anything at all it comes out as something really odd, and the better looking the females are the more nervous and awkward the guys get. But I think/hope that if more females got into gaming and showing up for game nights or tournaments that hopefully things would get better, but until then my girlfriend will never go near hobby shops anymore =/
    Last edited by Sparda; 04-14-2010 at 12:32 AM.

  4. #154


    Is it too simplistic just to say that there are some things guys do and some things women do? Personally i am not sure why, it just seems to be that way. I live in the UK and go fishing alot, its another thing you hardly see women doing. I ride motorbikes, you hardly see women riding them as apposed to being on the back of their other halves bike. There are plenty of things that you hardly see guys doing too though.

    But on the flip side i guess there is hope, look at football (soccer) 30 years ago it was male dominated but now most crowds i see have about 30/40% women in them. I know the Womens game (as in playing) is hardly massive but its a start!

    As for people saying their kids are getting into it, i have 3yo and 7yo girls, the 3 yo seems to think the models on my desk want to fight Peppa Pig over my half done scenery and even possitioned a space marine librarian facing a vampire counts skeleton on a piece of rock scenery and told me off when i tried to move it. and the 7yo is more into doctor who than i am!

  5. #155
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by trackanddice View Post
    Is it too simplistic just to say that there are some things guys do and some things women do?
    The mouth of the Emperor shall meditate wisdom; from His tongue shall speak judgment

  6. #156


    Well, why don't we just end it on this note?

    Warhammer, like any other legitimate form of entertainment, should not be restricted to any sexual, ethnic, racial, religious, or national group, and should be recognized for what it is, a system in which one plops down some minis, rolls some die, makes some *pew pew* noises and stupid jokes, wins or loses, shakes the other player's hand and leaves.

    As, to the best of my knowledge, male-exclusive organs are not used to roll dice or move models around*, or any other of the actions described above, I believe that I am not alone in the opinion that it doesn't really matter what your sex is, so long as you aren't a complete douche and want to have fun blowing up model Sphezz Merheens and stuff.

    *Please do not regale us with stories to the contrary.

  7. #157


    Quote Originally Posted by Melissia View Post
    Thought it might be.........

  8. #158


    This conversation is ****ing ridiculous.

  9. #159
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    "The Pines", Victoria


    How is it ridiculous? is it ridiculous if you were a woman an dbeing treated like crap in a male orientated hobby that males think they have the sole right to play with?
    In my local gaming store, there are no woman there at all, one guys GF wanted to play but with all the ego's, and crap that goes around she was put off for being a woman. This coming from guys who know the hobby, exploit it and love it all in one.
    I dont blame woman for wanting to not play there, they treat woman like idiots, and dont think they can play, paint and love the game like them. I dont even bother playing there with the way they treat even other people that are not the loved regulars.

    Its such a ridiculous thing when people like you dont want to understand how it is for some to not be let it to this hobby that males claim and think they have a right to push around, verbal abuse and yes as some have said, physical assault.
    Guess it just challenges there male minds, inferiority and makes them nervous to lose to a woman.
    For you Marshel2Criusaders to say that, just proves my point.
    "Heretics crave the cleansing fire of absolution. They need not fear, for we shall deliver"

  10. #160
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    In your basement.


    I'll agree that for a lot of men I know, girlfriends and wives stomp all over their hobby.
    But if you think explaining wargaming to women is hard, TRY BEING GAY.

    Seriously. I've gone on dates with women who looked like they were using every bit of restraint to not walk out when I told them I liked to spend all my free time sitting and playing plastic space men with a load of teenage boys. They're like "What's the point? Is this really an interesting way to spend your time? With immature men?" To which my natural reply is a rant on the fact that gaming and nerdism in general does NOT equal immature.

    After one such botched date I was at my favorite hobbyshop when my opponent's girlfriend walked in swinging her car keys and looking around to see if any women outside the shop could see her. She comes up behind him and wraps her arms around him and goes
    "Are you playing with your dolls again sweety? I wish you would grow out of this. It's so childish."
    She looks up at me and notices my barely noticeable breasts. She might as well have seen freakin' Cthulhu sitting across from her boyfriend for the look on her face.
    "Wait... Girls play this game?" Her boyfriend puts his face in his palms. She prances over to my side of the table.
    "Good! Maybe I can get some feminine perspective! Why do you grown people play with toys?" I can feel my eye twitching. "did you guys just never grow up? How can any of you get dates? Is it because you can't pay for them because it would cut into your doll budget?" She bends over, tugging on the bottom of her shirt to wriggle her tatas out a little farther in front of all the men in the store, and squints at my Necrons.
    "Why do you spend so much time painting these? What's the point? You're not really accomplishing anything. I just don't have that much time for toys..."

    At this point I loose my cool.

    "Gee..." I say dryly "You sure seem to have time to paint your face pretty elaborately every morning. At least I have to foresight to not wash off my favorite toy every night." Her beet red boyfriend looks up, stifling a giggle.
    "What?" She flares up a bit.
    "Well, at least when I paint a Troll I'm trying to make it look like a Troll and not like a prostitute..."
    She turns white and comes to what is, of course, her only logical conclusion.
    "Are you trying to steal my boyfriend?!?"
    "Nope. You know why? CUZ I'M A FREAKIN' KWEEUH!!!" She backs away.
    "So it's a dyke hobby now?!!" At this point, half the store stands up and points towards the door, shouting "OUT!"
    She goes "Fine! I don't have time for you f*ckers anyway!" She glares at her laughing boyfriend.
    YOU! IN THE CAR, NOW!" He chokes out a "No" and she stands, baffled.
    At this point, someone stands up and shouts "FOR THE EMPEROR!!!" Prompting the entire hobbyshop to get up and bum rush her screaming "WAAAAAAGH!"
    She prances swiftly out the door to the cheers of twenty happy geeks.
    I look at my opponent and say "I won't murder your troops with this Monolith if you break up with her."
    "Deal." He snorts.

    Man that was a cathartic day...

    Seriously, though. All the boys at my local shop are wonderful and tolerant.
    I love them.
    Goodbye Bols!

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