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Thread: Re: Dark Angels

  1. #1

    Default Re: Dark Angels

    I keep hearing rumors that say that the Dare coming sooner, i.e. within the next year, vs. later. Has anyone else heard this as well? It was my understanding that the DA were quite a ways off but I keep seeing postings on other forums that say different.
    As a veteran, DA player I'm looking forward to the new codex, especially after seeing how they reworked the SW and BA codex's.


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  2. #2


    Haven't heard th rumor but DA is a fairly old codex, i would say mid 2011 is soonest you'd get it. I always liked the DA cloak things and the fluff behind them (That and the fact im awesome at painting green)

  3. #3
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Currently we're looking at Dark Eldar, Grey Knights, Necrons, and Sisters as having rumors indicating they'll come, probably in that order. Haven't heard too much about Dark Angels, but I reckon it'll be another xeno or heretic faction after Sisters, and then Dark Angels after that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    I wouldn't be surprised to see Black Templars take the slot that Melissia mentions - their codex is older than the DA dex after all. If I had to guess, I'd say that after Sisters are Eldar (2011), Black Templars (2011-2012), Tau (2012), and then Dark Angels (2012). Maybe Chaos SMs in 2012 as well.

    Honestly, I'm hoping they wait until 6th edition for the DA dex, though. I'd hate for it to be released at the end of the edition cycle like last time.

  5. #5


    Grey knights before Necrons? they're supposedly a christmas release :P
    And you have to factor fantasy in this aswell,
    DE-O+g/Tk-Necrons-O+g/TK-Sisters/GK then its just a case of oldest/most popular codex really

  6. #6


    I don't see it coming anytime soon. There are already some pretty good plastic dark angels upgrade sprues (Veterans and Ravenwing), whereas SW and BA had almost nothing in the way of plastic kits.

    There are also a few vanilla marine characters (Lysander, Kantor and Korsarro Khan/Bike captain for example) that can represent the key dark angels themes like the Ravenwing fairly well with a bit of imagination.

    Add the two together and I think they'll be last on the list of specific space marine chapters. Grey knights are my bet for the next marine themed list, they need the plastic models and could have some good synergy with Imperial Guard with some plastic Inquisitorial storm troopers.

    My bet for plastic kits:

    Grey Knights
    Grey Knight Terminators
    Inquisitorial storm troopers
    Maybe the storm raven, but my guess is we'll be waiting for the next version of the core marine codex for a big kit like that.

  7. #7
    Abbess Sanctorum
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Gooball View Post
    Grey knights before Necrons? they're supposedly a christmas release :P
    And you have to factor fantasy in this aswell,
    DE-O+g/Tk-Necrons-O+g/TK-Sisters/GK then its just a case of oldest/most popular codex really
    If by they, you mean Grey Knights. I'm just oging off of all the various rumors that have been discussed in the BoLS and the BoLS Lounge, mind...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I can't see Dark Angels getting a new codex any time soo. They were the first Marines to get a revamp (cheap rhinos, bolt pistols etc), and there are still models to come for Space Wolves and Blood Angels. Grey Knights ARE getting a lot of talktime at the moment and the tie in to the Stormraven as a "shared release" (Blood Angels release wave 1.5) to guarantee a good launch for the Grey Knights may prove too tempting for GW! Honestly think we'll see Black Templars way before Dark Angels again.

  9. #9


    I would like to see some sort of update for the DA in the lines of possibly, may the Emperor have mercy! of a White Dwarf update so as to give the gift of 3+ storm shields, apothecary rules, etc.

    Important update issue to be sorted: A better invuln save for Belial (5+/4+).

    In my local store I (deathwing player) am allowed by the other players to play a 3+ save but then I don't know what it is like on the tourney scene which I would like to get into later this year.

    Which rule-bending/harmonising do you allow/play? Or even better has an update been issued by GW?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    [QUOTE=musical-fool;67439]I would like to see some sort of update for the DA in the lines of possibly, may the Emperor have mercy! of a White Dwarf update so as to give the gift of 3+ storm shields, apothecary rules, etc.

    The latest FAQ from GW doesn't cover these points, so I would play according to the Codex to avoid nasty suprises. Some tournaments may allow "common rules" for such items, so worth checking beforehand with the organisers.

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