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  1. #1

    Default 2500 pt Tyranid List (Tervigons)

    This list has probably already been suggested at one point or another, and I am not a tyranid player at the time so forgive me if this list sucks outright, but I was curious as the the effectiveness of this list.

    2 Tervigons (each with crushing claws, adrenal glands, and onslaught) (210x2)
    Tervigon with the same ugrades as above (210)
    2 Tervigon (each with Scything Talons, Regeneration, Catalyst) (210x2)
    3 Units of 30 Termagants (150x3)

    Heavy Support
    3 units of 2 Carnifex (no upgrades)

    The idea is the carnifeces (hehe) run up with the 3 close combat tervigons. The carnifeces hurt the vehicles and big stuff while the tervigons try to take the middle of the pack while gants kill light infantry and make stuff like nobs and terminaters throw dice.
    The other two tervigons hold objectives and support the rear, (I only gave scything talons because I wasn't sure on the wording, do they require a close combat upgrade [it says take one?])
    The idea is there is 11 Monsterous creatures on the field that need to be brought down (not the carnifeces necessarily) and plenty of gants to hold objectives and possibly tie up units.

    Just an idea (with the remaining 40 points maybe give another tervigon regeneration...for some reason I like the idea of a 6 wound model having that)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Frisco, TX


    Sure you can pump out a ton of gaunts, but how do you deal with mobile armies?

    Drop the 2 HQ Tervies and pick up a bunch of HG and you'll have a better shot. They can tear up mech forces so your Carnipoops can go munch on people without huffing and puffing.

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