Hi Everybody,
We are starting the process of archiving the BoLS Lounge. It is 10 years old and has been a fantastic archive of community projects, hobby and conversations. But in 2018, forums are dwindling in the face of ever growing social media. The forum is starting to attract ever more spam and we will begin to move towards a solution.
We are currently turning off registrations on the Lounge.
This will immidiately stop the influx of spam. All current user are welcome to continue posting.
In the future we will begin to lock down the less used sub-forums, and only keep the most used sub-forums up and running, which will further streamline maintenance.
In particular, there will be no changes to the hobby and Lexicanum admin sections.
If any one needs an new account, have an existing member PM me and we will get them in.
-Larry (bigred)