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  1. #691
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Oh, sorry for the late reply. Ah true, blue might give it a good look as well. The main reason for green is to stick with the limited colour palette I've got going on.

    I finally got round to put the photos I took Sunday onto the PC. The vehicles are a bit shiny right now as they're in their gloss coat to apply the decals. I'll blend them in over the week, and then I can move on.

    In the end I decided not to further embellish the front bumper. The decals on the flanks are already pushing the limit in terms of visual balance. But I wanted to stick with the insignia standards I've got going on in the army. Vehicle number in normal- and roman numbering, a campaign badge, a few chapter badges, and the black blood drop for the 5th company, and then some bling here and there.

    The dread received the same insignia, and I managed to put a fancy ribbon on his hoodie collar, although the gloss coat makes it difficult to see.

    And then the Oni. It was touch-and-go for a moment and I was just working with the darkest tone, got a phonecall, and fumbled gloriously... But I did manage to straighten it out a bit. I think I'll just do a few more highlights and then move on. I realized that I have little over a month to go before our annual gaming weekend and I've got a box full of minis to paint. Not the whole Rising Sun box of minis though, just a selection. the whole box is easily over 60 minis... :S

    But yeah, so I'll need to paint them a lot quicker, or at least get them to a visually interesting stage, and hope they survive a few games without a protective coat on. Luckily most of the crew are familiar with miniature games so there's only minimal chance of ham-fisted babooning.
    Last edited by Meph; 04-17-2018 at 02:13 PM.
    Blood Angels Army Project

  2. #692
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Sorry for the lack of updates, guys, I'v'e been spending little time on the forae, as well as my painting desk.
    But I've been painting for an hour here and there, and things are slowly chugging along.

    The Blood Angels have had their decals blended it, a coat of airbrushed satin varnish, and ready to have their ***** weathered off.
    The first little layer of metallic sponge chipping is already on there

    And the first three Oni are almost done. Honestly, the're not the best models I ever did, but made the hard choice of sacrificing quality for speed. Since the models are legion, and they're going to be used frequently for gaming. So three down, around 40-50 to go, lol. I've got the two next ones in undercoat, and two more that need a wash & scrub.
    But anyways, tadaa!

    Blood Angels Army Project

  3. #693
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Ok, some painting got done. The past few months have been way too hot to paint during the day so progress has been very slow. But I did manage to sneak in the odd half hour here and there during the evenings.

    The land speeder is finished. Although I might touch up the weathering powders here and there.
    I just noticed that one of my lights was still set to a yellowish light when taking the photo's so I think I'll take some new pics later.
    The Stormtalon has been undercoated, a golden stripe added to the wings, and the cockpit done. Tomorrow I'll glue the cockpit shut, mask it, second undercoat, and then she's good to go.

    The Deredeo is actually also finished but since the base flock is drying, pics will come later.

    And then I spent some time making a new model of one of the characters of out Warhammer Fantasy campaign four years in the making. Gotrak (no relation), the Daemon Slayer of the party who got his arm lobbed off some sessions ago. He promptly invested his hard-earned gold to go to a dwarven engineer and requisition a steam-powered punching arm.
    Just a quick kit-bash of some bits and bobs, and a daring foray into greenstuff world to make some straps.

    Oh, and a bit by accident I stumbled across a nice little bust online, which will make a nice birthday present when finished.

    So, some stuff finished, some stuff progressed, and there's more to come. Onwards!
    Blood Angels Army Project

  4. #694


    Worst Case of Crabs Ever!Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Worst Case of Crabs Ever.jpg 
Views:	91 
Size:	156.6 KB 
ID:	19950
    "It is easier to deceive people than it is to convince them that they have been deceived."

  5. #695
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    lol, yeah. She's got all kinds of nasty stuff under that gown.
    Blood Angels Army Project

  6. #696
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Thank the gods that the heatwave is over! Finally was able to put in an afternoon of painting without paint drying in an instant!

    Deredeo finished and based. I must say I'm pleased with the model. Boaty McBoatface really grew on me, and I have his bigger brother Leviathan lined up as well. :-P

    The Tempest Land Speeder is also done. And the Stormtalon redesign has gotten its cockpit masked and base coat put on. I'm actually looking foward to see how that one turns out, as I do think it's already looking spiffy in red, evenifIfdosaysomyself.

    And then... Gotrak's buste got some paint splatted on. I must say I am liking it a lot playing around with glazes, but I also constantly am catching myself subconsciously losing patience and speeding up way too much. there are lots of little drying marks all over the place, but nothing too destructive I feel. Some spots can be blended in when I start highlighting, other might be turned into little skin blemishes.

    So far I have just done some shading while keeping in the 'three-band' theory in mind; i.e.: top yellow, mid red, lower blue. I also used some purple for shading on the cheeks, and darkening the are around his eyes. I want him to have a somewhat tired look and reddened cheeks & nose from excessive drinking (it's a dwarf after all). I think the model might even be just big enough to use some red cloth fibers to put some veins on the eye whites.

    But considering this is my first forray in large bustes with realistic humanoid skin tones, I'm open for any advice, tips & tricks, etc. The skin is full of wonderful little details, like tiny wrinkles and cuts and I'm wondering how to bring those out the best. thinned glazes/washes, perhaps some thinned oil paint? Or should I apply a very, very fine drybrushed highlight here and there to really pick out the edges of said cuts & wrinkles?

    Blood Angels Army Project

  7. #697


    Fantastic! Are you sculpting and kitbashing these or are the production busts and vehicles?
    "It is easier to deceive people than it is to convince them that they have been deceived."

  8. #698
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Well, the Tempest Land Speeder and Derereredeo Dread are Forgeworld models, unaltered. The Stormtalon is a heavy conversion of the original model. And the bust is a lucky online find.
    Blood Angels Army Project

  9. #699
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Altadena CA


    I loooooove that glowing green on the dread.
    Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.

  10. #700
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Cheers man! The glow is deceptively easy: white coat, gentle drybrush with Goblin Green, gentle drybrush with Ork Flesh, and that's it.

    I decided to give the hair a base coat (it's going to be a ginger dwarf), just to see how the skin actually looked with some colour around it. I'm not too sure how far I should push the shadows as I feel the skin has a quite realistic look at the moment. Mind you, in the flesh the whole red shading on the cheeks and nose somehow does appear a bit darker than on photo.

    I'm wondering, how far would you guys push it?

    To compare, I took some phone photos.

    And then I finished the red on the Stormtalon. The red came out just a tad darker than usual, but that's OK. I was very eager to get the making tape off to see how the stripes looked, and I'm quite pleased with the results. That black and gold sure does give it an old kitch look, doesn't it?

    Blood Angels Army Project

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