BoLS Video Batrep 8-7-2009 BA vs Eldar

Thread: BoLS Video Batrep 8-7-2009 BA vs Eldar

  1. Bigred's Avatar

    Bigred said:

    Default BoLS Video Batrep 8-7-2009 BA vs Eldar

    Our first video battle report.

    Bigred's Blood Angels face off against Bushidoredpanda's Eldar.

    Who was the tactical genius and who made the most errors?

    Hope you guys like these.

    Got some Juicy News? Email BoLS
  2. Emperorsmercy said:


    Pretty good, a bit shaky but the Temple of Skulls was a nice addition
  3. ThePov's Avatar

    ThePov said:


    I can haz moar plz? Kthnxbye!
    Proud Battlefleet Gothic evangelist. You got BFG questions? Just ask!
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