[1850] Death Guard Vectorium

Thread: [1850] Death Guard Vectorium

  1. Captain Bubonicus's Avatar

    Captain Bubonicus said:

    Default [1850] Death Guard Vectorium

    Pretty straightforward - Typhus, 7 min-sized units of Plague Marines, a Dark Apostle and 6 min-sized squads of zombified cultists. I'm hoping to drive the zombies forward as melee tarpits and mobile cover, do my assaulting with the 3 flamer and meltagun-equipped Plaguemarine squads, and do as much double-tapping with the 4 plasmagun-equipped squads as possible.

    My worries are that 2 squads with meltaguns and powerfists on all the Plague Champions aren't gonna be enough anti-armor firepower to handle Space Marine free transport spam, and that even with "Relentless" my footslogging Plague Marine squads just aren't mobile enough.

    Any and all feedback (even if it's "tear this up and start over!") is appreciated.


    Plague Colony

    Typhus (1) - 230pts

    Plague Marines (5) - 155pts
    1 Plague Champion: Champion of Chaos,Power fist,Boltgun,Plague knife
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Flamer,Bolt pistol
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Boltgun,Bolt pistol

    Plague Marines (5) - 165pts
    1 Plague Champion: Champion of Chaos,Power fist,Boltgun,Plague knife
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Meltagun,Bolt pistol
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Boltgun,Bolt pistol

    Plague Marines (5) - 165pts
    1 Plague Champion: Champion of Chaos,Power fist,Boltgun,Plague knife
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Meltagun,Bolt pistol
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Boltgun,Bolt pistol

    Plague Marines (5) - 175pts
    1 Plague Champion: Champion of Chaos,Power fist,Boltgun,Plague knife
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Plasma gun,Bolt pistol
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Boltgun,Bolt pistol

    Plague Marines (5) - 175pts
    1 Plague Champion: Champion of Chaos,Power fist,Boltgun,Plague knife
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Plasma gun,Bolt pistol
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Boltgun,Bolt pistol

    Plague Marines (5) - 175pts
    1 Plague Champion: Champion of Chaos,Power fist,Boltgun,Plague knife
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Plasma gun,Bolt pistol
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Boltgun,Bolt pistol

    Plague Marines (5) - 175pts
    1 Plague Champion: Champion of Chaos,Power fist,Boltgun,Plague knife
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Plasma gun,Bolt pistol
    2 Plague Marine: Plague knife,Boltgun,Bolt pistol

    The Lost and the Damned

    Dark Apostle (1) - 135pts
    1 Dark Apostle: Power maul,Plasma pistol,Mark of Nurgle

    Plague Zombies (10) - 50pts
    1 Zombie Champion
    9 Plague Zombie

    Plague Zombies (10) - 50pts
    1 Zombie Champion
    9 Plague Zombie

    Plague Zombies (10) - 50pts
    1 Zombie Champion
    9 Plague Zombie

    Plague Zombies (10) - 50pts
    1 Zombie Champion
    9 Plague Zombie

    Plague Zombies (10) - 50pts
    1 Zombie Champion
    9 Plague Zombie

    Plague Zombies (10) - 50pts
    1 Zombie Champion
    9 Plague Zombie

    Total: 1850 pts.
  2. Angelofblades said:


    Suddenly a wild Knight Titan appears. What then?
  3. Captain Bubonicus's Avatar

    Captain Bubonicus said:


    "Run away! Run away!"
  4. Lemt said:


    This looks like it'd do quite well against assault armies, but would fold over against a good shooty army. Nurgle units are slow, unless something's changed in the new codex (don't have it yet myself). Could there be some way to fit a unit or two with Warptime in there? Still, at the very least I think 4 each of the units of Plague Marines and Zombies could be a very good army base. The rest of the points I'd probably use for some other way to support the army.
  5. Captain Bubonicus's Avatar

    Captain Bubonicus said:


    I'll have to re-do this list with the new 8th edition codex and see if it's still viable!