Crit Damage Miniature Games Guild Ball Match Reports Season 3

Thread: Crit Damage Miniature Games Guild Ball Match Reports Season 3

  1. CritDamage said:

    Default Crit Damage Miniature Games Guild Ball Match Reports Season 3

    First match report of Season 3: Hunters vs Brewers!

    Jaz and I were super excited for the changes in Season 3 and we shot a super quick match report

    Not a serious game but we give a full review at the end and plenty of the new rules come into play also!!

    Excuse the rule mistakes I am sure plenty exist

    If you like the content make sure you subscribe and follow we are going to bring plenty more reports in the near future.


  2. CritDamage said:


    2nd report! The new and improved Engineers vs the Fisherman!

  3. CritDamage said:


    Christmas upload!!!
    More season 3 guild ball reports this time its Mike and the Butchers Guild vs Steve and his engineers!!!

    First match with the cutters and while a few mistakes were made they were plenty of fun!!
    Fillet is going be in the next report upcoming!!!

    Make sure you guys like, share and subscribe for more match reports!!!!

  4. CritDamage said:


    Newest report Fillet vs Smoke!!

  5. CritDamage said:


    New match report!

  6. CritDamage said:


    New match report
    Alchemists vs Hunters!

  7. CritDamage said:


    New match report is live!

    Brewers vs Engineers super grindy fun match!!!

  8. dgwhite87 said:


    thanks for posting these all in one thread. I will be watching
  9. CritDamage said:


    No worries mate! I like to keep them all in one place only changing when the season updates enjoy and let us know if there is a match up you want to see!