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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Realistically, it will have one of the human factions (Empire/Bretonnia) v something. I'd say it wouldn't be unreasonable to see Skaven in a set there, but I can't see them doing new models this soon after a line they just re-released.

  2. #12
    Fly Lord
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas, United States


    I would be shocked if those two were the starter races.

    Also note that the earlier set of rumors saying Empire vs. Orks came from one of the community's longstanding relaible sources.
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Atlanta, GA


    The last WFB big box I bought was HE and Orcs. Yeah, it was a long time ago. I don't play WFB that much, but I do buy the models for use in other systems. Aesthetically, I love Skaven and think the HE could definitely use some remodeled core units. I'm much more excited about Skaven and HE than Empire and Orcs. Perhaps only because I'd love to see more model love for the Skaven and HE than Empire (which have received plenty fairly recently) or Orcs.

    Greenskins got a nice round of updates when the last boxed set came out. I know it's been a while, but certainly there are still a lot of ugly metals and plastics in other armies that could use an overhaul. What do Greenskins lack currently, good boar riders and savage orcs? I don't even know what Empire could get as an improvement outside of some new unit.

    Again, speaking strictly from a point of view of a player who doesn't actually play with official GW rules very much.

    I have to wonder if there's any evidence that people who don't currently play WFB would be more enticed to buy a box set with Skaven and HE. I think I would have if I were coming into the hobby anew. Surely GW is pushing to try to recruit fresh players in light of their falling sales (and rising profits).

    It took me a long time to really like the Empire aesthetic, which is finely integrated within the unique old world feel of the WH world. I had to get into the whole world of Warhammer before Empire, Brets, and Chaos seemed really interesting. Maybe they're experimenting and attempting to attract new folks who might find the Skaven or HE look to be a bit more exciting?

  4. #14


    Rex the way I see it is that, Orcs and Goblins and Empire do sell well. If you ask me this is a test from GW to see if putting less popular races in a Starter box will encourage people to start new races, and increase the sales of those armies in general. Oh and Harry, a reliable rumour poster from Warseer, seems to think there is a high chance of this happening, he has heard a couple of possible combo's from his source's about the new Starter and these propped up a lot. Apparently it was changed last minute.
    Last edited by Bloodthirster; 02-13-2010 at 01:18 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Man.. it just seems so unlikely. I can absolutely see the HE getting some starter love, as they have FAR too many metal models, but Skaven?!?! Really?! They just released all the new stuff. I can't see it happening.

  6. #16


    The skaven weapon thing in 3up modeling is probably just a new release for the skaven weapons teams in their second wave release due in a couple of months.

    Empire v. Greenskins is a classic matchup, however HE's v. Greenskins would work as well. Still, my money is on Empire as it's a more popular army than HEs.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I would love to see HE with my newly started HE army, which im taking to tourn i notingham tomoz actually. Anyway Fantasy is done diff to 40k, at least while i have played it, 40k is always marines v something, Fantasy has always changed with the kinda change ork to gobbo,

  8. #18


    HE I could see, but in general, Skaven have too many special rules for the starter set. They have a tendancy to use armies with minimal to no special rules.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Midland, MI


    Well, it could be cool if that is the way that GW goes. I know that I have often wanted them to do multiple box sets for the one box empire vs orcs, another dwarves vs gobbos, andother he vs de, etc. Now I know that that is not feasible from a monetary viewpoint, unless the games (or at least the mini sets) would be available for much longer than 4-5 years....and I do know why they release a new version that often....after all, 40k or WFB big boxed games become stale to most of us after only 3-4 years as it is (not that we don't love them).

    But while the company has almost always used one of the "main" armies, they have mentioned (at least preliminarily a while ago) about using one of the less "sales king" model ranges. As long as they can stay away from lots of "special rules". And yes, Skaven have tons of them (especially special units) but they could keep them to the more "basic" stuff, garner a whole bunch of new skaven players, and then they know that the sales of some of the special pieces would stay strong for some time (rather than a big explosion when they come out and then a slow dwindling to virtually nothing.) So while they miss out on the "main armies" those would probably sell pretty well over the life of the game, while the "lesser army" may stand to get much more "gain" form longer sales trends if it is in the box set.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Attilla13 View Post

    But while the company has almost always used one of the "main" armies, they have mentioned (at least preliminarily a while ago) about using one of the less "sales king" model ranges. As long as they can stay away from lots of "special rules". And yes, Skaven have tons of them (especially special units) but they could keep them to the more "basic" stuff, garner a whole bunch of new skaven players, and then they know that the sales of some of the special pieces would stay strong for some time (rather than a big explosion when they come out and then a slow dwindling to virtually nothing.) So while they miss out on the "main armies" those would probably sell pretty well over the life of the game, while the "lesser army" may stand to get much more "gain" form longer sales trends if it is in the box set.
    Totally agree with that, only I just have so much trouble seeing them put an army they JUST re released in a boxed set. Plus, Skaven has so few metal models left, it just doesn't seem necessary.

    That's part of the reason I can believe HE in the boxed set; they have a TON of metal models left. However, they're all Specials or Rare.... With that in mind, all the DE Specials are metal, too. I could potentially see them doing a HEvDE, but I don't think they'd throw a bunch of elites in a boxed set. However, if the plastic Gryphon is a reality...maybe a plastic Hydra to combat it.....

    Regardless, I want to see the following plastic kits:

    High Elf


    Love to see both IRONBREAKERS and SLAYERS as plastic; quite frankly, I'd think that Slayers just scream plastic, as you could outfit them as all the different types of slayer.


    Sweet christmas, How hard would it really be to do plastic Questing Knights and Plastic Battle Pilgrims?


    Maybe a hybrid plastic Manhunter/Tyrant kit?

    O & Gs

    Boar boys I suppose, but Why the hell not a plastic squig box? You know they'd sell the **** out of it, as it could be used for 40k too.

    Vamp Counts

    I don't think they NEED any, but come one wants to pay $90 for metal Blood Knights.

    Wood Elfs

    They could use some love, for sure. No reason we couldn't see plastic Wild Riders or Wardancers. I'd also really love to see a treekin / treeman combo pack. Something like enough bitz to do 3 tree kin or 2 tree kin and 1 tree man.

    Tomb Kings

    Some plastic Tomb Guard would be nice, as would another 2/3 pack for Ushtabi, with plenty of cool bitz.

    Sorry for the rant, but I really hope that GW moves towards as much plastic as we can get. I dig the 3 packs like the Killa Kan pack, and lets be honest.... they are going to sell a TON of those Kan packs.

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