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  1. #1
    Fly Lord
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas, United States

    Default Ogre Kingdoms Rumors

    [URL=""]latest scuttlebut via warseer[/URL]

    Well, it's time for the Ogre Kingdoms to belch up some smelly rumors for the community. Lets see what the followers of the Great Maw have in store for us.


    Possible for ‘summer release’ (June/July/August)

    Plastic Rhinox kit able to make a scrap launcher, rhinox ridden by an irongut rider (with parts for a lord or butcher) or a third variant that will be a gnoblar fighting platform/ chariot. 100+ pieces.

    No giant remake.

    No changes to plastics current.

    A *possible* plastic set for tyrant/slaughter master. Price is ‘on par with the minotaur lord, if it happens’.

    New Gorger, metal and disturbing.


    Gnoblar Fighting Platform

    Rhinox Riders

    Gnoblar hero choice, riding a giant (possible as a mount upgrade, as opposed to a special character?)

    A halfling that got lost and now lives in an ogre camp, disgused as something icky no doubt (entry in list?)


    A Leadbelcher upgrade for Tryrants, with grapeshot, worked out per the old warpthrower rules.

    “Hidden" rule for hunter and trappers. 4+ to see at long range

    Slave Giants

    Slave giant "barge" attack, d3 impact hits at s6 if charging father than 6 inches, plus 1 to roll on chart. Possibly get extra rules when near the tyrant. More than a "tacked on feel" in the list.

    Rhinox riders are possibly more like a single model than units

    Fixes to the ranking problem and a tighting to the spikefists. they have quite a few army wide rules

    Dogs of war rule is in there. so far.

    Slaughtermaster won’t require a Tyrant to use them

    Change to Leadbelcher fire rule

    Hunter cannot shoot and move

    Ogres have same base armour save for gut plates

    Bulls as of now are cheaper with more default gear.

    Gnoblar are the same in points.

    Ironguts are now the elite unit of hungry ogres they are.

    The magic items and big names are getting the same treatment as VC. Butchers are getting overhauled completely.

    "Nowhere to run!" Gnobular rule that allows Gnoblars to rally at the end of a flee move if they flee through Ogres. They take d6 casualties.

    Iron fists give an extra attack and a 6+ armour save.

    Core choices will be cheaper by around 5 points.


    Gutmagic is gone, replaced by bound spells that effect the unit the butcher is in, with a ranged spell. Level equals spells known. They are bought (ingredients)as of now they also impart a MR equal to the level they are. lord is a level 3, hero can be 1 or 2. only one per unit. One item for a Lord causes enemy wizards to roll every dice they generate and lose them on a 6 (hungry maw) then the number eaten modifies the roll on the Ogres miscast list. Item lasts whole game and counts as an army wide rule. 100pts

    Now its current incarnation is a magic item at 100pts. It confers an army wide rule, like the Warshrine. No roll at the beginning of anything. Every turn the opponent rolls his/her PD or DD and throws away any 6. those are the maws now. Dice held in items dont roll. unless they get used. The pool gets rolled anytime your hot finger touches a dice to roll in the magic phase, on a 6 its gone, including MR. This does NOT effect the OK player. to be clear. for every 6 rolled you keep track of it. this modifies the roll on the miscast table. the new one you force the wizard to roll on. it looks like the OK one now..

    Your level equals the spells you can buy off a list of spells. The spells are ingredients. For example Troll fat is an ingredient that gives regen. On a 2+ the Butcher gets regen, takes a wound on a 6+, on a 6+ the units the Butcher is in get regen, he takes a wound. Each model takes a wound on a 6+ no saves, (maw is hungry).

    Butcher will take a wound on a when its eaten by him. Always if its the unit. Also its RIP as now, one effect a unit, at a time.
    ~As with all this rumor stuff, big caveats apply, as we are talking about a summer release slot out past the Blood Angels. The Tomb Kings had their turn, and here come the Ogres. On balance I don't know who I'd like to see more as the next WFB army.
    Got some Juicy News? Email BoLS

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kalamazoo, MI


    I posted a lengthy recap with my thoughts on my blog ... not going to repost it here as it is too long!!!

    Check it out if you like:
    [url][/url] - A WHFB Gnoblog

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    In your basement.


    Oh, hell yes! I never thought it would happen! I can't believe GW is updating one of my armies! If they update Necrons within the year they will officially be off of my sh*t list!

    Holy balls. I new Ogre 'dex. The Great Maw has truly blessed us!
    Goodbye Bols!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Midlands, UK


    This may, just may, combined with the release of 8th edition, be enough to get me to try fantasy again... for the fourth time, maybe I'll actually like it with ogres!
    Cats and Dogs are better than kids because they eat less, don't ask for money and if they get pregnant you can sell their children.

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