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Thread: White Dwarf 115

  1. #11


    So, I see a boatload of new options for Marines.

    Huge positive on the supplement price point. Hardback, 128 pages, $33. That's a good price for customers. (Sure, sure, it could be lower, but it's quite reasonable.) Definitely makes it more appealing.

    I'm mildly concerned on the psychic powers. Could quibble a bit about them being priced higher than the current set (which I believe has more in it), but that's not the main concern. I still remember dropping that cash for a set of cards recently that were very flimsy and came in a thin box that offered no real protection for repeated transport. I hope that was a one time fluke and these are the same quality as existing psychic cards.

    It'll be interesting to see if the CSM supplements got updated to the new style. I'd guess they did, given what happened with Waaagh! Ghazghkull, which was a newer supplement. (Gotta quibble a bit on price there. Space Marine supplement is a nice 128 page hardback at $33, and then they release an 80 page softback supplement for the same price? Actually, two, both with that price. Um... G-Dub? Did no one there think about these releases before putting them out together?)

    CSM Terminator Lord and squad is a nice package. Solid price point, and I could use a Lord and some Terminators for my Iron Warriors. The Chaos Lord kit is still rocking solid, and it was fun to assemble the Sorceror Lord from Execution Force, but Iron Warriors don't do psykers that much. (Word Bearers, on the other hand...)

    Interesting mix of releases. I still want to find out who's responsible for planning release schedules, though (and/or pricing). It's bad enough when you can look back through the last few months and see 80-96 page hardbacks for $33, 80 page softbacks for $33, 80-page softbacks for $16.50, few-hundred-page softback for $35, etc, which seems a bit peculiar and makes it clear prices aren't based on "have to charge this to make a profit." Setting two releases in the same week with the same price where one is over 50% more content *and* hardcover for the same price? Makes those poor CSM players (and Ork and Tau players, because we still remember) feel like you forgot the lube. But at least SM players got a nice price point, and AoS players.

    Sorry, bit of a rant there, but it's that all-over nature of things, and how it could obviously affect customer feelings toward the company and negatively impact sales of certain lines, that drives me nuts.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Erik Setzer View Post
    makes it clear prices aren't based on "have to charge this to make a profit." Setting two releases in the same week with the same price where one is over 50% more content *and* hardcover for the same price?
    It could be that prices reflect what they need to make a profit if they expect the Marine book to sell in greater numbers (because Marines) and the CSM have a smaller print run and higher per-unit costs.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    My farseer has texted me to let me know that he's pissed that SM's now get Fortune.
    And that they can cast it easier.

  4. #14
    Fly Lord
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas, United States


    More Space Marine Bundles on the way...

    via [URL=""]Scanner[/URL] 4-4-2016

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ASTARTES-companycommand.jpg 
Views:	487 
Size:	62.2 KB 
ID:	17930Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ASTARTES-spacemarineheroes.jpg 
Views:	456 
Size:	81.5 KB 
ID:	17931Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ASTARTES-Terminatorcommand.jpg 
Views:	480 
Size:	74.4 KB 
ID:	17932
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  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    Quote Originally Posted by Djbz View Post
    And that they can cast it easier.
    Tack on invisibility and sanctuary to your storm shield terminators and Robert is your mother's brother.
    I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. --Voltaire

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


    At least it appears they aren't giving codex marines a termies command squad. Very curious about the new powers.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben_S View Post
    It could be that prices reflect what they need to make a profit if they expect the Marine book to sell in greater numbers (because Marines) and the CSM have a smaller print run and higher per-unit costs.
    Nope. AdMech books were for a niche army and were $33 for hardcover. AoS GA books are redundant (since you can get all the rules free) and just a luxury that can't be expected to sell high numbers, but the comparably sized GA book is $16.50, while the $33/$35 books are 3-4 times as large.

    No, it's that their pricing structure is an absolute mess, and the only way to fix it would be to do a top-down price modification, which they don't want to admit they need.

    Similarly, they insist on not lowering prices, which then leads to more oddities, when you have these Terminator Squad plus Commander sets (about $80/$75 separately, but $60 together) and then, worse, the Space Marine Heroes set, where if you buy three normally $30 models (well, the Commander might still be $25, despite having a lot more options), you can get them for $50. So, wait, does that mean that they're taking a LOSS to sell these? Nope.

    I'll give them credit on the SM supplement (and the AoS GA books, and the AdMech books), and I'll give credit on the combined boxes. But these things are still going to show that most of their line is priced all wrong, and they're going to have to stop being stubborn idiots and admit they screwed up when they priced themselves out of their own market.

  8. #18


    Weird... The scanned page above lists the Angels of Death supplement as "hardback," but the release list for the week says "(SB)" suggesting softback like the CSM supplements.


    Wonder which is accurate?

  9. #19


    Psychic powers for Spacemarines cool. About time. Need the Eldar to balance it, maybe the hated Dark Eldar.

  10. #20


    Hmm. So I saw the books in person today. Even picked up the Angels of Death book.

    Funny thing: None of them are hardback.

    Imagine my surprise seeing that after seeing the White Dwarf pages that say that, not to mention this quote directly from GW's website AT THIS VERY SECOND:

    "Within the 72 pages of this hardback, full-colour book you will find:"

    So, okay, the pricing scheme has remained pretty much the same (well, it's still a bit all over if you look at varying page counts, plus codices and AoS books that are hardback for the same amount, but hey, it's mostly consistent in a week's releases). But someone screwed up, and there might be customer getting what they expected to be a hardback book (or two) and then finding out it's really softback. Not sure how people will feel about that.

    As for the contents of the AoD book... Yowza. It can make Eldar cry. And others.

    The sickening Skyhammer Annihilation Force is no longer part of an online-only limited-time bundle. All Marines can use it. (Well, standard Marines. No Blood Angels, Dark Angels, or Space Wolves, until an FAQ fixes that situation with a lot of this.) And since it's just a standard formation with no limitations on it, you can run an entire army of SAF's.

    Ah well. Marines should be back at the top, as befits the best-selling army.

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