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  1. #181
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I finally did a "scale shot", so you can see how tall these aliens are -
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    PA got some exposure on this blog : [url][/url]

    Also semi-related - I released my new album on the 13th last month. If you like Dark, harsh, futuristic Electro-industrial music, then get it ;

    FREE VERSION : [url][/url]

    EXTENDED VERSION : [url][/url] (£.4.50)

    extended version has remixes from CYANOTIC, R010R, TECHNOMANCER, SEVERE ILLUSION, THINGS OUTSIDE THE SKIN, TERMINAL STATE and RUINIZER + 2 exclusive b-sides.

    All profit goes directly into funding my tabletop wargame, so do consider supporting me, but if you cant - thats why theres a free version
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Been a while since i posted here.

    I have been considering creating a small/simple board-game, something along the lines of Heroquest and Space Crusade, but set in the Primeval Abyssian universe. The reason is that this tabletop wargame is such a lot of work and will likely take at least another year or two before it is ready, so I am considering the idea of putting out something self-contained and smaller in the mean time.

    Dimension Tomb is the basic idea I've come up with. It involves playing either a Tolathian or Luuran Dimensionaut which as the name implies, explores other dimensions. In this case, the dimension they are exploring happens to be the Master of Unlife's very own Necroverse. So you will be exploring extra-dimensional tombs in another universe and hunting for treasure while evading Necroverse Sentries.

    I have already started sculpting the gaming pieces, and so far it looks like you will have 2 Dimensionauts (1 Tolathian and 1 luuran) along with 4 Masters of Unlife Crypt Sentries, a moulded plastic gaming board, dice ect - the contents will likely change but this is what I plan on so far. I will post photos once there is enough work to show for it.

    Would you be interested in buying a small game like this? It will likely be quite cheap and simple to play.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Logo_Version02.jpg 
Views:	78 
Size:	54.7 KB 
ID:	11313  
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  4. #184
    Occuli Imperator
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I enjoyed the last one and look forward to this new one.
    Fan of Fuggles | Derailment of the Wolfpack of Horsemen | In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

  5. #185
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    thanks! ^_^


    Started the Tolathian Dimensionaut :

    I'm very tempted to make more than just two Dimensionauts as well, perhaps a few from alien races that do not have military power but are more scientific ones (giving me a way to add more races to the setting without making new "armies")
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Working on another master model for PA - this one is a Quartoulian.

    I'm quite happy with the metal plating that looks like it is bolted to the creatures flesh with the rivets. I just need to add an arm holding a weapon and it's basicly done.

    fluff -

    The mysterious and fearful Quartoulians originate from the nightmarish Shadow Vault - they are a race able to manipulate and alter mass to such a degree they have learnt to create variable mass based weaponry and technology.

    The Quartoulians are the remnants of a living reflection of a universe simulation discarded aeons ago by the Adrifell. The Adrifell did not expect their universe simulation to have a reflective shadow to it, but somehow once the simulation was disabled - the reflective shadow of it still remained and evolved. The Adrifell then sought out and destroyed every shard of it's data-existence - but something somehow survived.

    The survivors became the Quartoulians which somehow managed to hide themselves in the dark nebulas. Once the Adrifell vanished from the Etherium - the Quartoulians built up an empire and became one of the major factions of the Etherium using the Shadow Vault worlds as their base to launch crusades to collect as much energy and power to keep themselves alive.

    Quartoulian shadow-matter, the material they are made from needs a lot of energy to sustain itself, so the Quartoulians have become a desperate faction - constantly striving to continue to exist in a universe that was never made for them.

    The Shadow Vault itself is the last remaining fragment of the reflective shadow generated by the long destroyed Universe Simulation. It is however slowly decaying every few years, increasing the desperation the Quartoulians feel. For them, survival is a struggle and everything they do is to survive their own personal apocalypse.
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Thanks very much to Ed Fortae of Troll Forged miniatures - I got some of the metal masters I need to get going on these two factions.

    Quite exciting to have something I made in metal like this! Kinda cool for me
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  8. #188


    Dayum - looking forward to when these are on the Trollforged store! Wouldn't mind giving a bit of support to a cool indie wargame.

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I'd appreciate that greatly as i fully expect to lose money over this project. I'd really love to see people collect and paint up full forces of these things though - itll be probably quite cheap and affordable though, and you'll only need about 20-30 models on average (same scale as 2nd ed 40k)
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  10. #190
    Join Date
    Jul 2009




    Overview of the Uloardiom Combine -
    The Uloardiom Combine are a civilization that have perfected the art of Quantum Splitting of the Particles and Properties and combining different particles with different properties to create unnatural forms, and thus aiming to create perfect bodies for themselves. The Uloardiom have also managed to create advanced data storage by layering multiple properties onto single atoms, thus allowing each particle to have multiple states.

    The Uloardiom homeworld Ulorthorix, is hidden in a string of layered physics known as the Great Deceit. Due to the way the layers have been produced – the physical laws are protecting, hiding and deflecting each other in specific and complex ways that create a maze of quantum side-effects.

    Uloardioms use the ability of splitting properties from particles to create powerful and destructive weapons based on the concept of layering. They purposely find quantum effects that produce the most destructive effects and then layer them onto each other in various combinations to create even more chaotic weaponry. The side-effects of these weapons however can cause micro tears in reality that can even destroy their own weapons and even themselves – making them one of the most dangerous and unstable factions in the entire Etherium.

    The most feared Uloardiom weapon is the Pulse Trap, a device that holds different physical properties in seperate cells then releases them to create a quantum chain reaction that encapsulates the enemy in a damaged shard of reality that destroys their bodies on the quantum level.

    Due to the dangerous and reckless attitude of the Uloardiom, their Combine empire is relatively small and secluded – however now various forces from outside the Ether have reached their hands into this reality the Uloardiom combine worlds have taken notice and wish to unleash their dangerous experimental weaponry on any that dare go near them.

    The Uloardiom Combine are also a culture that is obsessed with perfection, which has lead to various classes, each based on the percentage rating of perfection that is awarded to them by the High Commanders of the Fifteen Colonies. Uloardioms even experiment by quantum splitting their own bodies and minds and trying to remake themselves into better forms to impress their High Commanders and move further up the percentage scale.

    History -
    The Uloardiom were once like any other Abyssian species – until archeologists working in the Ruins of the Adrifell civilization came across a desolate wind swept and forgotten world and uncovered an ancient relic, known as a Quantum Splitter machine. The Archaeologists took the Quantum Splitter back to Ulorthorix and news of the machine spread like wildfire. Within weeks, Uloardiom ships flew out to the world the Splitter was discovered and thousands of archaeologal digs were opened to try to uncover more.

    The digs revealed that there were indeed hundreds of the Quantum Splitter machines out there under the grey particle sands, stashed in enourmous chambers that were easily able to be broken into. It took many years for the machines to be shipped back to Ulorthorix – and many years were spent learning about the machines and what they could be used for.

    The Uloardiom became obsessed with the quantum splitters – almost like the machines themselves gave off an aura of alurring possibilities and control. Uloardioms began experimenting even on their own bodies – splitting the properties and particles and layering new ones onto themselves to make themselves stronger. The idea of perfection spread throughout the entire civilization and within a few years they became obsessed with perfecting themselves above all over purpose.

    Last edited by Asymmetrical Xeno; 04-02-2015 at 08:49 PM.
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

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