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  1. #261
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Isle of Man


    looks funky
    Twelve monkeys, eleven hats. One monkey is sad.

  2. #262
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Portland, ME


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigred View Post
    via [URL=",warhammer-40-000-adeptus-mechanicus-bilder-onager-dunecrawler-woche-1-anleitungen,id42268.html"][/URL] 4-1-2015
    that picture makes it look worse than the blurrypic 2 weeks ago!
    I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. --Voltaire

  3. #263
    Iron Father
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Vancouver Island, BC


    looks like a defiler...before chaos

  4. #264


    It's growing on me. Still want to see a clear pic like.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  5. #265
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Minneapolis, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by Defenestratus View Post
    that picture makes it look worse than the blurrypic 2 weeks ago!
    I dunno, the view of that huge optics suite on the left side of the gun on the one of them, and the differing angle of the picture actually has me more excited to see that model. - Hobby and gaming articles

  6. #266
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    It looks a bit more blanchey and weirder than the other stuff seen, it's growing on me.
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  7. #267


    The walker thingy looks like the child of an Imperial AT ST scout walker and a defiler.
    The worst of both sadly.

  8. #268


    That one on the right (or left side of the picture) looks like it could be an AA version going by the feet and the additional kit on the side of the (I think) auto-cannon.

  9. #269


    suddenly, i have no interest in these guys, even though i've been waiting two decades

    the reasonable 22 quid, suddenly morphs into $AUD 66 for skitarii infantry............................... F**K YOU AGAIN GW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #270
    Fly Lord
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Austin, Texas, United States


    via [URL=""][/URL] 4-2-2015

    Codex Skitarii Rules Latest:

    Codex Umfang & Allies:

    Der Codex Ad Mech ist vom Umfang her ähnlich dem Harlequin Buch. Es gibt beispielsweise kein einziges HQ Modell im Buch, nichtmal einen Slot dafür. Es gibt im Prinzip “nur” die bisher bekannten Einheiten. Ad Mech ist eine Armee des Imperiums und somit als BB mit allen anderen imperialen Armeen kombinierbar.

    Force Org:

    Der klassische Force-Org der Skitarii ist im Prinzip eine Formation, die allen Einheiten “scout” und “crusader” verleiht, satt! Außerdem bekommt der Warlord (und damit einer der Infantrie-Einheiten) “preferred enemy”. Liest sich so wie: “unsere normalen Einheiten sind nicht stark genug – lasst uns mal ein paar gute USR verteilen…”.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Force-Org-Ad-Mech-e1427988659515.jpg 
Views:	925 
Size:	238.6 KB 
ID:	13508

    Wardlord Traits:

    Die WLT sind mal wieder weniger spannend.

    eternal warrior
    eine Waffe master-crafted (aber kein Relikt)
    12″ reroll pinning, moral, fear
    overwatch mit BF4
    reroll failed fnp + x


    myteriöses Zeug rerollen
    zealot USR
    Ini1: jede Einheit im Nahkampf mit Träger macht Widerstands-Test, verpatzt = W6 Wunden ohne Rüstung
    Phase Taser mit Initest bei Wunde oder tot
    Pistole mit Gimmicks
    Skull of Elder…Effekt xx

    Waffen (Auswahl):

    Icarus Array (nur für Dunecrawler, aber SATT!): Deadalus missile launcher: heavy 1, 7/2 48″ skyfire + gatling rocket launcher: heavy 5, 6/4 48″ skyfire, ignores cover + twin icarus autocannon: heavy 2, 7/4 48″ skyfire, interceptor, twin-linked.
    Eradication Beamer (nur für Dunecrawler, Standarf-Bewaffnung): 0″- 9″: 10/1, 9″ – 18″: 8/3 blast, 18″ – 36″: 6/5 large blast
    Neutron Laser: 48″ 10/1 blast, concussive


    Es gibt insgesamt 6 Doktrinen. Zu Beginn der Bewegungsphase kann jeweils eine genutzt werden (one use). Die Doktrinen geben

    +1 BF
    +1 KG
    +2 BF / -1 KG
    +2 KG / -1 BF
    +3 BF / -2 KG
    +3 KG / -2 BF

    Schmankerl: Dunecrawler
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Ad-Mech-Dunecrawler.jpg 
Views:	1465 
Size:	128.6 KB 
ID:	13509
    Dazu gibt’s ein paar spannende Ausrüstungsoptionen, u.a. das Icarus Array für stolze 45 Punkte als Ersatz für den normalen Eradication Beamer oder den Neutron Laser. Die Läufer verfügen außerdem über Schilde (6++), die sich mit weiteren Läufer der Schwadron in 4 Zoll um jeweils einen Punkt verbessern (max. 4++).
    German speakers... get on it!

    Google translate results (not the greatest):

    Codex scope & Allies :

    The Codex Ad Mech is very similar in scope to the Harlequin book. For example, there is no single model HQ in the book, not even a slot for it. There are basically "only" the known units. Ad Mech is an army of the Empire and can therefore be combined as BB with all other imperial armies.

    Force Org :

    The classic Force Org of Skitarii is basically a formation that all units " scout " and " crusader " confers full! In addition, the Warlord gets (and thus one of the infantry units) "preferred enemy" . Reads as : " our normal units are not strong enough - let us to some good USR distribute ... " .

    Warlord Traits:

    The WLT are again less exciting.

    eternal warrior
    a weapon master-crafted (but not a relic)
    12 "reroll pinning, morals, fear
    watch over with BF4
    reroll failed fnp + x


    rerollen myteriöses stuff
    zealot USR
    InI1: every unit in close combat with carrier makes resistance test, marred = D6 wounds without armor
    Phase with Taser Initest in wound or dead
    Gun with gimmicks
    Skull of Elder effect ... xx

    Weapons (selection):

    Icarus array (only for Dunecrawler, but NEED!): Daedalus missile launcher: heavy 1 7/2 48 "skyfire + gatling rocket launcher: heavy 5, 48 6/4" skyfire, ignores cover + icarus twin autocannon: heavy 2, 48 7/4 "skyfire, interceptor, twin-linked.
    Eradication projector (for Dunecrawler, Stan May-Armament): 0 "- 9": 10/1, 9 "- 18": 8/3 blast, 18 "- 36": 6/5 large blast
    Neutron Laser: 48 "10/1 blast, concussive


    There are a total of 6 doctrines. At the start of the movement phase can one be used (one use). Add the doctrines

    +1 BF
    +1 KG
    +2 BF / -1 KG
    +2 KG / -1 BF
    +3 BF / -2 KG
    +3 KG / -2 BF

    Onager: Dunecrawler

    Plus there's a couple of interesting equipment options, including The Icarus array for proud 45 points as a substitute for the normal Eradication projector or the neutron laser . The runners also have shields (6 ++) that deal with other runners in the squadron 4 inches to climb up a point ( max. 4 ++).
    Last edited by Bigred; 04-02-2015 at 11:34 AM.
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