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    Default Craftworld Eldar in the rumormill

    Time for Def's post count to explode as once again CW Eldar are rumored....

    According to Lords of War (which apparently has since been deleted), after Admech silliness comes the core being and most pivotal race in the 40k universe: Craftworld Eldar.

    Supposedly with some shiny new plastic jetbikes.

    My bet is that this will be Codex Eldar: Saim Hann. An updated JB sprue, an updated Autarch, all with Decurion-like formations to put it all together. If it is, then I seriously doubt that we'll be seeing a change to the Wave Serpent's rules but rather, a change to the way you can get them.

    via Lords of War Gaming 3-29-2015
    Yes. After Admech it will be codex Craftworld: Eldar. Plastic jetbikes and Artach.
    via[URL=""] atia[/URL] 4-13-2015
    Eldar Release
    Minis coming:

    - Codex Eldar: Craftworlds
    - Codex Eldar: Craftworlds eBook
    - Plastic Autarch clampack
    - Windriders Jetbikes / Shining Spears combo-box
    - Autarch/Warlock/Farseer Skyrunner combo-box

    - Datacards: Craftworlds
    - web paint bundles for:
    Biel-Tan, Ultwe, Saim-Hann, Iyanden and Alaitoc
    - Windrider host web bundle

    These are all confirmed by GW website redirects.
    via GW (youtube) 4--13-2015

    Eldar Details & Prices

    The new Eldar book will be 160 pages, which is on par with the Space Marine book that gave us faction rules for some chapters. Word on the street is that we will see the same treatment for select Craftworlds as well!

    Via [URL=""]Warseer[/URL] 04-13-2015

    from over on Dakka
    Squidmanlolz wrote:
    judgedoug wrote:
    Pricing leaked for first wave
    codex craftworld eldar $58.00
    datacards $12.50
    windriders $41.00
    farseer skyrunner $33.00
    autarch $26.00
    shining spears $50.00
    autarch skyrunner $33.00
    codex fancy edition $165.00

    Prices are usually leaked as scans, aren't they?
    prices in U.S. dollars reportedly from a sales rep
    Attachment 13643
    via [URL=""]Mr.Maloke on Warseer[/URL] 4-14-2015
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    Eldar Rules Collated 4-14-2015

    via [URL=""]Marneus41[/URL]

    3 new plastic kits :

    - Eldar Windriders : 3 new motojets with all the weapon choices available.

    - Eldar Farseer Skyrunner : 1 eldar farseer or warlock (2 heads and 2 weapons choice).

    - Eldar Autarch : no options

    New codex of 160 pages with description of 11 craftworld (nothing about specific rules for them).

    2 new specific psy discipline (battle runes and fate runes).

    One FOC like the necron :

    1-3 guardian hosts (3 types available)
    0-3 Regent of the warhost (Heroes, seer council, living legends (avatar and phoenix lords))
    1-12 formation for each guardian ost (outcasts, crimson death, dire avenger shrine, wraith host, aspect host, wraith-construct, engines of vaul)

    Distorsion wepon = D-weapon.

    CC weapon of the wraithknight is D weapon.

    The wraithknight is now a Colossal creature. Nothing said about Lord of War.

    No relation between FOC and Distorsion weapon. They speak of distorsion weapon in general are D weapon. No weapon profile.

    It is said that the distorsion weapon are very powerfull weapons and that is why they have the rule Destruction. After it is said that the wraithknight is equipped of 2 of them (Heavy wraith canon).

    via [URL=""]Mr. Maloke[/URL]

    "scatter lasers now lost the twin linking bonus, however windriders can now get scatter lasers. (each model can change the TL shuriken catapult for either scatter laser or shuriken cannon)"

    "windriders: same pts as before.
    3 windriders

    statline unchanged.

    may include up to 7 additional windriders for same points as before
    may take a windriderwarlock for same points as before pts
    warlock may replace his hagun zar for a runespear for the same points as before
    each windrider may exchange the TL shuriken catapult for:
    scatter laser or
    shuriken cannon, both same points. shuriken cannon as before.

    that means you can basically have a 10 man unit entirely kitted with scatterlasers for 27ppm and add another warlock to them

    they also are still troop selections. i think the meta shifts again.

    the only other interresting things are those leaked 2 datacards and the 1 leaked psychic power in the WD:

    runes of battle 1
    warpcharge 1

    its either:
    S5 ap 4 assault1, soulblaze flamer
    a friendly unit within 18" restores a single wound. this cannot bring units back to the board that have been removed as casuality.

    and for the datacards:

    11: 1 victory point if you kill a character (not just in a challenge, just a character)
    12: gain a victory point if a enemy unit got killed by a eldar unit with the skimmer or eldar jetbike type. gain d3 vitory points if you killed 3 or more in one round. "

    via [URL=""]Manakel [/URL](using Google Translate from French so pls bear with)

    I had white dwarf hands and also to the speeder bikes which are the same, it is the profile; the figure itself is much better. Regarding their options there is the possibility of their opener or a laser gun shuriken to ten points (same conditions as before).
    WK enters colossal creature.
    There is now a Host World War as a base ship with 1-3 host guards to choose from:
    - 1 GP, 3 units guards defenders, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
    - 1 GP, 3 units of horsemen of the wind, a squadron of vyper and I do not know about the rest
    - 1 GP, 3 units of shock guards, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
    Each keeper host can take regents of the world ship with either:
    - Eldrad, Illic or Yriel
    - 2 GP and a council, one of the GP can be Eldrad
    - Avatar, Phoenix Lords
    For each host guards can take 1-12 "I do not know the name" either:
    - 1 unit to store
    - 3 scarlet hunters
    - 3 units Avengers
    - Tanks
    - Warriors appearance other than avengers
    - I do not know anymore : Unsure:
    All this from memory so I probably made some mistakes
    Rules (White Dwarf) summary via DakkaDakka 4-15-2015
    1) It is a Gargantuan Creature. No mention on if it is a Lord of War.
    2) The Ghostglaive is a Destroyer weapon for the Wraithknight only, meaning the Wraithlord uses the same weapon without it being a Destroyer weapon.
    3) All Distortion weapons are Destroyer weapons, meaning that the Wraithcannon, Heavy Wraithcannon, D-Cannon (the artillery unit), D-Scythes and Heavy D-Scythes are all Destroyer weapons assuming none lost the Distort rule.
    4) You can legally take up to 12 of these in that new Decurion style detachment via one of the Auxillary formations as you can take 12 Auxillary formations per 1 Core formation, basically rendering a Lord of War positional change pointless.
    5) It still has 6 Wounds - the Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage "half kills" it and is specified to do 3 Wounds to it.
    6) It is not Initiative 1 either base or with the Ghostglaive, it strikes after the Initiative 9 Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster but before the Initiative 1 Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage. It is most likely still Initiative 5, making it even scarier than an Imperial Knight in combat.
    7) In the "battle report", it takes on both of those Bloodthirsters and wins, it beats two Toxicrenes, then it pulps an Imperial Knight and a Transcendant C'tan in separate conflicts. It gets stomped by Deathwing Knights in Smite mode, however.

    Windrider Jetbikes
    1) They are exactly the same in terms of stats, special rules and so on; they are still 3+ armoured Eldar with Ballistic Skill 4 and the usual Eldar Jetbike rules. They are a Troops choice.
    2) Each Windrider can take a Scatter Laser or Shuriken Cannon, not 1 in 3 like the old codex. Yes, this is as bonkers as we all initially feared.
    3) Warlocks can now be purchased as part of the squad rather than having to purchase a Council and splitting them off as before. We can expect the same thing to happen with Guardians.
    4) Ancient Doom and Battle Focus are still present, though any changes to either are unconfirmed. We can all hope that Battle Focus actually works for everyone that has it now, including Jetbikes.
    5) Bladestorm is exactly the same as it was, as we all knew from the Harlequin codex.
    6) All of the guns appear identical, save that the Scatter Laser no longer has the Laser Lock special rule.
    7) Warlocks can only take Sanctic Daemonology and Runes of Battle. This might indicate that Eldar have a similar rule to Grey Knights where they can safely use Sanctic Daemonology but can never use Malefic Daemonology.

    "Decurion" Detachment
    1) Eldar have their own version of this, featuring Command, Core and Auxiliary choices. You can take 1-3 Core choices (all of them are Guardian themed, one being Jetbike oriented and all requiring one Vyper), 0-3 Command choices per Core choice and 1-12 Auxiliary choices per Core choice.
    2) Wraithknights are part of two separate Auxillary choices, and as Auxiliary choices are 1-12 per Core choice, you can legally take 12 Wraithknights per Core choice as mentioned above.
    3) The "army-buff" as per the Decurion is specifically related to mobility, though whether it will be solely tied to Battle Focus (seems to be the implication) or will just affect all units remains to be seen.

    Additionally, the codex is indeed 160 pages. We seem to be getting some kind of special bonuses related to each Craftworld, but this isn't specifically outlined. Whether or not we get Craftworld rules ala Space Marine Chapter Tactics remains to be seen.
    via George Smiley 4-15-2015
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    via [URL=""]Iuchiban[/URL] 4-17-2015

    Ok. Let's go.
    All Distortion weapons are Strenght D. All of them. But the scythes apply a -1 when rolling on the D table, and the strenght is considered to be 4 when calculating the instant death.

    Step by step.
    Banshees add +3" when running or assaulting. They igoner the I penalti when assualting through cover.
    There are no "chapter tactics".

    Yes they have:
    Primaris: Guide (no changes)
    1: Executioner: Focussed witch fire. 24". Target receives 3 hits, always wounds on 2+. If target diez, another model receives 2 hits. If target dies another gone receives 1 hit.
    2: Fatality: You re-roll to wound or to penetrate when firing at target unit. 24"
    3: Will of Asuryan: 12" bubble of Fear and Adamantium will
    4: Fortune: As always
    5: Mind fight: Mainly the same.
    6: Ancestral Storm: Warp charges 3 (5" blast), Warp charge 4 (Apoc blast), 24", Haywire, wounds 2+
    Names may be different in the English version. (I own the Spanish one).

    Wraithknight is LoW (295 points), Jump gargantuan creature
    Wraithguard/blades are not tropos anymore if taking a Spiritseer (Only Elites)
    Crimson hunter basically the same, but 140 points only.

    No changes on Battle focus of the bladestorm rule. No hints on the Iyanden codex

    (Wraithknight) Sword + Shield: Free (Sword is Strenght D)
    Solar cannon + Shield: Free
    (The Wraithknight's Heavy Wraithcannons) Is the equipment by default.

    (Jetbikes) 17/model, every model can purchase one scatter laser or shuriken cannon for +10 points

    (Wraithknight Suncannon) Sun (Sorry for the "solar") remains the same.

    (Wave) Serpents are 110 points, and shield is now: S6, Assault 2D6, Ignores cover, One use only.

    Shining spears have 4+ cover save if they moved the previous turn. 25/model. Lance is: 6", F6, Assault 1, Lance. In combat: +3F when charging. Both are AP3.

    Wraithblades: Same but 30/model and have Rage.

    Hemlock: Same cost, has Lvl 2, can choose Daemonology (Sacred), Telepathy and Battle Runes. D-Scythes are a special D weapon as mentioned above,.

    Scorpions: 17/model, Infiltration, Stealth, and Shrouded until they fire or fight in combat
    Warp Spiders: 19/model Monofilament rule has changed.They roll to wound against I, although the T is still used to calculate ID.
    Hawks: 16/model, they move 18", and when moving over a Flyer the can do a special attack. Hits on 4+, S4, AP4 Haywire

    (Wraithguard) Cost is the same.
    (Regards to Autarchs and Swooping Hawk "no scatter") Basically the same.
    (Squadrons of Falcons/Fire Prisms/Night Spinners) YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Up to three!!!!!!!! And they have special rules if done so:
    Falcon: if Deep Strike, first Falcon does not scatter. Others are place at 4".
    Fire Prism: For each additional Fire Prism firing +1S / -1AP
    Night Spinners: +1S for each Night spinner
    (Serpent Shield) Nop, only 24" (range)
    (Eldar Warhost Detachment) The main bonus of the Warhost is that they always run 6".
    (Serpent Shield Defence) When working as a shield, it works as before.
    Falcon can DS only if taken in a unit of 3.

    Guardians: Same
    Dire avengers: They overwatch with BS2
    Avatar is LoW, but mainly the same
    I cannot see any psyker being able to get malefic daemonology

    Formation rules:
    Guardian battlehost: Vypers, Warwalkers and Vaul's support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardias at 12". Guardians can purchase a Platform for free.
    Windrider host: Once per game all formation gets Shred when firing shuriken weapons
    Guardian Stormhost: Vypers, Warwalkers and Vaul's support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardias at 12". Storm guardians can purchase 2 special weapons for free.
    Seer council: They harness Warp charges with 3+.
    Aspect Host: They re-roll LD tests and get +1 to WS or BS.
    Dire Avenger Shrine: Once per game, Shuriken weapons are Assault 3. +1 to BS
    Crimson Death: Preferred enemy (Flying things), 4+ cover save, and if Jink, may re-roll the cover save.
    Wraithhost: Get battle trance, if targe is at 18" or less from spiritser, reroll to hit

    (Warp Spider guns) Why is that? You still have S6. Target needs to have I6 to wound him on 4+.
    (Dire Avengers Troops) Yes, they are.

    Before leaving I will post the list of special ítems:
    - A pistol S4, AP3, Rending
    - A sword +2S, AP- Rending and if fighting in a challenge, wounds on 2+ and Instant Death
    - One sniper rifle, AP2, 120"
    - One ítem that if bearer does not cast any phychic power, or shots during the shooting phase, he can run 48" and may reroll cover saves.
    - One sword +1S, AP3, Soulblaze (affects wounded unit and all enemy units at 6")
    - One ítem that when bearer diez, 5" template is placed and all models suffer one S4, AP5 hit. If at least, one wound is infflicted, bearer comes back to life, with 1W. One use only
    - One ítem that makes psyhic powers required 1 WC less. No inv saves if done so.
    via [URL=""]Iuchiban[/URL] 4-18-2015
    Phoenix Lords:

    Asurmen (220)
    4++ (3++ if fighting in a challenge). Gets 1D3 Warlord traits. Sword is +1S, AP2, Mastercrafterd. For each wound take a Ld test. If failed model dies.

    Jain Zar (200)
    When fighting in a challange, Jain Zar chooses a weapon of is opponent. He may not use this weapon. If done so, Jain Zar has -1A. Enemy models at +6" get -5 to WS (Mínimum 1). Her sword is AP2, Shred.

    Karandras (200)
    When arriving from reserves can choose any border. His mandiblaster ignores ALL saves.

    Fuegan (220)
    He gets +1S and +1A for each lost wound.

    Baharroth (170)
    When DS all units at 6" are treated as hit by a weapon with the Blind SR.

    Maugan Ra (195)
    Can fire his Maugetar twice per turn (That means 8 S6 Rending shots). Maugetar has an alternative profile: Assault 1, S1, Poison 2+. If one model dies, put 5" marker. All models under the template get a S5 AP4 hit.

    On top of that, they have as well the rules listed for their Aspects.

    Also I will add that illic night spears weapon has lost distort but always has precision shot and can give that to ranger units he joins.
    via [URL=""]Iuchiban[/URL] 4-18-2015
    Ghost helm: When suffering a wound, Farseer can spend one warp point and ignore the wound.

    Runes of the farseer: Once per turn, Farseer may reroll a psychic test.

    Farseer is equipped with both by default. Farseer has same cost.
    Exarch powers, as we all know them are gone. Now all aspects get a new ability for free. Exarchs get another one (free as well). And they have 2W.

    Autarchs are pretty much the same.
    Yes. If the shield is fired, you lose it for the rest of the game.

    Dire Avengers: Overwatch at BS2 OR get counter attack and stubborn
    Exarch: 4++

    Howling banshees: +3" when running or assaulting. Ignore I penalties when assaulting through difficult terrain. Fear. No Overwatch allowed when Banshees assault
    Exarch: Units in CC with the Banshees have -2L

    Striking Scorpions: Stealth. Shrouded until the fire or assault.
    Exarch: During a challenge compare I values. Exarch gets +1A for each point his I is better tan his oponent.

    Fire Dragons: +1 on the vehicle damage chart.
    Exarch: Once per turn, may reroll one to hit, to wound or to penetrare roll

    Swooping Hawks: If the move over a flier, every modl gets one special attack that hits on 4+, S4, AP4, Haywire. They move 18"
    Exarch: His unit does not scatter if DS

    Warp Spiders: They may jump during the opponent's shooting phase. If after the jum, the spiders are out of LoS or reach, firing unit cannot choose another target.
    Exarch: His unit reroll all LD tests

    Shining Spears: 4+ cover sabe
    Exarch: Reroll to wound vs MC and rerolls to penétrate

    Dark Reapers: Reroll to hit if target is: Flier, has turboboosted previous turn or moved flat out
    Exarch: His weapon fires one more shot tan normally. For example: Heavy 2 becomes Heavy 3
    Last edited by Bigred; 04-18-2015 at 09:38 PM.
    I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. --Voltaire

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    It could also be possibly be a campaign book like "shield of baal" with Saim Hann as one of the main factions in it, but I agree if it is an actual codex it's more likely to be something specific like than rather htna a whole new "Codex eldar". I don't know why people are thinking codex books would be updated when they are so new so I agree with you there. Jetbikes are a long long long time coming, so ill be very happy for eldar players!
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Plymouth, England


    I guess if the jetbike kit is out there would need to be anew Autarch on bike kit

    Id like a generic character on bike kit, customisable to Autarch, Farseer or Warlock
    Autarch, Shas'o, Chaos Lord and Decadant Lord of the Webway. And a Doctor!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DrLove42 View Post
    I guess if the jetbike kit is out there would need to be anew Autarch on bike kit

    Id like a generic character on bike kit, customisable to Autarch, Farseer or Warlock
    I could see them doing a duel kit with vanilla jetbikes and shining spears as one kit, and a seperate kit with a single jetbike that makes autarch, farseer and warlock.
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  5. #5
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    Portland, ME


    I've also been thinking about converting the harlie jetbikes to CWE with just a simple torso and arm swap on the rider. Its not too difficult. However, for jetbike models the 3rd party sculptors are a real treasure. My wallet isn't looking forwards to having to replace all of my jetbike models if any new plastic kit is something I like!!

    Doesn't GW know that I have a damn boat to buy? How inconsiderate of them :P
    I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. --Voltaire

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    San Diego, California


    There seems to be conflicting info on this. Nightfury has suggested that all the Codices that have come out since 6th edition (all hardback) are considered 'done', and we'll only see splash releases to fill out finecast replacements (etc) and smaller factions. A few subsequently pointed out that Craftworld: Eldar could be different than the normal Eldar book, a sub-faction.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2009


    Personally I hope they just keep layering new supplements onto the main books. There's a lot to explore with the major craftworlds.
    My Truescale Insanity

  8. #8


    With these recent developments involving smaller factions, I can really see eldar being split into its true nature wether it's GW or FW. Individual craftworld don't need supplements just give them the decurion treatment.
    Codex:-craftworld eldar
    -dark eldar
    -outcasts/corsair (a proper place for sliscus, yriel and rangers.)
    -exodites (more difficult but a unique flavour)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by 40kGamer View Post
    Personally I hope they just keep layering new supplements onto the main books. There's a lot to explore with the major craftworlds.
    I'm the opposite - I want more aliens in the game, but wouldnt mind if they were small harlequin/tempestus sized ranges. You are right though - theres a ton to explore within the xenos factions (eldar especially, but even necrons I have potential these days)
    Please support a Poor starving musician and buy my new album for only £5 :

  10. #10


    God I hope they fix eldar assault and don't screw up anything else.
    Ask not the EldarGal a question, for she will give you three answers, all of which are puns and terrifying to know. Back off man, I'm a feminist. Ia! Ia! Gloppal Snode!

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