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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Loveland, CO

    Post Glory Unto Chaos progress

    This thread is what has been done so far on the project. Suggestions and critiques are always appreciated.

    Proto-rules for the Legions. I think they are good in game and rules terms, not so sure about fluff.
    Legion Armies
    These are rules and requirements for using Traitor Legion detachments. The special rules and options apply to the whole detachment and not just the required units. They have the same allies as Chaos Space Marines except for Chaos Daemons which is unique to each Legion. Legions may ally with other Legions and any other Chaos Space Marine detachment. See the Restrictions section to see if you can take Deamons. If you cannot take Daemonic Allies, you cannot summon them through psychic powers either.

    Iron Warriors
    Requirements: 1 Warpsmith, 1 Chaos Space Marine squad, 1 Defiler, Forgefiend or Mualerfiend
    Restrictions: All units that can take Veterans of the Long War option must have it. No unit can take any Mark of Chaos. Daemon allies may be taken.
    Special Rules: Stubborn
    Options: If a Warpsmith is your Warlord, it has 3 Wounds and 3 Attacks and receives a +1 bonus to repair rolls to a maximum of 3+. He may also take a Sigil of Corruption. Make sure to mark this on your list and tell your opponent before hand.
    You may take 2 more Warpsmiths that do not take up any HQ slots.
    You have 1 more Heavy Support slot.
    These units can take a Fleshmetal, Armor 2+, upgrade: Chaos Space Marines for 6pts per model. Chosen for 3pts per model. Havocs for 4pts per model.

    Alpha Legion
    Requirements: 1 Chaos Space Marine squad
    Restrictions: All units that can take Veterans of the Long War option must have it. No unit can have or take any Mark of Chaos. No units can be Daemons unless they're vehicles. No vehicle can take the Deamonic Possession upgrade. Daemon allies cannot be taken.
    Special Rules: Stubborn
    Units of Chosen and Chaos Lords in Power Armor, but no bike, have Infiltrate, Scout and Stealth.
    An Alpha Legion detachment treats Astra Millitrum/Imperial Guard detachments as Battle Brothers. These allied Astra Millitrum/Imperial Guard units are treated as Codex: Chaos Space Marine units in rules for Hatred and Preferred Enemy as they are vile Imperial traitors.

    Night Lords
    Requirements: 1 Chaos Lord, 1 Raptor Squad
    Restrictions: All units that can take Veterans of the Long War option must have it. No unit can have or take any Mark of Chaos. Daemon allies cannot be taken.
    Special Rules: Fear, Stubborn
    Living up to their name, all units have Night Vision, they ignore opposing models' Stealth when Night Fighting. The Night Lords player can engage Night Fighting Rules on 3+ instead of the usual 4+.
    1 Raptor unit can became a troops choice, meaning it can score and contest. Mark this squadron choice on your army list and make sure your opponent knows which squad it is.
    Reduce the points of all models with a Lightning Claw by 5 points. A pair of Lightning Claws is therefore reduced by 10 points.

    Word Bearers
    Requirements: 1 Dark Apostle, 1 Chaos Space Marine squad, 1 Cultist Squad
    Restrictions: All units that can take Veterans of the Long War option must have it. Daemon allies may be taken.
    Options: If a Dark Apostle is your Warlord, it has 3 Wounds and 3 Attacks. Make sure to mark this on your list and tell your opponent before hand. Your Dark Apostle Warlord may take a Tome of Lorgar for 30pts. Tome of Lorgar: The Warlord can use the Malefic Daemonology power Incursion once per game with the psychic test automatically passed.
    You may take 2 more Dark Apostles that do not take up any HQ slots.
    You may take one squad of Possessed that don't take up an Elite slot.
    Last edited by TheCreator; 01-21-2015 at 07:30 AM. Reason: added intro, grammar

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Loveland, CO


    Would changing the Helbrute into a S6 T5 monstrous creature and have Chaos Dreadnoughts be separate entities be interesting enough or playable?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by TheCreator View Post
    Would changing the Helbrute into a S6 T5 monstrous creature and have Chaos Dreadnoughts be separate entities be interesting enough or playable?
    I think so, yes. The Helbrute could have all the demon-themed rules and upgrades. I'd like to see the Hades Autocannon, Balefire Missile Launcher, and hell, maybe even the Baleflamer as weapon options.

    And the Crazed table? Yeah I don't know about that. Definitely keep it away from the Dreadnought.


    Inspired by a similar thread from a while ago on Heresy Online, I present:

    Land Raider Betrayer (or whatever):

    Same stats as a CSM Land Raider, but no sponsons and replaces the TL Heavy Bolter with a TL Heavy Flamer for 180 points base. Upgrades include all standard CSM vehicle upgrades, as well as perhaps increased transport capacity and Assault Launchers (and maybe a pintle-mounted Multi-melta).

    *edit 2*

    (Assuming Mark of Khorne still confers Rage/Counter-attack)

    World Eaters
    Requirements: 2 Khorne Berzerkers squads
    Restrictions: All units that can take Veterans of the Long War option must have it. No unit can have or take any Mark of Chaos other than the Mark of Khorne. Daemon allies can be taken, but only Daemons of Khorne.
    Special Rules: All World Eaters units charge 6+d6" distance.
    Units of Khorne Berzerkers can be taken as troops.

    Khorne Berzerkers unit entry:

    105 Points
    Khorne Berzerker: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 A1 Ld8 Sv3+
    Skull Champion: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W1 A2 Ld9 Sv3+
    Unit Composition: 4 Khorne Berzerkers, 1 Skull Champion
    Special Rules: Champion of Chaos (Champion Only) Fearless, Furious Charge, Mark of Khorne
    Wargear: Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Khornate Chainaxe, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades

    Khornate Chainaxe: S: User AP: 4 Rending

    Upgrade Options:
    May add up to fifteen Khorne Berzerkers: 18 pts/model
    One Khorne Berzerker may replace his Khornate Chainaxe with a power weapon: 15 points
    One additional Khorne Berzerker may replace his Khornate Chainaxe with:
    - Power weapon: 15 points
    - Lightning claw: 15 points
    - Power fist: 25 points
    The Skull Champion may take items from the Melee Weapons and/or Ranged Weapons sections of the wargear list.
    The Skull Champion may take a gift of mutation: 10 points
    The Skull Champion may take melta bombs: 5 points
    One model in the unit may take an Icon of Wrath: 10 points
    The unit may take the Veterans of the Long War special rule: 1 point per model
    The unit may take a Chaos Rhino, Chaos Land Raider, or a Chaos Land Raider Betrayer as a Dedicated Transport.
    Last edited by Venomlust; 02-07-2015 at 01:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Loveland, CO


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	GuCUpdate01.jpg 
Views:	207 
Size:	115.2 KB 
ID:	12813

    Graphics update!

    Please consider this new special rule:
    All models in Power Armor, Terminator Armor and/or Fleshmetal that do not have Fearless have the Glory Hounds special rule.
    Glory Hounds: Auto passes Fear tests. They are not destroyed by Sweeping Advances and remain locked in combat instead. Units falling back to the table edge are not destroyed, they group together around the first model to reach the edge in base to base contact. These models can only Overwatch until a Regroup test is passed or until the next owning player’s turn.

    All Chaos Space Marine Warlords have the Eternal Warrior special rule.

    Thanks for the response Vemonlust! Gave Chainaxes rending. Chaos Dreadnoughts and Helbrutes are now separate units that don't have Crazed. Will work on Landraiders being super customizable.
    I think it's a good idea to increase Deamon Princes to S7 and T6 to separate them and Helbrutes and to make them more monsterous(pun intended).

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Loveland, CO


    The book so far is divided into these sections: Alterations(rules change and add-ons), Legions, New Units

    More from Alterations:
    Thousand Sons are now 20 pts per model and their base value is 120 pts instead of 150.
    Thousand Sons: Add this special rule:
    All is Dust: Thousand Son models, except for the sorcerer, are immune to damage from all Flame and heat based weapons including Incinerators and are unaffected by the Poisoned rule.

    Chaos Cultists units may upgrade to Traitor Guardsmen for 2 pts per model. They have Flax armor which grants them a 5+ armor save. They may exchange their Autopistol and close combat weapon for a Lasgun for free. See the main rulebook for the Lasgun profile.

    Chaos Atrefacts:
    Crown of Everlasting Conquest: The character gains an Inv save of 5+ if they do not already have one. Can be improved with the Mark of Tzeentch for 4+.
    Once per turn, the character may re-roll one failed Armor save or Inv save. 25pts.
    Shadow Blade: A melee weapon with the following profile: Str +1, AP 2, for 20pts.
    Blade of Malice: An upgrade for a Power Sword or Power Axe. This weapon gets Str10 when fighting against Daemons. May not be taken by a character with any one Mark of Chaos. Power weapon + 5Pts.

    Dedications are rules for cult armies that worship only one chaos god. To receive dedication benefits all units must have the same Mark and Engine of Chaos upgrades. This does mean that all vehicles that can be Daemonically Possessed and upgraded to an Engine of Chaos must do so. All Daemon allies taken or summoned must be daemons of the same god.
    Dedication to Khorne: All units have Admantium Will.
    Dedication to Nurgle: All melee weapons have Poisoned (6+). If a melee weapon already has Poisoned, improve it by 1 to a minimum of 3+.
    Dedication to Slaanesh: All non-vehicle units gain +1 WS.
    Dedication to Tzeentch: Re-roll all To Hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting and Close Combat phase.

    Add this to the Daemonic Possession special rule:
    Any unit with at least 1 Warpsmith embarking into a transport or starting embarked in a transport with the Daemonic Possession rule may instead chose the result instead of rolling. The Warpsmith player may also choose the casualty.

    Chaos Vehicle Equipment:
    Engine of Chaos: Any Daemonically Possessed vehicle may take one of the following upgrades:
    Engine of Khrone: All Combi-Bolters, Heavy Bolters, Autocannons, Hades Autocannons and Reaper Autocannons have Rending for 5pts.
    Engine of Nurgle: Gains +1 Hull point for 15pts.
    Engine of Slaanesh: At the start of the shooting phase, this vehicle may chose to have all of its weapons gain Skyfire until the end the next turn. Upgrade for 5pts.
    Engine of Tzeentch: Gains +1 BS for 5pts.

    Warp Amp: If this vehicle remained stationary, it can double the firing rate of all its Sonic Blasters, Blastmasters and Doom Sirens and the range of the Dirge Caster becomes 12”. Any vehicle may have a Warp Amp for 15pts.

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