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  1. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by Mananarepublic View Post
    Resisting to capitalize on all references to eating myself I presume you mean "are" and not "ate"... in which case the answer is Yes :-)

    It's my iPhone I swear.

  2. #112


    Melissa are you seriously arguing that it would be harder to break one single law than it would be to go against 10 000 years of tradition, religion, technology, alter the human genome and make a mockery out of your God whom you believe is the single thing holding together the entire universe and holding off the forces of Chaos by will alone.

  3. #113


    Last edited by Aldramelech; 03-17-2010 at 04:48 PM.
    To a New Yorker like you a hero is some kinda weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!

  4. #114
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Minneapolis, MN


    Here we go again . . .

    Who says the Emperor would be opposed to female space marines? There are no flying rhinos, but if they found a new STC for a flying rhino, you can bet that they would start making them without going "against 10 000 years of tradition, religion, technology." It's a technological hurdle, not a religious one.

  5. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Fellend View Post
    Melissa are you seriously arguing that it would be harder to break one single law than it would be to go against 10 000 years of tradition, religion, technology, alter the human genome and make a mockery out of your God whom you believe is the single thing holding together the entire universe and holding off the forces of Chaos by will alone.
    So ... I don't own a copy of Index Astartes, but source some of this stuff for me. Ten thousand years of tradition, I'll grant you.

    Religion? What's your source for claiming that the hodgepodge of religions followed by the collective marine chapters go against female marines?

    Technology ... I've gotta go with Mel on the science here. I know that the Adeptus Mechanicus, as a whole, has a lot more capability than it actually uses. I know that the Adeptus Mechanicus does not presently have the technology to implant zygotes into women/girls. But it's always seemed to me like that inability is more because the AM hasn't ever really tried. I have a hard time swallowing an organization that can perform genetic research on tyranids, which aren't even from this galaxy, but doesn't have the capability to implant zygotes into girls.

    Alter the human genome? What's your source for that? My understanding was that zygotes are keyed to male hormones, and turning the hormonal environment of a female into the hormonal environment of a male (or vice versa) is pretty straightforward. High maintenance, maybe, but space marines are already high maintenance.

    Making a mockery out of your God? Whose god? What's your source for claiming that space marines venerate the Emperor as a god? And what's your source for claiming that female marines would make a mockery out of him in the eyes of the chapters you're thinking of?

  6. #116
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Fellend View Post
    Melissa are you seriously arguing that it would be harder to break one single law than it would be to go against 10 000 years of tradition, religion, technology, alter the human genome and make a mockery out of your God whom you believe is the single thing holding together the entire universe and holding off the forces of Chaos by will alone.
    That's not necessarily true as not all marines belive the Emp to be a god and are comparatively free thinking and pragmatic in their approach to things (some, not all by any means). But, all Sororitas and most of the High Lords do regard him as a god, though some will probably be privvy to the Imperial Truth from the crusade era (wether they believe it is another matter).
    So in that regard the edict preventing male ecclesiarchical forces is less likely to be deliberately tampered with in my opinion. Not that it wouldn't happen, just that the people doing it would be more under the control / watch of those who do care - Space Bishop Joe having 10,000 heavily armed and equipped dudes guarding him, the Hereticus might notice. Emperor's Face Destroyers playing with their chemistry set in the basement of the fortress monastary (assuming anyone knows where it is), not as likely to be noticed.

    Buuuuut, I already posted several ways to make a male sororitas force, both literally and counts as, so if well thought out and the background is internally consitant I'd still like to see it done.

  7. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal2Crusaders View Post
    It's my iPhone I swear.
    No worries brother - "ate" was funnier anyway :-)


  8. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by aldramelech View Post
    i believe he's a stripper actually:d

  9. #119
    Occuli Imperator
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    Feast of Blades


    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal2Crusaders View Post
    It's my iPhone I swear.
    LMAO! I don't know how many times my iPhone has done that to me!

    One time I was trying to text my friend "I can't wait to see their dex and get my hands on some fexes," (talking about the Tyranids codex.)

    It took that and turned it into "I can't wait to see thier sex and get my hands on some feces." We still laugh about it.

    Red text= mod voice
    Black text= regular voice

    Follow my blog!

  10. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Nabterayl View Post
    So ... I don't own a copy of Index Astartes, but source some of this stuff for me. Ten thousand years of tradition, I'll grant you.

    Religion? What's your source for claiming that the hodgepodge of religions followed by the collective marine chapters go against female marines?

    Technology ... I've gotta go with Mel on the science here. I know that the Adeptus Mechanicus, as a whole, has a lot more capability than it actually uses. I know that the Adeptus Mechanicus does not presently have the technology to implant zygotes into women/girls. But it's always seemed to me like that inability is more because the AM hasn't ever really tried. I have a hard time swallowing an organization that can perform genetic research on tyranids, which aren't even from this galaxy, but doesn't have the capability to implant zygotes into girls.

    Alter the human genome? What's your source for that? My understanding was that zygotes are keyed to male hormones, and turning the hormonal environment of a female into the hormonal environment of a male (or vice versa) is pretty straightforward. High maintenance, maybe, but space marines are already high maintenance.

    Making a mockery out of your God? Whose god? What's your source for claiming that space marines venerate the Emperor as a god? And what's your source for claiming that female marines would make a mockery out of him in the eyes of the chapters you're thinking of?
    Religion: Astartes "religion" We are made out of the seed of the Primarchs, Who was the sons of The Emperor. All chapters to my knowledge believe that. (the son part should not be taken literally)
    Plus i've quoted before several mentionings of male or man in the BT codex and SM 5th ed.

    Technology: Yes the AM posseses some very cool machines that can do very cool things. But what you are forgetting is that they can't really produce anything new. Most of these machine works because ancient rituals are actually simple maintence procedeurs.
    So making a new zygot that would work for women might be next to impossible because doing so would be techheresy while using the sacred machines that you still have and have had since the days of the Emperor might be perfectly okay.
    And still this is tech heresy and forbidden knowledge. Not to mention that tradition which in many cases overrules law says there can only be male space marines. 10 000 years of only male space marines in any case makes it hard to argue against.
    And even IF someone decided to break the rule and invent this zygot who is to say that it wouldn't immidiantly be declared techheresy and destroyed along with any traces of how the process works?
    All need to do is play DoW2 or read a single book to realise that why some technology they possess is far more advance than we can even think of. The knowledge of how to use it or reproduce it is slim to none.
    "No antenna like this have been produced for a millenia. This is a blow the Imperium never truely recovers from" -Tech marine dude from DoW2

    Alter the human genome? What's your source for that? My understanding was that zygotes are keyed to male hormones, and turning the hormonal environment of a female into the hormonal environment of a male (or vice versa) is pretty straightforward. High maintenance, maybe, but space marines are already high maintenance.
    = See SM 5th ed. Where it clearly states that the natural process of male growth is needed for the process to work.

    "Hey, lets not do like the high lords of terra wants and train men as well. We need more soldiers."

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