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  1. #1

    Smile New Miniatures Sculpts

    Hi to everyone,
    first of all, sorry for my English, it's not my native language

    "Clarification: I'm NOT trying to open a Kickstarter - Indiegogo, each model that I will sculpt in my spare time IS available on [url][/url]. Critiques, Comments and Feedbacks are are welcome, as well as tips on upcoming miniatures!"

    During the last years i took part as sculptor in the most exciting projects, like the insanely successful Raging Heroes - The Toughest Girls of the Galaxy Kickstarter, Slaughterball (don't miss it! the Kickstarter is still running [url][/url]), other projects that are under copyright so i can't show you and a lot of personal project.

    3D print of Yoko

    3d print of Slaughterball Athletes, in collaboration with Francesca Musumeci (my wife, she sculpts too!). The blue guy was not sculpted by me.

    I'm just a digital sculptor, Zbrush is my software, i do everything there, except for pencil concepts. I'm not a molding expert and, even if i have a 3d printer in my home, i can't print miniatures, as they requiere super expensive 3d printers that can make supersmall details. So, the only thing i can do it's sculpt. I do that everyday even if i'm not working, i always try to improve myself using new techniques and styles.

    Video of me sculpting Jynx, for Raging Heroes. Check the video description for more informations

    Now, i have just rebooted my Shapeways shop eliminating every miniature i made in past: looking at them after 4-5 years it's very strange, it's nice to see the improvement but i want to give my best. For who don't know about it, Shapeways is a website where you can sell and buy 3d prints. They are a 3d printing service that offer a very good material for miniatures for a low price. Everyone in Shapeways can be the artist, you can design a 3d model, upload it there and sell it, no needs to own a 3d printer. If there are 3d sculpted out there, don't exitate to ask me for more information about it.
    Shapeways analyze the model and tell you if it works. It also tell you the price based on material, weight/size of the model and printing time. This means that even the artist pay for his model.
    Luckly, the artist can add a small amount to Shapeways price, so you can actually earn 2-3 dollars for each miniature sold. That's what I'm doing with it

    Every artist can select one or more material for each model on Shapeways. I choose Frosted Ultra Detail. It's simply the best, and the only one that can print small models like miniature with awesome details. A single miniature printed in this material could cost from 12 to 25 dollars, it really depends on the material amount needed. The team of Shapeways keeps themselves very near to the costumer and the artist during the printing process, they send email with details and everything. If something go wrong, like a model fail during the print they refund you and the artist have to fix the model (like thicken one part that's too delicate). Shapeways keep you updated and bring you in contact with the artist, so it's a really nice place to make, buy and sell models.

    Right now i work with Raging Heroes, i sculpt during the weekends for my personal projects and from time to time i also accept commissions. I have many models to work on and little time, i will not do money with Shapeways (2-3 dollars per model is not really a lot) but i really want people to have my models. I love them, i would paint them if I could, I would play with them if i had the time and i really enjoy to draw and sculpt new miniatures.

    That's my shop on Shapeweys: [url][/url]
    Take a look at it if you have the time, there's just one set of miniature right now, but I update it any time i finish a model.

    Dwarf Miniature TEST from Shapeways. Frosted Ultra Detail material. Absolutely Work in progress, details not deep enough so I'm fixing the sculpt!

    Gargoyle Miniatures, 41mm from ground to the horns (the standing one) available on Shapeways! Check my shop for more details and does not exitate to ask me if you have questions

    Dwarf Ranger update 2! I finished the first one!

    Thanks! And happy wargaming

    Andrea Tarabella
    Last edited by Andrea_Tarabella; 10-17-2014 at 12:39 PM.
    Buy my Sculpts here:
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  2. #2


    Hello there,
    I found an hour to sculpt the first pose for my series of 3 Dwarven Rangers. Every one of them will be a multypart model as this one, so you could actually swap parts between them. Please open the images in a new tabs to see them at full size.
    This miniature is already available on Shapeways for who's interested, here the link:
    Hope to see many of them painted.


    Last edited by Andrea_Tarabella; 10-16-2014 at 11:01 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Manchester uk



    Glad you like our work Yours is awesome too!!!!!

  4. #4


    unlucky, i have not dwarf miniatures in my home and I'm not going to buy some in these days.
    I'd like to make them at the perfect size for most games, but honestly i'm not sure of the perfect size considering their bulk and proportion.

    I saw great dwarves miniatures on the web that are pretty tall, like 31mm from the ground to the top of the head, so I was wondering if in these last years miniatures become bigger.
    For example, i have a very old Dark Eldar army for warhammer 40k, and compared to the new Dark Eldars, mine looks like Hobbits

    Of course, for 3d printing bigger means better, as a 31mm dwarf could be printed with better details compared to the same at 26.
    Or, i could just change some parts (like upper legs) making them higher or smaller to change the size.
    My concern is that I really don't know wich size should be better.... i'm uploading here an image with the work in progress sculpt , so you have an idea of the proportion.
    The one in the middle is work in progress (expecially hands), the one in the left is just for size comparison, he's not in pose, just a symetrical model.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	size.jpg 
Views:	561 
Size:	302.1 KB 
ID:	11527
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  5. #5


    A new Dwarf Ranger is added to the collection! Both are available on Shapeways in Frosted Ultra Detail. The miniatures are multypart so you can mix and swap the pieces between them.

    You will find it on my [URL=""]Shapeways Shop[/URL] as always

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Dwarf%u00252BRanger%u00252B-%u00252BUnit%u00252B2.jpg 
Views:	219 
Size:	186.8 KB 
ID:	11528

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Dwarf%u00252BRanger%u00252B-%u00252BParts%u00252BUnit%u00252B2.jpg 
Views:	211 
Size:	133.1 KB 
ID:	11529
    Buy my Sculpts here:
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  6. #6


    So, thanks for some feedbacks i decided to shrink down the Dwarves from 28-30mm (top of the head) to 26mm! This should make them a little bit cheaper on Shapeways due to the material amount and also make them more compatible with other games.

    In the meantime, my low-resolution ( ) 3d printer is printing the first two dwarves at a big size. They would not rapresent the final quality of the product by Shapeways but it will be nice for me to have them on my desk, at least i can play with them during rendering time or export for 3d print!

    I had some fun swapping parts between my first two Dwarf Rangers! It's amazing how this work well, i managed to make a "Bruce Lee poses" using the arm that should hold the gun! I'm really happy with it, i will do some photos on the big 3d printed big figures too! My only problem is that i have not decided how to glue them. I still have 16 hours of 3d printing to think about it.

    Buy my Sculpts here:
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  7. #7


    I have just updated my shop, all the models now match perfectly the 28mm scale, and they should work nicely with 30mm scale too. With all my models 2mm smaller Shapeways lowered the price!

    Link to my Shop: [url][/url]
    To avoid big models in my shop, you can change the filters on the left column by clicking "Miniatures for Wargames and RPG). Thanks!

    The Gargoyles went from 20.99$ to 18.99$!
    The set of 3 Gargoyles from 59.99$ to 49.99$! (that's great, as i had to order one lol)
    The multypart Dwarves went from 19.99$ to 16.99$, and that's great too as I imagine that the set of 3 dwarves will be even cheaper and i want to order it too.

    Now, as well explained on each model page on shapeways, the Dwarves are 26mm to the top of their head. Gargoyles (they are bigger than humans in my design) are 35mm, and the one in the rune stone is even bigger.

    Buy my Sculpts here:
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  8. #8


    Dwarf Rangers - complete set is now on my Shapeways Shop!

    As I just managed to export the file for Shapeways, the third and last Dwarf Ranger is now available on my Shop
    The three dwarves are multypart miniatures for the 28-30mm scale games so each one will be tall about 25-26mm once assembled. All the body parts can be swapped between them thanks to the balljoints, there are no limits of posing in this way.

    In my Shapeways Shop you can buy the three dwarves separately, or save some money with the set of three dwarves! Don't miss them
    My Shop (you can browse here all my miniatures and sets): [url] [/url]

    Buy Dwarf Rangers - Complete set here:

    Feel free to share this post with your friends and enemies,
    thanks for reading and watching
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  9. #9


    Thanks to everyone who purchased the model! I'm so happy about it and i really can't wait to see them painted!

    In the meantime, I have created the Facebook Page for these miniatures. Like and share it if you want to receive weekly updates with more photos, new miniatures available and much more

    Miniatures are already available on the shop!
    Thanks to everyone who's supporting this project with feedbacks and critiques.
    Buy my Sculpts here:
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