Maelok the Dreadbound

Thread: Maelok the Dreadbound

  1. odinsgrandson's Avatar

    odinsgrandson said:

    Default Maelok the Dreadbound

    Here's a miniature that I painted up for [url=]Clash for a Cure[/url]- a charity tournament that's going on later this month. He has to sit next to miniatures donated by a lot of top painters, including some of my very favorites.

    As a side note, this guy has tons of details on him. I don't think I've painted a mini quite like this since Kromac the Ravenous. And for some reason, I haven't yet checked if they're by the same sculptor.

  2. Cutthroatcure said:


    I believe you have a ton of talent, and i have seen it in other models you have painted. With this one i feel you used to small of a color pallet and sadly the colors all seem to blend together. The model just does not stand out. No offense at all and as i said you do a lot of great work!